Last Thursday

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Frank Sanoica, May 22, 2017.

  1. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    My nephew Mike, from Flagstaff, spent a few days with me while my wife was in Indiana. He arrived Tuesday, and left Thursday last, at about 5PM. The temperature here when he left was on the order of 85`F, sunny and quite warm, seasonably so, about normal for this time of year. Shortly after he left, Flagstaff being 180 miles to the east, the wind picked up as a front obviously had arrived; I guessed gusts as high as 40 mph, and hoped his travel along I-40 would not be too affected.

    It was. He ran into blizzard-like conditions of heavy snowfall driven by high winds while still 60 miles out of Flagstaff! He tailed a semi, to ease the poor visibility caused by the wind. I learned all this when he called from home, at about 10PM. Mountainous areas can be treacherous nearly any time of the year, weather-wise. In his 25 years in Flag, he has several times seen snow or hail in June!

    I was glad he called, hoped he would, but was surprised what his trip entailed......
    Chrissy Cross and Gary Ridenour like this.

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