I've never been a Girl Scout or Brownie but my younger sister was and she loved every minute of it. Every time there was an event my mother would always take sign up sheets/order forms to her job for my sister. She would eventually get another badge for reaching the set goal. The organization started in 1912 with just 18 members and just look at it today. Are there any Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, Cubs or Brownies here? Maybe like me a brother or sister?
I was not a Girl Scout or a Brownie when I was younger. I have tried to get my grandsons interested in being Boy Scouts, that did not work out. I do support the Girl Scouts when it is time to purchase cookies.
My youngest son was a Cub Scout until he discovered boxing. I wasn't a real fan to commit to either because as a single parent with no transportation it was difficult. I don't know if he learned about boxing through the Cub Scouts or school. He did have a Big Brother too.