Shocking. When you first sat up after this did your hand feel numb or tingly? Lucid dreams can hit you that way. I had two nasty dreams. Buzzards flocking over Washington DC and Ottawa Canada. A trip in spirit to overhead view saw a hundred or so people on the ground with ravens devouring their flesh. Ugh. Next night was a nightmare. Neighbor threw liquid over our backyard fence,. It was flame, burning and landed on my cat buddy. I ran over and beat out the flames with my bare hands. The pain was intense as I could see bone through my burned flesh. Woke up quick wrapping blankets around my hands to stop the burning. Took almost a full minute to realize it was a nightmare. You can bet I am super careful around ignition sources now.
I had a similar dream but jerked my hand back after dreaming I was swatting a fly. I hit myself hard in the nose and caused a good bleed because of taking a blood thinner. Blodied sheets and pillow cases.
nancy hart was mentioning the loss of the pair of bluebirds in her yard. The night I read that post, I woke up about 3AM thinking there were two birds perched on a pillow next to me. I actually turned on the light and stared to see them!!! It was insanely real. I've woken up from a dream feeling disturbed by it, but not as though I'm in its reality. I've always been a "2 dream a night" guy. There's the main dream which I wake up from just an hour or two before it's time to get up, then I go back to sleep and have a seemingly shorter dream unrelated to the first. I was writing them down for quite a while (I always recall my dreams when I wake up.) They made no sense, other than the "chasing a boss with a kitchen knife" thing. That don't take Freud to figure out.
I only recall having one dream in my life about birds and it too was amazingly realistic. I was on a balcony and there were a dozen small birds on the ground below. 4 Blue, 4 Red and 4 Yellow. They each had a flower of the same colors and each flew up in a very orderly fashion and placed the flower on the balcony floor in front of me then they flew back to the ground. They stood very still and kept looking up at me as though I was supposed to do something so I picked up the flowers and held them for a while. They still stood there quietly looking up whilst I examined the flowers. Then, I do not know why but I started dropping the flowers one by one to the ground below and a bird of the corresponding color of the flower would go over and pick it up and fly away until there were no flowers left to drop and no birds nor flowers left on the ground below. It was probably the most emotional but serene and beautiful dream I have ever had but somehow, it still makes me sad to think about it. Strange.
All of this reminds me of the family dog on the floor in a deep sleep, whimpering with his legs going a million miles an hour. Then he wakes up, looks at you with half-awake eyes ("Did you see THAT?!?!?!"), puts his head down and goes back to sleep.
Would you please just build me a good hydro electric car.? I know it can be done, just don't know why no one ever does it.