Using Your Own Brain

Discussion in 'Comments on Forum' started by Ken Anderson, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    I don't believe in the masks for the covid and I do not go down the street yelling or complaining about others that do.
    On my property a sign was just put up that states.
    Anyone entering this property hiding their identity with a mask will be considered as a criminal and be deal with in that manner. You have been warned.
  2. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I'm not sure anyone comes to the forum to change their mind or to learn anything - seemingly more for entertainment without having to think.
    Most opinions and beliefs about some topic come from some media, news, or broadcasts or internet searches -
    and those are not nearly as reliable as old tested and proven books and/ or testimony of long time tested and proven witnesses , but those also will usually be via internet or news broadcasts.

    How many people are able as I was to talk directly with the doctors and nurses and patients about what one of the best doctors with a history for decades of healing people called " a bunch of nonsense" ? (the covid news)

    This might be excused by some as "anecdotal" evidence, but the source is better supported and verified historically and by fact checking than all the cdc and fda and other such broadcast information , much of which has changed several times in the last 2 years, and often contradicted by facts proven from other sources .

    And why is this called an "agenda" and deleted when I make a post or thread, same as this one we are in a discussion in ? Who is in control or directing such actions to show favortism to one or other posters ?
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    We mostly come to this forum to visit with each other, and share what is happening in our lives, @Jeff Elohim . Even though we all live far apart from each other, our desire is to become friends.
    When someone is only participating in any thread just to repeat the same thoughts and opinions over and over, then those opinions become meaningless, and just propagation of that person’s agenda.
    This disrupts the whole flow of the thread, and also alienates people from the person who is spamming the forum with their trolling. Spamming and trolling and agenda posts are usually reported with the report button at the bottom of each person’s post.

    Try just being friendly and sharing with other people how your life is going, and show empathy for other people who are having a difficult time , and you will discover that that kind of post won’t be deleted as an agenda post.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  4. Joyce Senior

    Joyce Senior Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2021
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    I come here (to the serious forums) to get brain exercise. I enter some of the other forums to be helpful, for instance to someone who's looking to move to Florida. I don't go into any forums just to repeat my opinions over and over. If I can learn something from someone else, that's a very good thing and one of the ways of doing that is by debating the issues.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  5. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    (I agree with most of your post).
    When something is posted repeatedly, like the repeated posts about toxic treatments for cancer, and the poster is not interested in finding out what to do, I avoid that line. (very obviously)

    When something is posted repeatedly, and it is about something the poster has suffered, experienced, or wants to know what to do, and it seems they or some reader may benefit,
    I likely have repeated the solution.

    The agenda, if you choose to call it that, is healing.
    Propagation of healing is what people want , is it not ? Or have they given up on healing, and given in to the very popular new form of idolatry : modern medicine ?

    Yes, some of the posters get mad or upset, when they do not understand the purpose of my posts, ideas, and purpose.
    I though I posted plainly, simply, such that they could see for themselves and start to find out for themselves, if they want to,
    and others reading (there are often ten times more guests , and more robots, than members reading the forum)
    may benefit if they want to.

    Those who get mad have been persuaded to push the ignore or the report button instead of discussing the issues that upset them, so they never learn, at least not so soon.

    Is their agenda, is their propaganda, to promote what is hurting people, as misery loves company !?
    I do not report them when they do that, even though what they post could be fatal to them or their children.
    I'd rather it all be discussed open and above board,
    bring everything out in the light for all to see and discuss,
    stop calling what you/they/ disagree with an "agenda" or "propagating" as if different from their own posts.
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It is not your place to judge why people come to this forum, @Jeff Elohim , or why they believe what they do.
    If they do not want to hear different opinions that you want to push on them, then you are going to either have to change what you post here, or find that you have a lot of deleted posts for just pushing your agenda on people.
    Try to just get along and not force your beliefs on people.

    Right or not, you cannot rant and rave and shove your opinions down someone else’s throat, over and over again.
    You not only do that all of the time (which is promoting your agenda, whether you think that or not), but you also attack people who disagree with you, and who do not even WANT to hear what you keep repeating endlessly, over and over, in every thread.

    People have come to the point where they are talking about leaving this forum because it is not longer enjoyable , due to your trolling the forum with your agenda.
    It is amazing that you have not been completely banned from the forum because people ARE reporting your posts as objectionable.

