My Stuff Is Just Stuff

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Bobby Cole, May 23, 2023.

  1. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    So a curtsy is a passive-aggressive middle finger?
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    In today’s world… could it be less?
    Kinda like a wife saying “yes sir” in the middle of an argument.
    She isn’t really saying, yes sir.
    John Brunner likes this.
  3. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    But the syllable count is the same. ;)
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  4. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Only men who have gone around the block a few times would recognize the true meaning.
    For me, I not only went around the block but I invested in it a few times too.
    John Brunner likes this.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    An Addendum to the last entry of Mr. Diary.

    Just wondering to myself. (As opposed to talking to myself)
    A question and an almost serious one at that:
    Is it just me or can others see that one cannot be physically threatened by someone over the internet? I realize it happens but it isn’t like someone is actually holding a knife to their throat.
    It’s just words and empty ones at that.

    My heavens, you and I both know, Mr. Diary, that I’ve been threatened by people with whom I am face to face and the words were empty so how much emptier are they when the distance is a thousand miles apart?

    crickets. So……I guess you don’t have a good answer for me Diary. I’ll just keep on wondering then.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
    Nancy Hart and John Brunner like this.
  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Kinda sorta late night entry for Mr. Diary.

    We had a good workout today or rather, I had a good shoulders and traps day and Yvonne had a good swim so we’re both kinda tired but in a good way. I do not like pictures of myself but I do occasionally take a progress pic or two just to see how I’m doing. So far, so good.
    If I keep it up until my demise, I’ll be a pretty well built corpse.

    The porch is nice tonight. About 80-ish degrees and with the exception of a derned crotch-rocketist going up and down the highway….like I wrote, it’s nice. No hookers, no dealers, no pimps, no cars going BOOMITY BOOM down the road in front of the house; just me, sitting on my porch.

    Altogether it’s been a “just stuff” sort of a day. A little drama here and there, a little humor, a little work and a tinge of crap just to make for a good mixture. No real tribulations mind you….just what’s listed and nothing more.
    Ya know, if one really looks at their days, no matter how good a day has been, there’s always some bs in it somewhere.

    Perhaps crap works like a counterweight on a weight scale. The more good stuff we put on the other side, the less that the counterweight really matters.

    Oh well Mr. J. Diary, (J is for journal)
    Since all is well and all is quiet compared to other nights and we’re thinking about hitting the rack early tonight, it’s time you closed your pages too until another time.
    Maybe we’ll talk about space. Maybe about time. Religion or politics. about women or……not. Probably not. More than likely…not.
    They’re more complicated than space, time, religion and politics all put together and thinking about them will probably give me a headache.

    G’nite …..
    Yvonne Smith and John Brunner like this.
  7. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    How about peppers? ;)
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  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That promotion and purposeful prevarication about a peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked were possibly and most probably purloined by his proud partner Portnoy.
    Last edited: May 25, 2023
    Nancy Hart and John Brunner like this.
  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Dear J.D.
    I had a thought and then it disappeared. Just like that. Gone.
    Has that ever happened to you? Silly me. Asking J.D. if he/she/it remembers stuff. Of course he/she/it does.
    I never did ask, what do you identify as?
    crickets. Again? The silent treatment?
    Reminds me of an x-wife.
    At one point the only time she talked to me was when her tongue was hot and her shoulder was cold.

    Oh yeah! Now I remember!
    That derned guy on top of the apartments roof with his leaf blower. Been up there for oh…maybe 2 hours now.
    Just caught myself wishing his leaf blower would go dead or maybe he’ll fall off the roof and all that noise would stop. He’s young. He’d recover nicely if he slips and does a half gainer.
    I mean, it’s not like I REALLY want him to fall off but then again, since his leaf blower looks new and probably won’t conk out….uh…, forgive me.

    (That’s the wife sneezing in the background again. Seems she does that a lot lately. Pollen I suspect. Bless ya Babydoll !!)
    I digress.

    Anyway, back to the young man on the roof……May no harm come to the nice leaf blower guy even if he falls off the roof….. Amen.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It’s just another day…do,do,do,do,do…do…..It’s just another dayyyyy.

    Wazzup D !?!?
    You got anything? No?
    I don’t or at least, nothing of any significance that would cause a major serotonin buzz.
    Our pool is too cold to swim in and I let my afternoon coffee get too cold to drink so….meh.

