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Replacing Maytag Ukf 8001 Stuck Water Filter

Discussion in 'How Do I?' started by Faye Fox, Dec 31, 2022.

  1. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Ok, after several years of fighting changing my water filter, I finally know how it is done without a struggle. Sure YouTube it and you see someone just twist it counterclockwise and then pull back gently and it comes right off. Yeah, right! It is easy to see it is a new refrigerator with a freshly installed filter. I watched several videos over the years and called the company and got the same old just twist and pull. Written instructions on removing a difficult filter, provide nothing of use, just more frustration.

    The first year I was worried about breaking the holder, so I had the serviceman come to show me how to do it. He twisted it left then right about 20 times and then when all the way left, pulled it out with a slight twist while holding the holder firmly with his other hand. He did the slight twisting and it finally came out.

    I have used that method for the last 15 years and with a lot of time spent, worn out wrist, cussing, stamping my foot, and just having a real tantrum, always have got it.

    Today, since I always change it on the first of the year, I once again tried it myself. It wouldn't pull out even with several sessions, closing doors every 10 minutes to keep in some cool.

    After a fit that I had to scold myself for having, I took a deep breath and calmly took another look at it and like a light from above, I saw the narrow opening. With it turned all the way counterclockwise, I inserted my thin flat bladed screwdriver and twisted that baby back and forth and it started moving and then came off.

    Hopefully, others struggling as I do with this model of Maytag french door refrigerator will find this post on search. Repairmen don't even know this trick.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2023
  2. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    That looks much too clean for me, sometimes my water is brown and full of dirt after the city does repairs or has a line shut down for any reason. Once it was so dirty I called City Hall and told them it was so bad someone was going to get sick but they had nothing to say. They called the plant manager and he opened the lines and allowed to be drain and get clean again. Must have been a new guy working on it last. It would be great if they would make things like that clear plastic so a person had some idea how it might be attached. Reminds me of the mid 70s when Ford started using plastic wheel covers. I stuck my impact on one that had the lug nuts represented and just tore it to pieces. The dealer said don't worry about it and ordered a new one for the owner. It looked life like to me. It wasn't long after that everyone started carrying pocket magnets to qualify as an auto mechanic.
    Faye Fox and Beth Gallagher like this.

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