Pen Stings

Discussion in 'Reading & Writing' started by Avigail David, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Avigail David

    Avigail David Veteran Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Pen stings worse than the arrow.

    In history, Dark Ages and medieval Renaissance, political upheavals against the governance in the clergy, low-class citizens do not have a say and right to life. When the poor and the down trodden put forth issues with the governing lord or prince: they fall victims at the stakes, hanging, execution, or dungeon imprisonment.

    Man's mind and spirit cannot be suppressed even in the harshest of times. Metonymy of pen for powerful words of expression is mightier than the weapons of war. There were remnants of wisdom thinkers and sages of ancient history as guide for morals which value good and human life.

    When an arrow pierces through, it stings. But a words of correction, truth and wisdom based on the fear and love of God-- that pierces even in the bone marrows, joints and the judgments of the heart.

    I think this metonymy of pen and arrow is what it was for.
  2. Hannah Davis

    Hannah Davis Veteran Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Well, there is that saying the pen is mightier then the sword. Now a days I wonder if there could be another saying the Internet is mightier then the pen. Think about it, these days we do seem to have more places to express ourselves more freely due to online interaction. That's not to say that writing our thoughts and emotions still don't have a purpose. Writing is still one of the best way of expression, we let out our feelings and share them with others through the written word. The Internet just gave us yet another platform in which to do that. This can be good but it can also be bad in some cases.
  3. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    @Hannah Davis, that more places to express is being abused by many. In the social media, it is very common for me to see rants, senseless rants that are addressed to no one in particular. Sometimes I couldn't help myself but to post a comment to exhort that ranter to name his enemy. And if he couldn't mention the name that means he is a coward.

    Another abuse of that more places is the sharing of nonsensical items. Those religious people who maybe wanted to be called saints would be continually sharing religious items with the caption say Amen when you love God. Isn't that stupid? As a comedian said, why post such things? Are you sure God has a Facebook account?

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