Trump's Biblical Misquote?

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Bobby Cole, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    All the media is abuzz about Trump's speech at a Christian school, Liberty U. yesterday. Wow!!
    He, (get ready to gasp) Donald Trump said, Two Corinthians instead of 2nd Corinthians. Imagine, a man running for the presidency who is not a Biblical scholar!! Can anything be so devastating or corrupt as to deviate from an assumed norm?

    To be quite frank, neither one is truly proper if a person looks at the Greek translation. There ARE NO numerical designations given but instead an "A" and a "B". The one mistake that no one thus far has caught is Trump said that the Bible is his favorite BOOK. The Bible is NOT a book but a compilation of books and letters called an Anthology, but then, perhaps that might be picking at the bone instead of the meat of the matter. But, isn't the media doing exactly the same thing? How do YOU pronounce........Tomato?
  2. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I appreciate that the message was delivered and don't care if someone pronounced it 2 instead of 2nd or called it a book or not. God knows the intentions of our hearts and anyone who criticizes what pleases God had better watch out…the media or whomever.

    Think about how many people had to open their Bible ( or even find a Bible) in order to do their "Fact Checking".

    2nd Corinthians 3:17 validates the foundation of our Nation on Christian principles. Our nation as a whole (generally speaking) has turned it's back on God. Without Him we have no freedom and with him we will have freedom.
  3. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Well now, this may surprise you, @Bobby Cole or anyone else here, but I know someone else who says "Two Corinthians" and "Two Kings" etc. even "One Two and Three James." and *is* a Biblical scholar.

    The media... ugh. Sometimes I'm so ashamed I was ever part of it. :(
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  4. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Me too Mari. Do you know that, in Denmark, it's against the law to speak badly of your opponent and offenders are slapped with a big fine. I was talking to a gal at the Y yesterday who used to live there. She said in Denmark, because of that law, their campaigns look totally different. I'm sure that means they look professional instead of a bunch of bullies on a playground. I too am ashamed. Someone has got to do something. And NBC is manipulating the whole thing….not to mention the guys with big $$$…it's no democracy.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    They were looking for a "potato" moment but I don't think this is it. It's not so unusual to hear someone say 2 Corinthians. In fact, in response to this, a Maine pastor of a fairly large church, with a television ministry, said that he often says "Two Corinthians" rather than "Second Corinthians" and he's not a Trump supporter.

    That said, I don't suspect that Trump reads the Bible before going to bed every night, and I would be surprised to learn that his Christian faith is a major part of his life, but that's not for me to decide and his saying "Two Corinthians" certainly doesn't prove it.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  6. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Oh, @Lara Moss ... those last three words of yours there... said it all. :( It's a liberal cesspool that has become nothing more than making sure no one is offended. Oh, except Christians... open season on Christians.

    I'm beginning to think that no one will be *able* to fix it. Anyone else miss Ronnie? :(
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  7. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    I agree for the most part, @Ken Anderson ... but at the same time, I'm thinking that whether or not it's a big part of his life, he *did* quote scripture and he's not tossing reference to anything religious away like yesterday's trash which is what a lot of them have done.... figure it has to count for something at least, considering we haven't heard it for a while. And it probably says that he knows what the people want... or at least don't *mind* hearing.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Notably, it's the intention of the media to discredit Trump just before the Iowa caucus. Cruz is leading (according to "some" polls) in the evangelical camp in that state and they want it to stay that way.

    I heard much of a playback of his speech and his "assumed" misquote was a lead-in directed toward freedom of religion with an undertone of "particularly" Christianity. By undertone I mean that he reiterated his stance on things PC like having to say or write "Holiday" instead of "Christmas".

    One thing I noticed is Trump, although speaking at a Christian university, didn't bite his tongue and try to show himself by being some kind of pious cleric. Rather, he didn't mind saying he wanted to bomb the *HECK* (you know the word) out of ISIS and a couple of other expletives that I will leave everyone to find out.

    Personally, I do not care which is the media's apparent correct way of designating the numerical beginning of a letter or book of the Bible. I think that making an issue of it and making his statement a barometer as to how little or great his walk is with the Lord places those critics a little too close to doing the job of God Himself which is, as Trump might say, a HUGE no-no.
  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    OMG! Here it is, the 20th and a new thing has happened which involves Trumps self reported Christian denomination. He's Presbyterian.
    Sarah Palin came out last night and endorsed Donald Trump and CNN was all over it because apparently Ms. Palin is, (drum roll) a Pentacostal Christian!!

    What a sore tragedy that a Pentacostal would dare endorse the likes of a Presbyterian who said (another gasp) two instead of 2nd in a Biblical reference just a couple of days prior to the endorsement. Added to the fact that Palin was born in Sandpoint, Idaho, my wife's stomping grounds, and Trump is from New York the endorsement will never ever work.

    Oh yeah, Palin and Trump aren't getting married. The way CNN is putting it one might think the two might be walking the aisle any time instead of Palin using whatever pull she might have to sway a few votes for the Republican candidate.
    Even my brother is hesitant about voting republican because of the endorsement. That's like saying I won't listen to Bach because Hitler loved his music.

    Hmmmm........I have been called a "Bapti-cost" on more than a few occasions so I wonder if the new alliance between Trump and Palin could be called.........Preby-costalism?
    Mari North likes this.
  10. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I was more shocked that this was considered unusual, and that it was news, than the fact that he said it. I've heard it said that way before, and think if this is all they have to use to try to bring him down, they're in for a huge surprise. I think the only people disturbed by what he said would be those who have no legitimate concerns to discuss. With the shape this country is in, there should be many legitimate concerns. How someone phrases a bible quote is not one of them.

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