    I had a good workout today and can see some growth but other than that….pretty much the same ol’ stuff. Just stuff.
    I did install a fan on the porch ceiling but I don’t think that it’s anything that will make the history books.

    Oh yeah, how about this……..?
    Later on..(pause for dramatic effect) I am going to grab the Dremel …..(another pause) and sand the corn on my left heel down!!

    Maybe you think that I should have done that last week but if I had done it last week then I wouldn’t have anything to do tonight.!! Don’t you at least know how to say “atta boy”?

    Derned Diary. Derned speechless antagonist.

    I’m waiting. Yvonne normally sneezes about halfway through writing this junk but nope….not today so I guess it’s not just another day.
    Nancy Hart and John Brunner like this.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Howdy J.Diary, (I’m still using a comma just to keep things friendly with ya but the day might come when I use a semicolon).

    No real entries today except that I cut my hair. Yup…all of ‘em.
    The snowy substance is getting a lot thinner on the northern slopes and as a matter of observation, by this time next year I’ll probably be buffing my head instead of weed whacking it.

    Maybe I oughta change shampoos? Maybe massage my skull a couple of times a day? Maybe increase my intake of saw palmetto. Instead of pruning the stuff, maybe I should just let it grow until it reaches my glutes? (That’s butt for all the folks who flunked gym.).

    I guess it really doesn’t matter what I do with it. I’m not trying to impress anyone. I’m not going out cruisin’ for babes. I just need it to stay out of my eyes when it’s windy.

    I s’pose that’s it. Everything else including cutting my hair is well……just stuff. Not even some spell binding good stuff…’s.everyday, plain packaged, nuthin’ new …..stuff.
    Nancy Hart and John Houlihan like this.
  12. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Hey D, wazzup?

    Been a couple of days mainly because nothing has been interesting enough for pen to meet the parchment so to speak.
    That said, there was an event that did take place last night that sparked a few moments of wonder and deep respect for nature.

    Ya know D, we humans are a very self centered lot in that we rarely think of the other life forms that exist here on earth and what they have to do to bring continuation to their own species.
    I mean, we can see the birds gathering twigs and leaves to build nests and even hear their mating calls and chirps but not realizing that they have a small universe of their own just as the squirrels, bees, deer and other species do.
    Each species, all with a primal knowledge of what has to be done each day so that their little universe will continue on without pause.
    Universes within universes within a universe. It’s breathtakingly marvelous, is it not?

    Soooo, last night I am sitting on the porch and enjoying a video of some sort when my wife, getting ready to take her shower, calls for me.
    “BOBBY” she called, to wit I answered “Whatcha Need”? “ I NEED HELP” she said.
    Hearing that Yvonne needed help, I leapt to my feet to go see what danger lurked in the house and there she is, pointing above the doorway to the bathroom.
    What, says I. ..BUG, she yelled.
    Yes, there above the door was not just one big water bug but two big water bugs busy doing what nature calls all of us to do at one time or another which is the wonderfully complex act of procreation.
    Yes, there they were, two of our most prolific creatures unashamedly linked back to back doing what nature demands; creating life.
    A beautiful thing indeed to be allowed as a spectator to one of the wonders of the world. Their universe. Their world.

    Too bad that their universe was on our wall so I took off my shoe and whacked ‘em. Goodbye universe. Goodbye bugs.
    At least they went out presumably with smiles on their faces.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
    Nancy Hart and John Houlihan like this.
  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Happy Belated Birthday D.J. !!
    You’re just a couple of days past 2 weeks old. Sorry, no candles until ya hit a year. It’s in the rules somewhere so don’t get all uppity with me.
    Rules are rules.

    Ya know, I was reading on the forum today and participating in a couple of conversations that when I was younger, I swore I’d never get into.
    I mean, when older people were talking and I heard some of the things they talked about, it got freaky….and really personal.
    “Nope” said I on many occasions when I was younger, “you’ll never catch me sitting around and talking about intestinal emissions and bowel movements and stuff like that when I get old, no sir, not me”!
    But….dern it, I did and worse, I’ve been doing it!

