What Phone Do You Use, You Desire?

Discussion in 'Gadgets & Tech Talk' started by Corie Henson, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    My previous phone was an old Ericksson that is for voice call and texting only because it's not a smart phone. Someone gifted me with a Samsung S3 as a corporate giveaway 2 years ago. I was awed with the function because it was surprising for me to check my email on that phone. Much more, I could surf the internet. Gee, that's a great phone indeed. Until now, that Samsung remains to be my phone although I am planning to buy a newer model... but still a Samsung.
  2. Brittany Houser

    Brittany Houser Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Corie, that's a heck of a gift! LOL My phone would be an embarrassment to me, if I was inclined to be embarrassed by stuff like that. LOL I use a little cheap Tracphone that I buy a card for every month or so. My young friends joke that my phone is older than they are, and I just laugh and remind them that I don't have a high monthly phone bill! :cool:

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