The Hordes On Our Southern Border

Discussion in 'Tall Tales & Fabrications' started by Bill Boggs, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    As It Were

    Subject: What To Do About The Hoards On Our Southern Border

    The hunt for a solution by men of good will. What we could do is continue to turn them away, send them back to the country they came fromThat might be desirous but not always feasible. They now are in Mexico or those who have come across and being held in our own camps scattered about the country by ICE or the military. This solution is not going away. We will be facing this problem in the next decade as we faced it during the past four decades or longer. We need a solution.

    If we turn them away they will keep coming. Why? For so many years we have refused entry to the southern border then relented let what crossed, stay. Reagan did this and right on down the line till here we are still bombarded by immigrants who want entry into our country, thinking that someway they will get to stay or they can work it out.

    We could shoot them all similar in fashion as the Soviets for many years did to those who tried to flee their borders. The world condemned this and we would be condemned also on a world wide basis. We are not as strong militarily as we once were. Once in a while we have to try to be nice. What’s the solution? Nobody knows. Oh, we could send them all back but they don’t want to go back. Some now have no place to go back to. The rest would be Mexico’s problem. Mexico can’t handle their own government or people responsibly. I have long suspected the Mexican government is propped up by the drug lords.

    Suppose we were all humanist less the religious component of the word, Suppose Americans were made up mostly by men and women of good will, not to stretch that meaning too much. Supposed we really wanted to find a good solutions to the border crisis that would satisfy most of the population, and maybe be an asset to the country.

    Some of you are too young to remember but not too young to research a subject. There was another hoard once that had accumulated and was a serious problem for the British. Something over fifty-thousand jews were being held in several camps on Cypress. They were at that time a responsibility of the British. They didn’t want to go to an English country, they wanted to go to Palestine which was also under the wise guidance of the Crown. The united Nations came up with a plan:

    Confiscate some of the Palestinian’s land and give it to the jews. The jews, led by David Ben-Gurion, promptly declared the new land to be the State of Israel. We could consider taking a chunk of land somewhere in the mideast, by force if necessary and shipping the southern hoard there.

    We could consider the Indian problem whereby the American Indian having been completely defeated by the US military, were posted to large camps, called reservations, across the US. That could be solution. We could call them Ghettos, or Little Mexico or some appropriate name.

    Some now are clambering for open borders like they have in Europe; go anywhere you want at will because you are a citizen of the Americas.

    Not so fast.

    We could take an old airbase. We’ve got them scattered around the country, like the one in Big springs, Texas where they have been keeping some of the separated children of deported immigrants. Place one in, say Arizona, if necessary, one in Texas. Allow this southern hoard to be registered and placed in one or the other camps (airbases) as Labor Detainees. They could be self governing and declared as a sub-citizen, as a secondary or dedicated work citizen, with no voting rights or other rights except those given them by the US Government or its appointees. Perhaps organized and run similar to the old CCC, Citizens Conservation Corp, only mandatory.

    Supervised, of course, by a department of the US Government. These people could serve America. If they want to come to America, give them the conditions under which they can enter. Or we could put the military in charge. The Corp of Engineers could spearhead the rebuilding of our infostructure with a body of dedicated labor. Turn a negative into a positive. As it were.

    What say ye?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I say we already have a good system; it's called LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Illegals are now and forever breaking the laws of this country. They need to be repelled by any means necessary.

    And why is this thread in "Tall Tales and Fabrications?" :confused:
  3. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Veteran Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    It's above my pay grade. I'd like to hear some opinions of folks who have studied, and know some things
    about, Central America. Seems to me like you have to work on the underlying problem---what's going on down there that makes everyone want to leave.
    Rosie Sinclair likes this.
  4. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    It is a good system. The only thing wrong with it is it has never worked on our southern border. In part because US citizens who farmed fruits and vegetables, sugar cane and cotton, companies that was and are labor intensive paid no attention to the laws that Washington passed. It was more important o plant and harvest a good crop than pay attention to laws. The penalty was always on the, immagrant, not on the gringo who hired them, thus giving unspoken approval for the illegal immigrants, who illegally crossed the border to work and stayed, finding work in cities and towns where their where their statis won mostly sympathy. I left Texas eight years ago. Companies galore, and farmers paid no attention to our immigration laws.

