Why Was Politics Allowed To Trick Everyone Via Masks, Ama, And Unconstitutional Mandates?

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Jeff Elohim, Jan 17, 2021.

  1. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Why has the politics of the nation allowed the lies, deceptions, and increasing death toll every year from medical protocols controlled by pharmakeia ? Ever since they got legal sanction/power/ the death rate increased from mistakes and mis-information made legally required to be used and protected, and
    making it illegal for licensed persons to cure anyone in any way not approved by the druglords(makers).

    Healthy directions are imitated, but hindered, by many of the official medcial policies and standards...
    all for show, prestige, power and more money (more than anything, money is the motive)....

    Healthy practitioners who once used diet, seeds, natural substances that heal boedies, openly, have had to be becoming more careful in how they word things, what they say they are doing, to continue healing - doing what is right and good and helpful instead of causing more harm, more disease, and more old age diseases like the widely accepted "legal" methods have accomplished deceitfully since immunizations started being used.
    This included the false notions that shots somehow wiped out diseases , which was already proven false 50 years ago - it was good healthy practices that wiped out the diseases (HEY! Just like they CLAIM TODAY for trying to wipe out the CURRENT pandemic ! --- that is how the diseases decades ago were wiped out,
    but that is also why it does not wipe out the current ones... since the CAUSE has been mis-identified officially promoted and greed controls the decisions , greed and mis-information)
  2. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, Jeff, if you want to disagree with things like this, become an M.D. and you can serve your patients the way you want to. But, if your service/advice is wrong, for any reason, you'll face a giant mal-practice suit.
    Peter Renfro likes this.
  3. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Anyone who seeks and loves the truth does not seek to go along with the lies.
    Healing others, seeking their well being, being a good neighbor, always doing what is best for others, and not harming (like the doctors harm them),

    is a better goal and life than seeking to become a licensed controlled person causing harm.
  4. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Jeff, I'm very, very curious about something............do you, in any way, shape or form, have anything good to say about the medical field or anything else??

    To a point, you sound like my posts about the apartment complex we live in and a few other things. LOL
  5. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Good to question, if the motive is good and true, thanks !
    What is it about your posts about your apartment complex that is similar to my posts ?
    Is it something like this:
    You KNOW about your apartment complex, right, or wrong? (I do not remember any of your posts about that, btw.... )
    Do you post objections, or support, for what your apartment complex does , and do you do that AFTER or BEFORE checking (verifying) that they are actually doing it, and why they are doing whatever it is?

    i.e. when I was in the medical system, eager to work and live and participate just like everyone else seemed to, enjoying the profession and working for a living "honestly"(I thought), and even perhaps it was to be a lifetime career Yahweh(The Creator) Willing and Directing...
    When I saw something wrong, I either questioned it immediately, or set it aside in my heart to look into later, with prayer and patience, later to see if it was really wrong, for sure, and if it could be changed.

    oh, yes, in answer to your question, btw, when there is an emergency or urgent need, like a broken arm, foot or leg, or life threatening (or not) cut, injury, accident,
    or a seizure , life threatening allergic reaction, car accident , bombing incident, with casualties...
    injured servicemen in the field , etc etc ,
    the 'medical' availability/ doctors/ corpsmen/ nurses/ are or can be a life saving difference.
    That may be good. i.e. other options have been largely eliminated so there are no other options, are there?
    Remember when midwives outshown and performed hugely better than male doctors in hospitals ?
    What options did pregnant women have ? A safer childbirth with experienced midwife, that was gradually in many places eliminated by legal pressures unjustly preferring and then requiring 'official' licensed doctors/hospital births...
    Options to do what is right is a good thing, I think and say openly.
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    About our apartment complex, it's some of the Millennials that live here and absolutely don't want to follow the rules of the complex that are in the Rental Agreement they sign. Like, the one and only location a resident can smoke cigarettes, because, technically, the entire complex is a "non-smoking" one. Where those folks put their bags full of trash (on the cement, next to the trash bin and the trash bin is only 1/2 full of trash). Only two pets, meaning two dogs or dog/cat is allowed and we see one resident that has three dogs. Leash requirement. No dogs are suppose to be off of their leash when outside, except for in the Dog Park. And, even though the walls of these apartments are fairly thin, there are numerous residents that don't care how loud their tv is in the evening or how loud they talk in the evening. This is called "respecting" your neighbor, of when many here simply don't care.
    Now, the thing is, this complex we live in is actually the best looking one in the area. We have looked around. The others appear that a person wouldn't want to sneeze in one that it would fall apart.

    And, BTW, I'm a former EMT. I worked in Los Angeles and Orange Counties in Southern California back in the mid 70's. In our apartment, I have a fully equipped First Aid Kit, including a stethoscope. Also, a nice First Aid Kit in our vehicle and boat.

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