Peace On Earth And Goodwill To All: How?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Avigail David, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Avigail David

    Avigail David Veteran Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Peace follows after good people. The question is, how can peace and security be had or become a reality for all nations that want it? And when will all these wave of terrorism end?

    The British leader, PM David Cameron got an idea and will carry out the solution to fight the lunatic IS caliphate, as did Margaret Thatcher fought terrorism in her day. And, of coarse, Vladimir Putin did not delay sending his personalized message via bombs on IS in Syria, "From Russia with love." France military responded within less than 24 hours after the Paris carnage by jihadists.

    I wonder if U.S. president Obama still believes in his sentiments on "Paris setback" and his delusional, "IS is contained" ? This leader should have a talk with the British leader, get a spanking and wake-up call to reality by Putin, and get in touch with his country's history and with the American people whom he swore, with an oath, to defend, protect and do something about getting that peace. For goodness sakes, he makes my blood to boil.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
    Ike Willis and Sheldon Scott like this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    For reasons that probably none of us fully understands, those who are in control of our world aren't seeking peace. Rather, they are seeking control. Probably every nation plays its part, but the United States is seeking only to destabilize those parts of the world that are not under its control, or under the the control of the World Bank, or whoever the real powers might be. I don't know that peace can be achieved by controlling those around us. Perhaps a sense of domination, or of maintaining an atmosphere where people are afraid to commit acts of violence, but I don't know if this is peace any more than you might consider submissive slaves to be peaceful. Worldwide peace can only be achieved through a combination of domination, fear, and slavery.

    I'm thinking that we can only achieve personal peace when we realize that there are things we cannot change, and spend our time and efforts toward those things that we do have some control over. As an American citizen, I have no control over what my federal government does. I don't even know that my vote is counted and, if it is, my vote is drowned out by the millions of votes cast by people who don't have a clue as to what or who they are voting for.

    I have some control over what occurs in Maine, but still very little. Being a small state, I know the people who represent me at the state level, and have had lunch, more than once, with one of our US senators and one of our US house members. This doesn't mean that they will do what I want them to do, and they usually won't, but they'll listen. The same is true of our governor. Still, at the state level, at least in a state with a small population, you can have some control.

    At the local level, things are better. We were part of a big effort to change the direction of our town council, and we were able to bring it from a council that voted 7/0 against everything that made sense to one in which we had the majority. It's still an effort though, and not everyone is up for a political fight.

    Probably the only place where we can have peace is within our own families, and within our own lives.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
    Avigail David likes this.
  3. Avigail David

    Avigail David Veteran Member

    May 20, 2015
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    There's a saying: "He who learns from history can prevent history from happening again." May this be our time in history when we see the need to be watchful, prayerful and protecting rights to life and the lives of others. May every leader of every nation gain more wisdom and truth to the reality that being united in fighting evil can achieve peace and security. We who understand the Sovereign plan must come to fervent prayer for our leaders or future leaders who deeply (and intelligently) support that kind of unity for peace.
  4. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    :oops:The United Nations has their hands full all the time. They are trying to do their best I think. Obtaining peace is not always easy when terrorist keep killing people for control over the region or have hostages to motivate or manipulate the world with their actions. Whatever the crime the terrorists try to take the world with it doesn't work at all for the United Nations will always be there for the world. It is disconcerting watching the news at times but there are prayers for this wonderful world. Let's not loose hope for peace ever.
  5. Tom Locke

    Tom Locke Veteran Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Two years ago, David Cameron went to the House of Commons with a demand that Britain send bombers to attack Assad's army in Syria. This motion was defeated. This week, he proposed a similar motion, the only difference being the plan is now to bomb Assad's enemies. Cameron evidently sees no irony in this position.

    Quite how blowing up vast areas of Syria is going to help anyone is baffling. In what way will this prevent acts of terror in the UK? Surely it is more likely to increase the probability of a terrorist attack in Britain. Meanwhile, the real victims are the unfortunate civilians that are killed because of the insane macho posturing of the likes of Putin.
    Terry Page likes this.
  6. Avigail David

    Avigail David Veteran Member

    May 20, 2015
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    After Paris terror by the radical Islamists, and Russian plane gunned down by ISIS-- French and Russian response towards ISIS caliphate is just appropriate. Shame on Obama who refuses to recognize who the real enemies are and calls them "Paris setback". San Bernardino terrorism this week shouldn't have happened.
  7. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    Pardon me for being negative on this thread but it is plain and simple that peace on earth is just a phrase, a term that we see during the holiday season but it doesn't mean a thing to the peoples of the world in general. With the impending religious war that is started by the Muslim extemists with their terroristic acts, the opposite is happening to the world - war and violence to all good men that is willed by those terrorists who believe in their evil religious learnings.

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