Taxes... What A Nightmare

Discussion in 'Money & Finances' started by Mari North, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Wouldn't it be great if the government actually made an effort to make tax preparation easier instead of harder each year?

    Wouldn't it be great if they wouldn't hire someone to sit there (apparently) and devise harder and harder schedules we need to add each year?

    Wouldn't it be great if... well, if there WERE no income taxes?! :p

    And wouldn't it be extra super duper great if I'd actually EVER get a refund instead of sending a check to Washington D.C. which already steals... uh, I mean deducts (same diff) so much out of each paycheck for taxes to begin with?

    Well anyhow... I wanted to get this off my plate before leaving town... but I don't think it's gonna happen. And why must there be THREE tax returns to do... federal, state, and local?

    Just sit a bajillion and eleventy tax forms and papers in front of Mari and watch her go from carefree and perky to fully annoyed in ten seconds flat. o_O :mad: :confused:
  2. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Striking my "most tense" nerve here. Our combined incomes, wife's and mine, are below government-established "poverty level", thus, no income tax is due, and no tax returns filed.

    Comes the requirement she join Obamacare, IRS tax return MUST be filed. I carefully did so, followed it to the letter. Result, about $577 of the $1200 she had to pay in during the year was refundable.

    Letter from IRS, WRONG. We had to send them $600. Money we could ill-afford to dump into the coffers of the Washington leeches.

    Mari North likes this.
  3. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Oh my goodness, @Frank Sanoica , that's horrible! It's a nerve for me, too... all I ever hear is people talking about how much their refund check is and what they're going to do with it. And *I* sit here and write another stinking check like you did after already paying so much.

    I didn't know that Obamacare demanded a return be filed even for those who didn't have to before. :( What I do know about THAT miserable mess is that we're now paying double what we did before for insurance and my daughter is paying three times more. Before the "Affordable Care Act" (GAG GAG... who thought of THAT name for it?! What a joke. Oh wait, I know who.)

    Well anyhow, I'm sorry to hear that you had to write out a check instead of getting a refund. So much damage has been done to this country in the last eight years.

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