Societal Creep

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Ivan Tea Sanderzon, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Ivan Tea Sanderzon

    Ivan Tea Sanderzon Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2024
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    That is what I call the real reason our society, churches, patriotism and general respect for others, transgender acceptance and the evil we have all suffered since the demonic communists took heed to Saul Alinsky, author of "Rules for Radicals," when he admonished the Left to achieve their goals by blending in to society: becoming sleeper agents, cut your hair, change your clothes and act like they believed in a civilized society, belief in God, patriotism, personal respect and respect for others.

    Consider for a moment girls, and guys for that matter, who refer to other girls as "Bro" and "Dude," or girls who refer to other girls as "my bitches." Let's look deeper here,
    "bro" and "dude" are masculine address from one male to another male. By referring to females with the same "bro" and "dude," a mindset is being created that there is no difference between the sexes. Trivial thought it may seem, it is a way to chip away at social structure.

    Churches that allow those who openly declare their support for abortion, or gay rights, are flagrantly going against the teachings in the Bible, and if one reads the Bible, one learns that while we are taught to love everyone and help those in need regardless of their station, we must not support them in their sin or we become just as guilty of that sin as the original sinner -- being that we are all sinners, taking on more sin is definitely not a good thing. Blame this on the Pastors, who have relinquished their calling to preach the Word. They have become too dependent on tithes and other gifts and don't want to offend anyone. Their church is not a church, it is just a building where people get together to list to pap and have coffee and cake afterwards. This is not merely chipping away at religious structure, it is hitting it with a wrecking ball. I can go on and on about this but I am not trying to write a book here LOL!

    Now, churches that send their member out with bullhorns to scream at homosexuals and repeat sections of scripture without true context are the worst of all. We are taught to talk to our brothers and sisters about their sinning, but we must also admit that we are sinners, as well. When we counsel them, we must use the complete Word, not just truncated sections pulled out of context to support their own position. The Bible says to spread the Good News, not to wildly scream into bullhorns thinking they are better than everyone else. They are the bulldozer drivers.

    Our educational system has been infiltrated by the cancerous filth of communism and that cancer has metastisized. Children are no longer taught to be patriotic, parents are to be ignored in preference to teachers who take pregnant young girls to the abortion clinic without parental consent or notification, sex acts are taught to kindergartners and the abhorent idea that transgenderism is a real and accptable thing, as men can be women and women can be men which is biologically impossible, regardless of plastic surgery and hormone treatments. Unforgivable sin is that which is made against the Holy Spirit in God's creation; one blasphemes when one alters God's intended creations, or that which God has given. When someone commits suicide, they blaspheme against God's intended creation and therefore have committed an unpardonable sin.

    I won't go on any further as it is evident how the structure of our civilization, in all areas, have systematically been assaulted in subtle and overt attacks. I know I have probably upset more than just some people here, but we need to feel that hurt to understand why we sit upon the precipice of the Lake of Fire.

    Jesus died for our sins but consider how He has been repaid. His ultimate torture of having the sins of mankind laid across his shoulders; the burden He beared was something no one can even imagine, but He did it because He loved us. It was His love that gave Him strength. Strength to bear the beatings of the Roman whip wielder, strength to rise up and walk, with the Cross on his shoulder, to the place where he would be set on display. The Romans thought they had placed him there as a form of humiliation and ridicule but what they did was show the world that Jesus Christ was true to his teachings and truly the Way the Truth and the Light! His death was the culmination of God's reason for becoming flesh. But the Good News is that He is risen! Hallelujah, He is risen indeed!

    God bless all of you. When you pray to give thanks to Him, pray for your friends and family, but remember to pray for out country. Command Satan to return to his pit and to take his minions with him, in the name of Jesus.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
  2. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I'll be back when I feel like a reply to this, I do agree with much of it, Not ready to get into it now.
    Ivan Tea Sanderzon likes this.
  3. Ivan Tea Sanderzon

    Ivan Tea Sanderzon Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2024
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    Sorry for the typos and incomplete words. Im usually better but my keys sometimes stick.
  4. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    After thinking about the subject maybe this is bigger than just human actions and inactions.
    Some evil un-natural power leading up to some kind of ending?
    From my studies it was all predicted before most of life on earth was created.
    Call it fallen angels or vengeance, I don't know.
    It is kind of like AI, something man may soon regret creating.
    I really don't know.too much for my brain.
    Ivan Tea Sanderzon likes this.
  5. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    In my prayers I have been asking for deliverance. To save the poor children from the absolute horrors they are facing. To save our country and have Donald Trump elected as he is the only one feared by the WEF--satan incarnate...
    And then, all of a sudden I remember "Thy will be done."
    The horrors may continue until they involve us all and then we will have to decide 'Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Maybe after experiencing like tortures.
  6. Jacob Petersheim

    Jacob Petersheim Very Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2024
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    Another one from ESOTERICA:

    "What is the Demiurge - Pt 1 - How the God Yahweh Became a Demon"

  7. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    There are people today who believe this life is hell. With what is going on lately, one might have that view eventually. Many believe life here is heaven too.
    I have told people that even the poorest in this country, we live better than royalty of old. I am thinking of our quality and variety of food, central heating, air conditioning, modes of transportation and my favorite--garage door openers:rolleyes:...
    We all have our own ways of arriving at how we see our God and good and evil.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  8. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I see much suffering from the land to the sea, humans don't have the excuse the animal Kingdon does. I sure don't have the answers to anything.

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