    As a moderator, I have deleted your off topic posts, your rude personal attacks, and your spamming agenda posts, and I will continue to do that in the future as long as I am a moderator here.
    The people on this forum are like family to me, and I will not let them be plagued and attacked by your trolling any longer !
  7. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    ? a double standard here ?
    They routinely judge why I come to this forum (and I guess you do too, though mistakenly).
    They likewise judge me as much or more , if I judge why they believe what they do ? Has this been discussed in any thread - make a thread and discuss this specifically if you think it happened or is important.
    They post here a lot more than I post here, on things entirely wrong, and I never mention it anywhere - I don't post about it.
    I have no "agenda" as you keep judging for yourself that I do, other than replying to posts I agree with or disagree with -
    "FOR DISCUSSION" if you like , that's fine and good.
    When did anyone "force" their beliefs on people any more than you are trying by "forcing" my posts to what, stop DISCUSSING what I think or know ?
    See, how convoluted it can get if you choose sides ? And why? Because someone does not like that their pet peeve , their "idol" if you will, is found not to be able to stand on its own ? Let them discuss it, and I will discuss it, and like on other threads when they don't want to know, I go on to other threads/ topics.

    Someone might declare they want to go someplace where their "faith" in (__________) is not questioned. Fine.
    If they won't or don't want to discuss it, why worry about it.
    I sometimes thought of not visiting this forum when other gods were the topic, and idolatry was being promoted.
    So ?
    Each person can come and go as they wish, right ? Will you stop letting them discuss idolatry because it is so offensive ? No, I doubt it.
    So why pick on me ? Every post is truth, and not personal opinion nor personal agenda . If you don't think so, DISCUSS IT. Ask a question of me. Deleting posts or threads because someone's idolatry may be exposed
    does not seem to be right , and I'm not sure that happened anyway - just an example and
    seeming contradictory standard though for your "friends" and their topics vs my threads and posts.

    Or, not uncommon btw, did the government say not to allow some topics ?
    John Nopales likes this.
  8. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    ", our curiosity to the media, and our facts to the professionals, and I don't think that this has served us well. We look to religious or secular leaders for guidance on what to think, how to act, and what positions to take. We may not like or agree with what our political leaders do but we accept that they can do pretty much whatever they want, and our acquiescence on these matters hasn't necessarily served us well either.

    The very fact that we consider others to be our leaders is doing us a disservice. It's one thing to accept that someone has the power to take my stuff, to lock me up in jail, or to kill me, but it's quite another for me to accept that they are my leader. Where are they leading me? Is it anywhere that I want to go?"

    The current idolatry with which the medical profession (so-called) is bowed down to wittingly and unwittingly might be the biggest error of all.
    Who is there to discuss this , instead of deleting posts and threads thereof ?
    I don't mind not replying to some poster after once or twice maybe,
    not at all,
    but if they post more and again, why should I not be allowed to post more and again ?
    I think I always have been replying to someone's claim , or someone's agenda,
    and not just making one up on my own.

    Again, I don't mind not replying to some of the members/ posters. That's not a problem and never has been.

    I post(ed) frequently, on topic, as I saw posts or threads concerning various topics.

    See? No agenda to me or for me. Replying to the topic or post that I see. Yes, it might be off topic of the thread - I sometimes do not see the thread title even. I don't mind those posts being moved of deleted.
    John Nopales likes this.
  9. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    @Jeff Elohim ..obviously you can not take a hint. Please do not make me say it out loud.
    I do not care to get banned from here on account of you.
    Beth Gallagher and Yvonne Smith like this.
  10. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    This makes no sense to me at all. Did you do something so wrong or immoral yourself that you think you would be banned , by your friend ! ?
    John Nopales likes this.
  11. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    On many forums there is a rule against challenging moderation; it is grounds for an instant ban which seems like an appropriate way to handle it. Why should moderators who volunteer their time have to deal with continued B.S.?
    Hedi Mitchell and Yvonne Smith like this.
  12. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    If there is a rule against questioning or discussing the moderation , they can state so.
    Other posters have posted about it fairly often, I think.

    So far, the moderators have asked me or told me what they think, and what to do or not do, and they can tell me this also. Who are you to bring it up when it is none of your business except as a busybody ? (and your own self-interest)

    As to your own (your posted in past) idolatry and interference in discussions, why should that be permitted and mine not be permitted?
    John Nopales likes this.
  13. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Footnote: I clicked the report button on your post because of your personal attack. In the past I did not report you before, (I simply ignored the ignorance or tried to discuss it)
    but I may do so now (report your posts) and in the future.
    This is something I have not tried here before, preferring discussion, but have it your way?
    John Nopales likes this.
  14. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Click away.
    John Brunner likes this.
  15. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I think I'll try putting you and the other three troublemakers on ignore first.

    AH, PEACE ! :)
    John Nopales likes this.

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