Mind Body

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Martin Alonzo, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Funny how the medical system puts down this connection as if they are two different things.

    When the body reacts to the environment the medical system want to drug it back into their specks. High blood pressure body is saying we need more blood for some reason. If the reason it needs more oxygen to the brain would it be smart to lower it. If you need more pressure to push blood through the kidneys would that be a good idea. If you exercise the blood pressure goes up because the body needs it to function correctly. Medical system goes after the blood pressure and does not look for cause.

    What you think makes a difference. Flight or fight this is where you decide to fight or run away both cause your blood pressure to increase in defense of what is going to happen. The big problem it does not need to be real and your body reacts the same. Getting angry at someone/thing can increase your blood pressure. You even change the blood flow in your body angry blood flows to your face. Fear blood flows away from your face. There is also tension and relaxation tension is the flight or fight the other is meditation and tranquility. Tension the body gets ready for action the healing process is put on hold while we save our life. Relaxation the body goes into repair mode and fixes and damage to the system.

    How does you immune system work. From birth anything that the body deems a threat will be responded to. A bacteria is responded to and antibodies are made so that the response can be faster next time. This also includes virus and other pathogens. How does the immune system know what is good or bad sad to say it does not. In comes allergies the immune system is reacting to something which is not a threat but inert. How did this beautiful system go wrong? It reacted like it always did it deems this as a threat.

    Getting back to the mind/brain we have fears which are the same we are born with two loud noises and height all others are learned. When a trauma happen there is an opportunity of a fear to be installed. Like a child having a snake or spider thrown at them and some are even learn from the people around you like my mother is frighten of spider and me too. This reaction is the same as what the immune system does.

    Doing even deeper vaccines give a person a weaken or dead virus and at the same time cause and attack on the immune system using other chemicals like mercury or aluminum. The system sounds fool proof. How does the body know the difference between the dead virus in their blood and the peanut oil that was in the shot or just some other inert thing floating it the blood? This is an interesting question is this the birth of many allergies? Allergies are a phobic reaction of the immune system.

    As a NLP master practitioner NLP have techniques for retraining the immune system it was started by one of the first Robert Dilts he found if you treat allergies as a phobia of the immune system you could get them to go away. His work was followed up by Judith Swack PHD Who show great results in reversing allergies.

    Hope you enjoy my rants

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