    I can remember back when I’ve written in threads dealing with everything from constipation, diarrhea, colonoscopies, how well do I go and how much, loose bowel syndrome all the way to a question of how much toilet paper do I use and how do I fold it.

    I guess I’m not just getting old, I’m old.
    As of yet, I really don’t seem to be having the problems that a lot of folks are having but I am waiting. Waiting for something that might astound one and all in the field of whatever goes on in the intestines and the evacuation of the same.
    Until that happens I’ll just consider myself a novice old man and wait patiently for the inevitable. Then, I’ll really be a bonafide old man.

    Uh, oh.
    I gotta leave. No, it’s not because I do not want to celebrate your 2 week birthday but……I gotta go. I mean…..I really gotta go.
    See ya next time.
  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Hey J.
    Still just sittin’ here I see. Page open and hoping I might pop up to write something super relevant to whatever the world condition might be in?
    Not a chance dude.,,,,,uh…..that’s assuming you’re a dude. I don’t want to hurt a journal’s feelings so any time ya wanna speak up and let me know if you’re not, I’ll understand.

    Ya know, I was looking at some Tubes and noticing all the professional influencers that seem to go on and on about this and that and I thought to myself, self, maybe that’s something I might like to do.

    BOBBY C…..The Influencer!!! Has kind of nice sound to it. BOBBY C. !! INFLUENCER!!
    INTRODUCING… Bobby C…..The World Renowned Influencer!
    Yup, I like that.

    I mean, most of the influencers I see look like they’re having a good time at what they do and from what I’ve heard, they make a chunk of money and would be good to have some extra cash laying around. Look at Dylan! uh…, don’t look.

    The problem as I see it is that I really don’t know what to do as an influencer. Yeah, I know I could talk up specialty stores or Christianity or politics or a myriad of other things but it seems that there are already a multitude of folks out there already doing that.
    I guess I can kick back and think about it for a while as to what niche’ I would be best at serving. Maybe I’ll come up with something tomorrow, or the next day.

    Lol…..maybe I can influence more people to procrastinate. That might be a hoot to do and I can see the possibilities except that I just remembered one important fact.
    To be an influencer on YouTube or Tik-Tok or whatever, one must first like cameras. Lots of video, lots of camera action.

    I dislike cameras. Can’t think of anything more uncomfortable than being in front of a camera. I like money but I dislike cameras more than I like money.

    (Yup, Yvonne’s inevitable sneezing whilst I’m writing in the Diary section. Bless you Babydoll). I digress.

    Well, another idea shot down by my own lack of a need or want to be on video. Crap happens but for a moment, Bobby the Influencer sounded pretty good.

    (sigh). Oh well…..Good Night D.J. Nice talkin’ to ya.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2023
    Yvonne Smith and Ken Anderson like this.
  15. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Howdy D !!
    Perhaps you’re going to ask me why I might be a little elated? No?
    Well, I’ll tell ya anyway.
    On my journey through life it’s really nice when I learn something and today, I learned a new word. Wanna guess what it is?
    Probably not because it seems that all you want to do is sit here and soak up ink but just for your information, whether you want it or not, the word of the day and maybe this whole year is:

    TERGIVERSATE (see, even spell check likes it).

    It’s a verb. A very long verb but a verb nonetheless but the meaning is kinda abstract in a way. Some references say that it’s the action one takes when they change their minds in the middle of a cause or position.
    Other references liken it to downright prevarication or beating around the bush, so to speak.
    Still another gives the example of one who runs when exposed to the truth.

    All that said, I think I might have a little fun with it, like:
    Hillary, Biden and Joy Behar tergiversate on a moment by moment basis.
    In her perturbation after a question from the press about Biden’s mental health, Jean Pierre, the White House tergiversator, refused to answer and decamped to her safe room.

    Yeah, thinking about it, I’ll probably never have a good opportunity for using such a word but it does sort of roll off of one’s tongue especially if the last T is emphasized. TergiversaTe.

    Alas, you obviously do not have a tongue so what the heck would you care? Ya know, I might just change my mind about you and start calling you a LOG!! I mean, all you do is sit there like a bump on one so why not?
    Oh? So now I’m the tergiversator? Au contraire, I’m not the one who went from being a Diary/ journal to a Log!

    Derned critter uses more bandwidth than it’s worth…….G’Nite! stupid diary….
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023

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