Gluten Intolerance, And Related Digestive Issues, Are Getting Worse

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Yvonne Smith, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have been reading a little about the genetic modification of wheat, and how this is affecting our digestive system, and contributing to diseases like Celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's Disease, and even seemingly unrelated illnesses like diabetes type 1 & 2 both. It also can cause seizures, or at least make them worse, and also can contribute to mental hallucinations for people with mental illness or autism.

    The problem here, or at least part of the problem, is that wheat itself has been modified until it is no longer the same as the wheat that has been grown or harvested wild for many centuries. So, when we hear of wheat being called "the staff of life", it was defintely not what we eat for wheat now.
    No longer do we have the "amber waves of grain" even. Wheat has been hybridized , and even now genetically modified so that it grows faster and produces more wheat.
    It has a much bigger wheat-head, and was so top-heavy that it could not be supported on the stalk; so it was necessary to develop a variety that grows on a very short stalk. Now, wheat only grows a little over a foot tall, produces up to 10 times the amount of wheat as the old-fashioned varieties did, and can be harvested much sooner.

    This all seems to be great, except that now we have developed diseases that didn't exist previously, and are directly related to the hybrid varieties of wheat, which our bodies do not process properly.

    Even worse, wheat also can now pass through the blood-brain barrier, and it bonds to the same receptors in the brain as heroin does, and now becomes an addictive substance, that can also cause withdrawal symptoms when a person stops consuming wheat products.
    It is added to almost all of the processed foods that we buy at the grocery, and when you think about it, there is not only the bread aisle, but the cereal aisle, and also all of the pasta and other foods that use wheat; so almost all of the store has wheat products in one form or another.

    This is causing an epidemic of digestive-related issues, and only promises to get worse, as long as we are using the genetically modified wheat and gluten from that wheat.
    There is a really great book out about this , which I just began reading last night, which focuses on Celiac disease; but also explains why most of us are addicted to wheat, and why it causes us digestive problems now.
    The book is called "Wheat Belly", and it is by Dr. William Davis, MD.
    This book is now available to read free if you have an Amazon Prime account, and is listed in the prime Reading section of Amazon. Here is the link to the book.
    Jeanee Burke and Holly Saunders like this.
  2. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    With all the preservatives, dyes, and now genetically modified foods sold to us there should be no surprise at all about all the health problems people are experiencing. Everything in our body is connected so what we put in our mouths will affect every part of our body in either good or not so good ways.

    I know awhile back the Government, etc. did not have to tell us if foods were genetically modified and this probably hasn't changed. The companies that use preservatives and dyes do not have to tell us about any bad side effects, etc. that can happen to our bodies because of these preservatives and dyes they are adding to preserve "shelf life" ... and not our lives. :(

    Most people don't even worry about these things until they start having serious health problems that the Doctors can't find answers to or prescribe medications that just add more health problems with there side effects. Even when you do research to help will have one person saying one thing and another something totally opposite. And then there is always the side notes that says this is not Government approved! :eek:

    I have found that finding our own answers to our health problems is often necessary and to find those answers we have to try different things and try it long enough to see if what we are trying really helps. Many people try something for a few days and because nothing changes or they don't like having to put up with the effects of the "poisons" leaving their bodies so they just stop and say it didn't work. But just like it has been said it takes 21 days to change a bad habit or to develop a good one...we need to give things we try for better health that same time or more to see if it can help. Unless of course there are serious side effects that are a warning sign that this is harmful to your health and not beneficial.

    I will give you a for instance. When my "baby" got married she treated me to my first Pedicure. And my last! My right big toe developed a fungus from that pedicure and no matter what I bought to treat it, it either did nothing or made it go away for a short while and then came right back. Researching what the Doctor could do for this showed that the cost of the pills would be expensive, have to be taken for a very long time and did not promise the toe nail fungus would be gone forever. So I ruled that out. And after trying nearly everything the Drug Store sold for this that promised a cure...but didn't...I got back online and searched for answers again. And I found my answer. I took the fungi-nail little bottle filled it with a diluted bleach and water solution, cut the fungus part of my nail off and every day brushed on that diluted bleach solution and now my toe nail is healthy as can be. At least twice a week I still brush on that diluted solution after a shower and keep my toe nails trimmed, etc. Most of the websites I searched on said some people used that solution but it wasn't a good idea and we shouldn't do it. I'm sure that must have been some of the people who want you to spend your money on their "solutions" that don't work! :)

    My other example is concerning food. I have IBS and I have totally had to change what I eat and how I eat since I was 28 years old. Finding what I could and could not eat was trial and error but over the years I did find those things that I know will cause my IBS to control me...instead of me controlling it. But what works for me and my form of IBS will not necessarily work for someone else's form of this bowel disease. It takes time and effort to find the answers that will help your particular health problem.

    I believe most health problems are a result of the preservatives, dyes, chemicals, and not the genetically engineered changes in our food supply. Staying healthy is a real challenge now days but if you want to live out your days as healthy as possible...the challenge is worth it!
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I can relate to what you are saying about trying different things to see what works for each of us, and that is what i do, too, @Babs Hunt . I am always reading and then trying something out to see whether it seems to help me or not. And you are right about t he detox part, too' because when we are kicking the poisons out of our body, we feel sick, and can have symptoms like nausea and diarrhea, and it makes a person think that the treatment is what is making them sick.
    About the toe nail fungus, bleach is probably a good idea. Horses also get a hoof fungus called thrush, and it makes the frog of the hoof stink, almost like putrefaction. The vet can give you lots of stuff that is supposed to cure it; but what most of the old-time cowboys and farriers use is bleach. On the horse hoof, they just pour a little on full-strength, and do it each time they clean the horse's hoof, and it usually clears it right up.
    Jeanee Burke and Babs Hunt like this.
  4. Jeanee Burke

    Jeanee Burke Veteran Member

    Aug 10, 2017
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    I have been eating this generic "Creamy Wheat" hot cereal and I love it. I wonder if I may be hooked on it. I have to read the box label to see if it's whole grain or not, aren't whole grains better for us?
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  5. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    There are certain things that set the tummy off..for me...grapes red wine cinnamon diet stuff I think.
    Made apple dumplings few weeks ago had never done that. Bit later...the throne kept calling my name. Forgot it had cinnamon in that.

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