The Mile High City

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Cody Fousnaugh, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I can, obviously, tell what many-to-most members here think of Biden, but, just remember, he is still in office. Absolutely nobody has mentioned the word "impeachment", concerning him.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That is actually not true, @Cody Fousnaugh . A lot of people are talking about removing Biden from office, even his doctors are saying that he is not competent to be the president of a country.
    It is all over in the conservative news, and even a lot of Liberals are not happy with the things that Biden is doing, and they know that letting more drug dealers smuggle in dangerous drugs, and making people pay crazy-high prices for gasoline and other oil products is going to cost them votes big time at the polls this fall.
    Once the food shortages get really bad, no one is going to like that !

    They would like to get rid of Biden, but NOBODY wants Kamala to be the president, even the liberals do not like her at all. If the news media were not completely controlled in what they present as news, then you would have heard that people want Biden out of office.
    I am not saying that every liberal wants that; but more and more of them are becoming unhappy about what is happening in this country, and they do not want to be having food shortages, and food and fuel regulations by this fall and winter, any more than the conservatives want that.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  3. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I have to rethink what:);):cool::D i want to say about this..
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  4. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    You're putting more effort into it than the OP.
    Beth Gallagher and Faye Fox like this.
  5. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    The Mile High City, now that caught my eye, but how quickly that deceptive title was spun into a discussion that can be found on many posts here, semi blindsided me.

    Pot has always been in Colorado. It grew along the irrigation ditches until they had the ditch riders start burning and spraying it. The natives used it as medicine. My first experience with it was at 8,000 feet elevation in SW Colorado so Denver at 5280 feet sucks hind teat. I came in from closing an irrigation gate and took a shortcut through a little wooded area that was sub-irrigated from the ditch and out of the sight of the ditch rider. I smelled a toxic smell and noticed several giant weeds with googly stuff oozing from the buds.

    I felt funny and realizing I was home alone since my folks were in town, I walked over to the neighbors. The oldest boy, 18, walked back to see the weeds and told me to go home and he would pull and destroy these poisonous weeds. I thought nothing of it and forgot about it until high school when kids were talking about pot. When I saw a photo of it, I knew why those weeds from years earlier made me silly and why Mr. Helpful was so anxious to help get rid of them. I didn't smoke any until my late teens and while I liked the buzz, I hated the aftereffect let down so I never smoked it again until years later when the same aftereffect experience brought me to my current opinion that it is great for dumbing down society. I was given a pot-laced brownie once in an attempt to relax me so a guy could get off his jollies, but I was not the dizzy broad he imagined. I was still able to deliver a swift and accurate knee blow to his crotch.

    Now, let's examine the title of this thread and discuss Denver in general without the translucent veil of clever deceit. I was last in Denver 48 years ago and it was sinking under the influence and influx of Californians and the hippie culture of socialism back then. Boulder was the worst for sponsoring the hippie culture.

    The mile-high city boasts mountains to the west and open prairie to the east. I once wondered why God made all those beautiful mountains, streams, etc to the west and then just gave up and left all to the east boring prairie. If I had to choose between Denver and Portland, well I would choose to be a non-chooser. John Denver singing about Colorado didn't do anything for me. John was born in Roswell, N.M. 1943 near where an alien manned UFO was found in 1947. His love of Denver and being a mile high led to his name change from some foreign out-of-this-world-sounding last name that used a majority of the letters in the alphabet.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
    John Brunner and Beth Gallagher like this.
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Denver has become a major city in the U.S.. I use to work in Denver, just a mile north of downtown. Today, Denver is called "Colorado's version of Los Angeles" because of how big it's grown. I read an article online that where someone stated "Denver's crime is way out of control". This especially stands true for parts of Aurora. Now, Aurora Hills seems to be the safest place in Aurora to live, but it's very upper-scale. This part of Aurora is right off of the E-470 Toll Freeway.

    Parker, 28 miles south of downtown Denver, has grown so enormous, it really shocked us when we visited there in 2018. It use to have a real "down-home" feeling, but not today!

    It is true that young California people have taken over parts of Colorado, including where we live and Denver. Then again, there are those young people that live both here where we live, and in Denver, that were born/raised here, but like what their Generation looks like in Los Angeles. So, many of them look like, and act like, those in Los Angeles.

    Actually, there is a major rodeo and stock show in Denver every January. Some people in Denver want it sent out to the eastern plains. They have absolutely no interest in rodeo or livestock. But, there are those that love it in Denver and simply won't have it moved.

