Joe Mcarthy Vs Ed Murrow

Discussion in 'History & Geography' started by Marie Mallery, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I found this interest years ago when studing how socialism was slowly changing America,socialism being the prelude to communism.
    What say you about this famous 'broadcaster vs the General?
    Sixty years ago, Edward R. Murrow performed one of the most famous acts of journalistic evisceration in American television history.

    On March 9th, 1954, Murrow—who was then perhaps the country's most highly revered journalist—devoted an entire episode of his CBS program "See it Now" to the words and deeds of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had already done much to earn his notorious place in history. Using McCarthy's own statements, Murrow painted a picture of a man whose recklessness with the truth and ugly attacks on his critics had contributed to a climate of deep fear and repression in American life.

    At the end of the show, Murrow turned to the camera and delivered a long
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  2. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Ladies and gentlemen, can there be anyone here tonight who is so blind as to say that the war is not on? Can there be anyone who fails to realize that the communist world has said, “The time is now” — that this is the time for the showdown between the democratic Christian world and the communist atheistic world? Unless we face this fact, we shall pay the price that must be paid by those who wait too long.

    … As one of our outstanding historical figures once said, “When a great democracy is destroyed, it will not be because of enemies from without but rather because of enemies from within.” The truth of this statement is becoming terrifyingly clear as we see this country each day losing on every front.

    At war’s end we were physically the strongest nation on Earth and, at least potentially, the most powerful intellectually and morally. Ours could have been the honor of being a beacon in the desert of destruction, a shining, living proof that civilization was not yet ready to destroy itself. Unfortunately, we have failed miserably and tragically to arise to the opportunity.

    The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because our only powerful, potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have been treated so well by this nation. It has not been the less fortunate or members of minority groups who have been selling this nation out, but rather those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer — the finest homes, the finest college education, and the finest jobs in government we can give.

    This is glaringly true in the State Department. There the bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are t
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  3. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    To quote what I consider the ignorant enemy " Good Night and Good Luck" Wonder if he knew we were going to need it?

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  4. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    This vidoe shows how they did then and how they are still doing the same thing todaay,lie and falsely accuse then try and ruin the persons reputation.
    I remember this piece of work being on TV in every household being fed lies to silly women and ignorant men who don't know their own history much less the past hwre this same tactic has been used to tear down nationsand usually ends in millions murdered or persecuted.
    We are living in interesting times.
  5. Lois Winters

    Lois Winters Veteran Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Politicians have been known to lie since their inception. Nothing new here. As for the McCarthy era, I remember it well. I was in college and I watched it on T.V. Pinkos everywhere according to Joe McCarthy, et al. Well, when I was in high school, my senior year history teacher who taught, The Problems With American Democracy, was a card carrying Communist. She and one of my science teachers both belonged to the same cell. One day the FBI barged into school and arrested them both on the spot since it was against the law to be a Communist in this country. So, all the so called hysteria was about rooting out the enemies of this nation. Back in the late 30's many teachers became enamored of communism and when questioned by the authorities about their allegiance to "Uncle Joe," they could not understand why they were not allowed to be true to two flags. These were teachers and had this problem?

    I would not equate Trump with McCarthy at all. If his statement was racist, then it was only so in the minds of those perceiving it as such. I understood what he was saying. Trump's problem simply is the fact that he does not possess the art of diplomacy.
    Marie Mallery and Yvonne Smith like this.
  6. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Looks like the proof is in the pudding,because they were infiltrating all our politics,entertainment and learning university's.
    But I think the ones its blamed on are not the ones doing it but maybe escape goats so to speak. I read it was started long ao by certain cuacasian's in Europe.
    The House Of Indeia, The Chatham House,etc.

    But who knows or even cares anymore whoever it is it is happening and I don't think any leader or group will stop it.

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