Again, I have to request a software modification so that a poster can 'like' his own comments. So many of my comments are super clever or fallin' down funny. If I could like my own comments I'd be going clickey, clickey, clickey all the time. Dwight Ward and 273 others like your comment.
I like myself, I think I'm grand, I go to a movie, I hold my hand, I put my arm around my waist, And when I get fresh, I slap my face!
Subconscious cry for help. Split personality. So, ya start a thread in the help section saying “I Like Me” whilst requesting a button be installed so you can ostensibly be liked by you more than you presently do. Now, is it that you don’t like you so much that you need the extra verification by your other self or is it that your other self doesn’t like you and you need to show your other self how likable you really are by having the button installed? A self high five in front of the mirror combined with a self pat on the shoulder or a self slap on one’s own butt is generally helpful.
It's less schizophrenia and more like a crowded bus full of personalities. Some of us understand what you're saying and some of us don't. Mostly I'm just trying to have a little fun.