Everyone should have at least one super power. Mine seems to be invisibility. Yep. I can go in and out of sight as if by magic. My only problem is, I can't control it. I shift without warning. A few days back I was at the store and was asking a stocker where an item was. As he was giving me directions, another shopper walks up and starts asking him something, as if I wasn't even there. Gotta hand it to the stocker though, he handled it brilliantly. He waited until the other shopper was done talking, then finished his directions to me. Another time I was driving old flash, (my mobility scooter) along the sidewalk past a large building. I was moving along the wall as close as I could get. On my left was a high curb. A man was walking down the walk toward me. He was walking straight at me. There was plenty of room to pass on my left, but not enough for me to drive on without falling off the curb. I thought, what is this, a kind of chicken game? I stopped about two steps from him. He said, "oh, hello", and went around me. Clearly, I was in my invisible mode and shifted back just in time. There was a time when I lived in our hotel. It had 6 floors. The top 3 were residential, bottom 3 were businesses. Sometimes I would be riding the elevator down from my room on the 6th floor to the lobby. As the doors opened, people standing in the lobby would start pushing in, never mind I was standing there in the doorway wanting out. I would yell, "let me out", often followed by a swear word or two. I was convinced these people couldn't see me. The manager warned me about swearing at the other hotel residents. I didn't bother to explain to him about my super power and it's random workings.
Have you been watching too much George Reeves of Superman or some other Super Hero character? Only kidding, but just wondering? I think one thing we all have to remember, politeness sure isn't what it was years upon years ago...........and especially towards us elderly. Just saying.
Okay now, @Ike Willis , I just read your article and I have a solution that is guaranteed to bring you out of "invisible mode" every time you use it. Years ago, when I used to raise and train horses; I read a lot of the books on horse-training techniques. One of the best ones was put out by a trainer called Mary Twelveponies. She was a great writer, and also had some unique idea for training horses. This was one of my favorites, and just thinking of it makes me smile . It is what she said a person should do if you had one of those bad-tempered horses that will charge at you (usually showing dominence , and sometimes , wanting the food that you are bringing them). Well, I had bought a horse that would do that sometimes. She usually chased me when I was leaving the barn area, and I would hear her hooves thundering down the driveway after me. So, anyway, back to the technique. Here is what Mary Twelveponies said a person should do when attacked by this kind of a horse. She said to jump up and down, waving your arms like windmills, while screaming like a banshee at the top of your lungs. Did it work, you ask ........oh, yes, it certainly did ! That shocked horse skidded to a stop with her nostrils flared and her eyes bugged out, spun around and raced back out and into the pasture as fast as she could run. After that, she would eye me, and then walk away when I was leaving the barn. I am really sure that this would work for you, and it is guaranteed to make you highly visible to everyone in the vicinity. It might also be a lot of fun........ Let us know once you test it out, Ike.
I'll give it a try. it oughta work since a lot of these people around me are horse's a-----well, never mind.
@Ike Willis, have you heard of the thing called amulet? Oldsters say an amulet is really true and you can have one with the help of those who know because it involves prayers or mantra on the right time and in the right place. The most popular amulet is the Blinder, so called because people wouldn't see you when you invoke the mantra. And in the movies, that Blinder is often portrayed by the villain to rob a bank or a store. Some in the know say that a Blinder can only work for the good intention. So I guess you are gifted with that power and the only problem is you should know how to invoke it and how to use it to your advantage. But don't rob a bank, hahahaaa.
If others find you invisible, how can you be certain you are not a pigment of your own hallucination? Just sayin......
My super power has got to be limitless money. I must look like I've got money for every time I find someone he asks for money. I must seem like a millionaire for all people ask for is donations everywhere on the internet. I'm constantly shopping at Walmart, thrift shops and going to sales all around home, yet people seem to want to take money from me. Just yesterday I went to Office Depot to make just 2 xerox copies. The person before me must have just copied and not closed out and go to the register to pay for I suddenly had 3 printouts to pay for. Definitely my super power is being made of money for every where people try to take it from me seeming like I got an endless flow of money!
I just discovered this invisible thread, @Ike Willis ! On occasion, when the Waffle Light shines in the early morning sky...I step out of the "batter" box and become "Waffle-Man"! My real specialty is "Cloud-9 Waffles" where the yokes and whites are separated....the whites are beaten and folded into the batter, which has the yolks. They float right off the plate, if you are a slow eater!
Just discovered your super power Ike Reminded me of a fella that lives here - thinks he owns the elevator and insists it be at his beck an call If I descend in it, I'll find him at the bottom pressing the button several times (as if that makes a difference ) And - there he is leaning against the opening, arms outstretched, right across me path to get out. As I step forward he 'slightly' moves to one side. What an audacity I have to use that lift ................
I would like to be invisible and see what the online lovers @Sacheen BrightEagle and @Sifu Phil Bonifonte are doing. It's been almost a week since Phil surprised Shali and I haven't heard a peep on any forum they frequent.
I really wish I had a Super Power. Sure would help at work. They kept me on to teach the new hires on how to maintain a building. No matter the approach I take, seems that 'I'm here for the paycheck' mode kicks in. So now I am going to try "No/think" approach. Every time they run into a problem and ask me, I'm going to say " No, I'm not sure what you need to do..." and walk away. Think for yourself. Hand holding is over!
Invisibility would be a good one for sure. Amazing strenght like Superman or Supergirl would also be good. Just think you could jet around the world, and go to any event you wanted to. You couls also use your powers for good. Invisibility would allow you to go into many functions and many places you otherwise would not be allowed..so that would be pretty awesome as well.
Actually being the Flash would work for me also. I could see my family in a FLASH! I'd rather get somewhere quickly than fly like superman. Spider-Man is useless in my opinion. If you're fast and invisible you don't need to be strong.