Two Of The Largest Companies In The World Joined Together Recently, But Not For Good

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Jeff Elohim, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Two of the largest companies in the world joined together recently. Not for good. Never for good.

    "With news of Bayer’s merger with Monsanto, our correspondent in Berlin explores Bayer’s troubled past and its links with the Nazis’ most notorious death camp – Auschwitz.

    Bayer’s new deal to buy Monsanto breaks records not only due to its size but because of its evil smell – and not only due to Monsanto’s reputation for deadly trails of everything from disappearing wild flowers and butterflies to poverty-stricken family farmers forced to buy its seeds and pesticides.

    Bayer, perhaps best known for its aspirins or other useful medicines, also has a trail marked with death, but in far, far greater numbers. It was Bayer, together with two other chemical giants, BASF and Hoechst, which developed the terrible chlorine gas used in World War I. In 1925, the three formed a giant cartel, IG Farben, which became the world’s leader in pharmaceuticals, dyes, and chemicals.

    During the early 1930s, IG Farben became the single largest donor to the election campaign of Adolf Hitler. "

    "Although Auschwitz was the largest, most fearful site in history for annihilating human beings, its basic goal had been the creation of a giant IG Farben complex to produce synthetic petrol and rubber as part of Germany’s plans to conquer Europe and the world."

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