Scientists Now Believe The Universe Is Conscious

Discussion in 'Science & Nature' started by Ken Anderson, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I'm not sure if this belongs in science or religion, but...

    -- Awareness Act

    I'm not sure how much credibility to give to someone who can't spell laymen's but still...
  2. Bess Barber

    Bess Barber Veteran Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jun 8, 2019
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    For me, I find it totally Biblically sound, but I'm sure the science world will find a way to put another spin on it.
    Joe Riley and Bobby Cole like this.
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Does anyone remember the song by Patty Page, “Is That All There Is”?
    In the song she reminisces about a house fire and as she watched the blaze and the house burning down she asks the question, “Is that all there is to a fire”? Of course, then she says, “If that’s all there is, let’s pass out the booze and have a ball”.

    The thing is, there is so much more to a fire than just the light and heat. There’s a number of chemical reactions taking place between oxygen and whatever other material is there but that isn’t what people think of when they watch a fire. It’s just.....a fire and to try to explain what that fire really is to most people will glean a nod of the head but that’s just about all you”ll get. A nod, an uh-huh and maybe even an I knew that but in reality, very few have a mental image or the capability to totally understand it because it falls beyond the physical world that a person has set up for themselves. In a simplistic form, it’s kind of like telling someone to buy a gallon of milk and them not realizing that if a single gallon cannot be bought that a gallon also comes in quarts. Four quarts and that’s a gallon.
    In so saying, if a person’s sense of reasoning hasn’t gone beyond a certain point, then it doesn’t exist.

    Now, to the OP, in my own studies on thought, I have no problem with the idea that there is indeed a hub by which all consciousness is connected. If one wishes to call it universal consciousness, God or whatever, I’m good with that.
    When folks realize that the physical self isn’t the center of appreciation either theologically or scientifically, then one has to consider that human consciousness is more than just random brain waves and neuron activity.
    Consciousness, although mathematically proven, cannot be measured by any instrument known to man but yet, here we are, a conscious, thinking human being.
    A few years ago, I made a proclamation that because an experiment appeared to be successful in measuring consciousness, there would be no more Terry Schiavo’s but alas, in the end it failed. The brain waves coming from a person in a coma can be measured but the amount of consciousness cannot.

    The bottom line to my whole post is that if a person simply looks past what he or she sees and knows, and examines the possibilities, then they will see that there is indeed more to “the fire” than they previously thought.
    A universe that is conscious? Heck, there’s quite a few folks that’s been saying that for a few thousand years so yeah, I’m glad that the quantum guys are busy working on proving that.
    Don Alaska and Joe Riley like this.
  4. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Bobby, this may relate to your post: Scientists Closing in on Theory of Consciousness
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Good article Joe.
    I am familiar with most of the concepts that guys like Koch and others have proposed. The problem as I see it and have introduced to a couple of science corresponding think tanks, is that we use the word mind too freely when dealing with brain activity. The two words become intermixed when I truly believe that they should be treated separately. The brain is not conscious; it’s the mechanism by which the mind is made physically apparent ergo the mind is conscious.
    Nerves and chemical reactions within the cells are mechanics whereas the feat of consciousness or thought is the driving force which gives those reactions direction.
    The human brain can run indefinitely as long as the physical needs are met but productivity is nil until the mind initiates a command.
    In so saying, I am my mind, I am conscious and I command this body and brain to do what I wish it to do. Now, how can one measure the “me” in the whole of the thing?
    That’s the rub in my humble opinion.

    God said to Moses, “tell them, I am that I am”. Peruse that one single sentence and meditate upon it and relate it to consciousness and it should eventually blow a few circuits.
    Don Alaska and Joe Riley like this.

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