    As far as pot goes, I never once heard the word when we lived in both south Englewood and then a house in Parker. That was from June 2002 thru Oct 2007. Now, during that time period, drugs were very popular, as they are today in Denver. How do I know? Where I worked, every few months all of the employees had to get a drug test.

    To a point, the Front Range aka Eastern Slope, has changed immensely since we've been gone (Oct 2007 thru the end of July 2019). We returned in August 2019. Pot, to a point, has become the norm here and we don't like that kind of "norm".
  7. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I never touched the stuff mostly because I never had the opportunity. Alcohol was my poison of choice and the excessive use thereof. I have no interest in exploring another form of reality now while I have limited time left to explore the actual one considering my age.

    CBD interests me though if it has a use for treating pain. I should talk to my doctor.
    John Brunner and Hedi Mitchell like this.
  8. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Well, for the pearl-clutchers reading, my husband is 67 years old and has smoked pot since the '70s. Gasp.

    As for Denver, we have only driven through on I-70 or flown a connecting flight that took us to the airport there for a layover.
  9. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I cant smoke weed no more anyway, but I could eat a brownie or something like that. It should be legal, besides the government needs something else to screw up. I decided less said for me is better- otherwise I could get arrested form my um doings in the 70-80's:D:D
  10. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that is should be legalized, and people should be able to grow it if they want to do that. People make their own beer and wine, so why not grow their own pot as well ?
    Also, there are a lot of uses for the plant species , when you count in the hemp varieties. In WW2, the government wanted everyone to grow hemp because they used it in the navy for ropes.
    It can be used for most of the things that we use trees for, just like bamboo can, and it has a lot of edible/healthy parts, too. The seeds and oil are both used medicinally, and I have read that the leaves have a lot of vitamins and minerals, and people use the fresh leaves in things like green smoothies.
    If it were legal here for people to grow it for their own use, I think that I would at least try it for the health benefits.

    As far as the topic of this thread, I was only in Denver once, and that was in 1954, and my family took a trip on the train, and we went from Denver down to the Grand Canyon, and then went on to California to visit family there.
    Faye Fox and Beth Gallagher like this.
  11. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, when it's made legal to smoke and grow, that definitely doesn't mean the younger generation is going to use it for medical purposes. We use CBD for medical/arthritis purposes. There are those young folks, as well, I guess, older folks, that still love smoking it to get totally high.
  12. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    The real thing is much better for pain. CBD is a watered down version . But you could try and see.
    Ed Wilson likes this.
  13. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Pure pot, is not a problem. The problem is when it is laced with other high powered crap. January 6 1986, was my last toke. It was highly laced with something else, me a friend both thought we would die.
    I vowed then never to do again unless legal or I was terminal.
  14. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    We use both CBD Deep Rub for my shoulders and wife's fingers. We use CBD Square Gummies for sleep (1/2 square). We never ask our PCP's about using CBD. Was too concerned they would say "no". So, just bought and used. Works for us!

    Even if we wanted to, of which we don't, smoke pot, we can't in our apartment. We have a "No Smoking" clause in our Lease Agreement. Anyway, we wouldn't want the inside of our apartment, or even vehicle, to smell like pot.
    Ed Wilson likes this.
  15. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Pot is legal to grow here and we have more pot shops than pharmacies. Lots of folks have plants getting light in their front windows. One of my neighbors have grow lights on 24/7. Knowing many people that have used pot for years, I see both sides. It makes some less productive and others more. In some trades, it can be a real safety problem where faster reflexes might be limb or life-saving. A few years ago a local young man lost his arm here due to a slowed reaction from pot use.

    I am asked frequently why with glaucoma I don't smoke pot. My doctor answered this question with, "It is effective only when the smoke gets in your eyes, and to control eye pressures you would have to smoke it 24/7. The same applies to my nerve problems. I could eat it and help my nerves but I would have to stay in a semi-lethargic state to get any real benefit. Personally, I think pot is overrated as a medicine.

    I want my mind sharp because almost daily situations arise that require a clear mind and quick response. With my balance issues, using pot in any amount would be foolish. CDC oil didn't do squat for me. I use Voltaren diclofenac sodium topical gel with amazing results. Face, neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, back, knees, feet, etc.

    When, why, and where to use pot is a personal thing. I can't see any increase in crime or accidents here since it became legal and it is everywhere. I think it should be legalized federally and any crimes involving intoxication from pot use would have stiff penalties.

    The worse thing about pot IMO is use by preteens and teens and it lessening their drive to learn and succeed and an overall dumbing down of society and making masses easier to dupe and control. Along with legalizing it, needs to come education about personal responsibility and possible consequences from abuse.

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