Whats Your Motivation For Exercise?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Marie Mallery, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'm surprised I was able to get off the sugar, and high carb content foods. I've found I can eat without worry, and so many good things. I don't feel restricted in any way, I can even bake pies, cookies things for treats. I don't have to poke my fingers anymore but I will if I have something at a potluck etc., that I know is higher in carbs. I look at food more as fueling my body now, but I love my little snacks as well.

    Some of my fave Videos are the Diet Doctor, Dr. Benjamin Bikman. I'm into as many whole foods as possible, and no processed. It does take being willing to do a lifestyle change as you know, and learning how good I can feel, and how much strength I can gain just by lowering my carb intake, not to mention my diabetes being under control. I don't think I'll ever go back to the foods I grew up on, but it is not any easy road in the beginning but I have seen myself (including some ailments) change and the ailments just vanish.

    I'm getting ready to bake some chicken thighs for dinner now, a recipe I sort of made up but got some ideas on youtube, naturally ;)
    Jake Smith and Marie Mallery like this.
  2. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I eat a lot of chicken, P-nut butter, coleslaw, nuts I chop up. Sometimes a open face burger with Jake. But that slice of bread cost me as much as the piece of chocolate cake Jake bakes from scratch.
    I found too that if I eat something with full fat like ice cream it counters the sugar a little.
    Jake Smith likes this.
  3. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Also fiber will help with that slice of bread, or any extra carb you can add some fiber to. I've thought of trying some things but honestly I got used to doing without. I spend that extra money on meats (especially these days with prices so high) and especially love to get some Cod or Salmon when I find a good buy. I love to make an Almond Cinnamon bread with a bit of stevia, add blueberries and top with creamcheese. I got that one off Youtube as well but she didn't put any stevia or cinnamon in and I added it ;)
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  4. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    and yes, I eat the same items you mention, walnuts every day with my yogurt and blueberries usually, I love Peanut Butter but small amounts that won't spike my BG. I don't do any sugar, but I can tell you I had withdrawals that first couple weeks so I learned how to make yummies with mostly stevia but Monk fruit is really good too, imo of course ;)

    I talk to lots of Keto folks on a forum I've belonged to since the start, and every one of us does it a bit different. We can find our own limits, and like I mentioned before, one size does not fit all. Like I won't buy all the Keto friendly food at the grocers because after reading the label, it's usually not keto friendly or diabetic friendly at all.
  5. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I forgot about salmon, I eat a couple cans of that a week in salmon patties, Jake eats a few but mosly I eat them, all 3 meals for a couple days or trill they are gone. I fill them full of onions and use 4 eggs for extra protein. A couple spoons of flour so they stick together for patties. I use lots of lemon on my patty dab of ketchup at times.
    I know the canned salmon is said to be toxic, by some but so is everything else.I buy Red Top or name brand that is said to be sustainable wild caught, no way can I afford the 'best'. Next since the case of salmon I had is almost gone now, I'll try tuna patties.
  6. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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  7. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I have a stock of canned meats in my cupboard just in case. Tuna, Salmon, beef, chicken. We never know right ;) I gotta get mim out again soon and just in time for lull in the storm. Maybe it's the end of it for the night I hope! We get a lot of power outages up here, but they usually get it up and running within a day, usually less ;) Maybe see you tomorrow. Time for me to turn off the puter, do my dishes, go for a "short" walk with Mim the dog. Have a lovely evening Marie and had a great time visiting with you, Denise
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  8. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Be careful in the storm granddaughter just survived a tornado in their office yesterday in Alabama,no kidding.
    I had a couple cases but ate it all now.
  9. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    You too Denese,have a good night, sweet dreams.
  10. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    So, today was the first day of getting back to an exercise regimen, after a several month hiatus that started with getting COVID and procrastinating afterwards. A lot of these are stretching or mild exercises for my back. It was very alarming to see how much my calf strength had deteriorated. It’s no wonder walking seems laborious. I have a long road ahead on that. I will be replacing or adding more exercises, weights and reps as I go along, depending on how it goes. This was my start for today, nice and slow, not pushing the weights that hard yet, just getting back into it.

    Prone leg (hamstring) stretch 3 each side
    Prone side twists 20
    Figure 4 leg stretch 2 each side
    Figure 4 leg stretch rotation 2 each side
    Posterior pelvic tilts 20
    Pelvic thrust 20
    Body weight squats 20
    Standing toe touches 20
    Calf raises 20
    Inclined push-ups 40. (Can’t plank cause of my back)
    Bird dog extensions 10 each side
    Standing bicep curls 20 (weights)
    Standing dumbbell fly 20 (weights)
    Seated wrist curls 20 (weights)
    Seated, inverted wrist curls 10 (weights)
    Single dumbbell row 20 (each side, (weights)

    I plan on adding these soon.
    Recumbent bike 20 minutes, variable intensity ride
    Dumbbell high pull
    Bobby Cole and Denise Evans like this.
  11. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Wow, you hit the ground running Thomas!! Wtg, I had to back off my reps, and go back to lower weights at the gym after about 3 weeks I think it was, no excuse, just hibernating too much ;) Very very proud of you and always so happy to see others getting on the band-wagon of good health. My fave saying is "listen to your body Denise". My fave exercises are some floor-type hip thrusts, I think that is what you call pelvic thrusts, I think I may have lost a wrinkle, maybe 2 in my bue'tox after losing so much weight without enough muscle addition ;) but I never did have a butt like a kardashian so thank God for that, LOL!!
    Thomas Windom and Bobby Cole like this.
  12. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    Thanks. FWIW, I’ve never been a fan of bubble butts.

    I am really concerned about how much strength I have lost in my calf muscles. That is the one area where I can see a clear and serious decline. That is going to take some work. I’m sure it’s from my back, both nerve and muscle dying off slowly because of the constant irritation and stimulation of both muscle and nerve in my legs.
    Bobby Cole and Denise Evans like this.
  13. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    It's extra funny you say that about bubble butts since I found myself wondering how many men really are ;)

    There are mostly people my age (70) and up at my time going to the gym, it's a mix some times of day. I know a couple of my buddies down there, male-type have had surgeries etc. but I don't know what exactly. They are pretty careful, and so am I. I think the only way we can know is to try it out and see if things get better. You just started so go easy on yourself, you've had a ton to deal with it sounds to me Thomas, and if I wore a hat, it would be off to you for getting yourself up and not just moving, but exercising/weight-training ;) I love doing some body-weight, learned from a book called You Are Your Own Gym, how true that is! Marc Loren wrote it, along with another guy.
    Bobby Cole and Thomas Windom like this.
  14. Tony Nathanson

    Tony Nathanson Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    1. To use up sugar to reduce my need for insulin (diabetes)
    2. To maintain my weight loss (former morbid obesity)
    3. To avoid being prematurely disabled by arthritis.
    Bobby Cole and Denise Evans like this.
  15. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Hey Tony, I'm a type 2 diabetic so yes, that is why I eat better now, and exercise. It was a great motivator!!
    Tony Nathanson and Bobby Cole like this.

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