Same Sex Marriage Legal In The United States

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Hannah Davis, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Hannah Davis

    Hannah Davis Veteran Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Yesterday, the Supreme Court in the United States made history by making same sex marriage legal in all fifty states. So, its no longer up to each individual state to decide whether or not to approve same sex marriage its now Federal law whether all state law makers approve.

    Now this applies to the law not the church. Religiion is another matter entirely and I don't see this issue changing anytime soon with religions such as the Catholic faith. I can to a certain degree understand why same sex couples wanted to right to marry. Up till now the law refused to acknowledge same sex couples as being family because in the eyes of the law they weren't anymore then a couple who chooses to just live together. This can lead to issues such as one member of the couple not being able to see their partner if they are in the hospital or even make decisions on their behalf if they can't do it for themselves. So, I could understand why they wanted to right to marry.
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  2. John Donovan

    John Donovan Veteran Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    I, for one, am really glad for the Gay folks! I think that it's great that they can finally get married after decades of being denied that right. Love doesn't really depend on gender or race, and I'm glad that this time, love actually won.
  3. Brittany Houser

    Brittany Houser Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I don't think "love won" so much as states lost. The Feds have again overstepped their bounds in this decision. From a purely legal standpoint, the Supreme Court had no right to override the laws that some states already had on the books about same-sex marriage. I am not inserting any personal opinion here, just facts.
  4. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    States can have rights as long as they don't get in the way of the Federal Government. Isn't that the way it works?
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That's not the way it's supposed to work.

    Rules governing marriage were not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States.

    The implications of the Supreme Court's decision are more dire than the immediate consequences. If the Supreme Court can rule that one state can dictate laws governing marriage to every other state, then the same can be true of anything else. Thus, state legislatures are meaningless and a waste of time and money.

    This certainly isn't the beginning of the problems. Rather, it signifies an end to any pretense that we still live under the rule of law. The Constitution relegates very little to the federal government yet, year after year, the federal government has been exerting more and more authority. States were intended to be far more powerful than the federal government. Indeed, our founders feared a strong federal government.

    Even within the federal government, things are awry. The three branches of government were intended to be co-equal, yet the administrative branch has been allowed to usurp powers reserved to the legislative branch, largely with the consent of the legislators, either actively or through their unwillingness to make use of the powers given to the legislative branch. Of the two houses of congress, the senate is suppose to be the weakest, yet it has been allowed to become the strongest. Legislators are sworn to uphold the Constitution and, as such, it is not within their constitutional power to give power to the administrative branch. Yet, today we have a legislative branch that will go along with whatever the president wants to do if he is in the same political party, otherwise all opposition is related to whining in front of television cameras or filing useless lawsuits. The supreme court is not supposed to be the most powerful branch of government, and it certainly isn't supposed to be able to legislate from the bench, as it does.

    Prior to the Civil War, the United States were most always referred to in the plural, as in "these United States," as the states were intended to be sovereign in all matters except those specifically designated by the Constitution. After the Civil War, it began to be referred to in the singular, as in "the United States."
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  6. Avigail David

    Avigail David Veteran Member

    May 20, 2015
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    US Supreme Court with the 9 notable lawyers decided based on "reasoned judgement" explained by the Supreme Chief Justice relating to every American citizen's constitutional democratic rights. I think it means that the Judiciary process has adopted the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution July 9, 1868: "The amendment addresses US citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws. This amendment was, of course, in response to proposed issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.

    I am just as sad and disappointed. But with experience, comes wisdom, "Pride goes before a fall". We, of conservative, traditional view on marriage can use this battle to strengthen our values and rights to "individual rights of governance" of the First Amendment. And based of the" fear of God". We and with our families can fight back by strengthening our right to practice of religious beliefs and values.

    Good news, the fight in the battle field isn't over yet.
    Brittany Houser likes this.
  7. Brittany Houser

    Brittany Houser Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I am so pleased with Texas for their courage and conviction! I wish every state had a Governor and AG like theirs. Honestly it makes me want to move there! I'm so tired of people refusing to take a stand for their beliefs. In the state where I live, we have a law banning same sex marriage, but our elected officials are caving to pressure from the minority.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am pretty sure that I read before that if the states do not follow the dictates of the federal government, then they will lost some of the federal money that they get. Since the economy is already so terrible, and many cities and counties are going bankrupt; it would have to be hard for any state to refuse the federal dictators, and lose whatever financial support they recieve from there.
    Then the people would be all upset with the local governments; so they lose, either way. It is just not a good situation, and I agree that it is just the beginning of what will be likely to happen with this.

    Seriously, this gives us a whole new meaning to the old proverb that "Pride goeth before a fall".
    We got gay pride marriage, and our civil rights are fast falling !
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The federal government gets the money that it uses to subject everyone else from the people and business, most of which are located within a state. If the states were to withhold their money from the federal government, they could put off the cloaks of slavery.
    Mary Stetler and Brittany Houser like this.
  10. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It looks like the next stage in this little game has now begun. The first application for a polygamous marriage has been filed in Montana.
    The three-some has apparently been living together for several years, and used to belong to the LDS Church, but no longer do.
    Now that same-sex marriage has been made legal , they want to be able to be married as well.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  11. Brittany Houser

    Brittany Houser Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Of course they do! I guess we can kiss the traditional family structure goodbye! I think we can all begin to see the repercussions of this Pandora's box! I honestly am considering moving abroad.At least there wouldn't be a lot of surprises in store for me. This is one of the more painful things the left wing has gotten away with!
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  12. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    I try not to be judgmental and if this helps some people fine. The only thing that makes me upset is when the politicians want to play it like.

    Bill Clinton 1996 sign into Law the defense of marriage between a man and woman

    Obama 1998 he said I believe marriage is only between a man and a woman and not in favor of gay marriage

    Hillary Clinton saying I believe marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman this is the founding of Humanity and civilization
    Now they want it.
    They should have two mouths so they can talk out of both sides
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  13. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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