    Here in tall tales, you can mow them down if you want, and claim it was fiction.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  5. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Veteran Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I get the impression what bothers some people most is the asylum seekers.
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Since this is posted in the fiction section, lets spin another version of @Bill Boggs story.
    Let’s start with going back through history a ways.
    When I was a child, we had 48 states, but in the late 1800’s we sent military troops over to the independent Islands of Hawaii and overthrew their government.
    We imprisoned their queen, and she lived out her life in the one building that our government allotted her. We took over control of the islands, and turned their scared places into military-owned and controlled land, destroying the natural history.
    Because Hawaii was an undeveloped nation, we had the weaponry necessary to accomplish this.
    Before Hawaii, we did just about the same thing to our Native American people, and took them off of their natural lands and relocated them to places we though were unusable for the new settlers.
    I don’t know much about the history in Alaska, but lets just guess that something similar happened with the Eskimo natives up there and we just took their land over as well. They also became a captive to the United States government, and we built military installations up there.

    Now, lets move forward to today.
    The powers that be would like to take over the whole country we live in here in the UNited States; but because so many of us still have guns (and would fight), it couldn’t happen as simply as it did with basically unarmed natives 100 years ago.
    But if enough people from third world countries come pouring in here, and we are not able to sustain them, we collapse economically, and the government takes control.
    This uneducated mass of people would be far easier to control and subdue than the people who make up most of America now. They just have to turn this country back into a third world country, and then take it over , just like happened with Hawaii, Alaska, and the Native Americans.
  7. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Asylum seeking seems to be the new "scam" for easy access. People figure out what method is working and then go that route in droves, which overwhelms the system.

    I can't understand why these people think they are entitled to come here and push their way in, waving the flags of the country they abandoned. Why didn't they remain there and try to improve their own country if they were such patriots?
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I think the "Asylum Scam" began in the Obama Administration, as he used the term "asylum" in order to bypass normal immigration laws. It didn't take long for the scammers to learn that claiming asylum gave them a free pass into the country.
  9. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    @Yvonne Smith let's see if I can understand you and keep up with you in this fictionl land of spins and counter spins. You say, Now, lets move forward to today.
    The powers that be would like to take over the whole country we live in here in the UNited States; but because so many of us still have guns (and would fight), it couldn’t happen as simply as it did with basica
    The powers that be, who is this? Who are they that would like to take over the whole United States? We collapse economically, and the government takes control? Do we have more than one government? If some sinister force, who are dthey made up of? Are you referring to hordes of invaders as seen on our southern border, accepted maybe by one political party but rejected at all costs by the other, whereby we must take up arms to retain what is rightfully our, our heritage, to keep from sinking to the level of third world countries liken to those these hoards came from? I struggle to understand but proceed on the c hance the above is generally correct and what you were referring to. Because we have vguns and will take up arms to protect and secure what we consider rightly ours, brings up questions of will and ability. Are we, this generation, getting too old to bear arms effectively. Will a younger generation have the will, the inclination, to agree and follow their elders in a pursue of liberty, or will they say this is times, we need to mix and mingle. In other words is this generation one who will slowly disappear from the earth, it's hopes and dreams dying off with it. Or can we and our way of life be salvaged. Is this where we are at? Is my understanding understandable and in the ball park? If so, what do we do about it and when and with whom do we start. Is Trump the answer? I am willing to spin on but not sure of my understanding. You lead on; I will follow in a spin for a doable solution before the sun sets on our Republic.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  10. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Our weapons against any organized government attack are obsolete, regardless whether a republican or a democratic government. We're getting too old for such claims or follow ups. Some might be willing to take on their government but most would not. Their guns might be workable but they will work only their mouths. Our time has come and about gone. Old age aches and pains and indecision will render us useless. The young people coming up will not be the bigots that some of us have been most of our lives. They will look back on us and say we are the problem; we brought all this on ourselves. Whether we allow Trump to build his wall or we open the gates will not matter. We have, I think, lost our way. What we promote today is hate, discontent, lies, immorality. We might as well be governed by the mafia. They might be more honest. All I can do wait, hang on and see what happens. Cheers.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  11. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I've never been creative and my imagination has run out. I don't have the answer, any answer, just blowing smoke ( like a smoker blowing smoke circles). The President himself will have to determine who can visit our country.
  12. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Unfortunately, the President gets blocked at every attempt by the Democrats. They don't even want existing laws enforced since it will stem the flow of potential voters.
    Emma Smith, Bobby Cole and Bill Boggs like this.
  13. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Veteran Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    The best suggestion I've heard so far might be to enact something similar to the Marshall Plan in Central America. I don't claim to know much about the Marshall Plan, but I know no one country can fix things all by itself.
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  14. Tom Galty

    Tom Galty Veteran Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    I see that over 300 Africans from central Africa have crossed your border this month
    Don Alaska and Bobby Cole like this.
  15. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I wonder how they swim the Atlantic?

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