Fox News By Faye

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Faye Fox, Nov 7, 2019.

  1. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Nov. 07 2019 0800 hours. Just finished an aromatic and rich cup of hot chocolate. I look at my calendar and see a free day, no medical appointment, no schedule with friends, nothing requiring my presence or expertise. I am not bored, just don't feel like doing any hobbies, so here I am writing a diary The only exciting thing happening today is I am getting 3 more pair of my favorite heavier weight semi fit MOM jeans. That means I will have 6 pair heavier for winter and 6 pair lighter for summer. I over do everything! I should have jeans to last until my 100th birthday. What shall I do today besides my 3-5 mile walk?
  2. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I love MOM jeans. They get a bad rap, imo. Looking forward to reading about your activities, Faye.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  3. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I like them because they are high rise, fit my waist and down to hips, but yet relaxed at thighs and are very figure flattering. I find the lower rise to be hard on my lower back if I do a lot of sitting. I go walking in my AE mom jeans and they are more comfortable than heavy leggings.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  4. Bob Kirk

    Bob Kirk Veteran Member

    Jan 18, 2019
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    Cut the beginning part to comment that the last sentences seem to indicate you are presenting your MOM jeans in a fair & balanced way.
  5. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    All of the above. I agree.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  6. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Light weight & heavy weight jeans? What weights do gals consider heavy> Welcome to this part of the Club world.
    Bottom feeders down here. Looking to hear what you think of the world and its many parts.
  7. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Welcome to the bottom feeders.Looking forward to reading your observations.
    Faye Fox and Nancy Hart like this.
  8. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Yes, Bob when it comes to jeans, I try not to spin except when washing.
    Peyton Farquar likes this.
  9. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Thanks for question Bill. I can only speak for what I have in my closet. My Carhartt women's straight leg work jeans are 12oz. My Lee women's riding jeans are 11 oz. These are both 99% cotton 1% spandex. My AE mom heavier weight are about 9 oz and cotton, modal, poly, and spandex. My AE light weights are about 6 oz and cotton with a touch of poly and spandex. The weave is tight and they seem to wear as good as the heavier weight Lee or Carhartt for everyday use. I am not sure how the weights compare to men's. I seldom wear my Carhartt's anymore (but can't bear to part with them) and have my Lee's in the box headed for Goodwill.
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  10. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    LOL... Faye, I can't believe you know all the weights of your jeans.. wow!! :D...I'd be here all day working out mine, I have at least 40 pairs of jeans of all different styles and makes..

    BTW what does ''AE'' mean?
    Bess Barber and Faye Fox like this.
  11. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Thanks for the reply. My Wrangler and Levi are 14 ounce I do believe, I've had 11 oz. in other brands. They all seem heavy now except the pair i have on now.Wranglers, they are old and workout they seem to be lighter. The knee area are throughly worn and the seat may be showing wear. I have a pair of Wrangler and a pair of Lees, both polyester. I love them in summer. Shepler's handled them. Once upon a time they were sold a dress jeans.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  12. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    @Holly Saunders I had to look up the weights ha ha! I am down to 16 pair 5 different styles and 7 colors. 12 pair are blue 3 different shades. AE is American Eagle. Awesome outfit for jeans. They are more of a young persons place, but do have a few I like in the MOM style because of super high rise. 11 3/4" and they offer about 6 different lengths from extra short to extra long for talls. Nice to have varied lengths for sandals. Some sandal look great with above ankle hem and some with longer. Many of their styles are the "dog destroyed" ones I wouldn't take for free. I take my jeans serious! Ha ha !
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  13. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Nov. 8, 2019, 06:55 hours PST --- Yesterday was looking like an uneventful day. No good news but no bad either. I had just found the perfect recline of my chair and set to watch a new series called, "The Cowboy," when rap a tap tap resounded off my door. I knew it was my wonderful 82 year old neighbor and friend. He doesn't like using doorbells as he likes to ID with his woodpecker knock. I got up let him in. He says, "Well old woman are you ready for happy hour?" I must have looked stunned because he said, "Oh no, I must have forgot to tell you I am taking you out to a new microbrewery restaurant, my treat." I surprised him with, "Why thank you and yes, I would love to go," and then donned my nicest form flattering jacket and off we went. After sampling several microbrews, we both found one we liked. The place was really neat. Lots of old restored vintage items decorating all around. Old neon beer signs lit up. Old gas pumps, old car chrome grills, etc. The place had windows all around. It was a feeling like being in my early twenties. The place was an old hardware store and many of their original signs were hanging around. We ordered and the food was fantastic. Beer battered cod fillet with sweet potato Cajun seasoned fries and a killer cold slaw. We reminisced about what is was like went we were teens and just how thing changed from when he was a teen until I was a teen. We both had our cell phones off and it was a lovely afternoon. After arriving home I forgot that I was going to watch The Cowboy and answered emails and tumbled and folded forgotten laundry. A snifter of brandy (medicinal reasons) and I slept like a baby, yes I did! I woke up every hour to use the bathroom.
  14. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Nov. 9, 2019 0600 hours PST --- Note to self now that I have stopped sneezing and choking > Listen Faye, you old dummy, give up your morning spoon(s) of peanut butter. You have a reaction to it, Yes, I know you felt it was cool and you should continue after you read that @Bobby Cole also participated in this same behavior. Switch to almond butter and pay the extra. < End of note to self.

    OK, I woke up and remembered my dream! It was of an old guy dressed in shorts, a bit on the skimpy side, and he was carrying a small white bag as he left the grocery store. He suddenly began gasping for breath and grabbed onto a car for support. I ran over to see if he was alright. He said he was and just had a strange loss of energy. I asked what he had in the bag and he said my cholesterol medication. I said well there is your problem. Then I woke up and thought of @Frank Sanoica . I doubt that this is the cause of Franks current health issue, but tossing it in the ring of ideas anyway. I know taking statin drugs does have this effect on a lot of seniors. I have had at times a shortness of breath and loss of energy, but I get heart pounding and have to rest for a few minutes, then I am fine. Doctors have no idea and my heart checks out great. My lungs are also great. Anyway that was my dream.

    Yesterday was mundane. I wasn't bored but nothing happened that made me want to dance and high five the world. A rude young man on a skateboard ran me off the sidewalk and I wanted to low five him with tight fist and a quick under jab. Have him singing like a monk imitating a female canary.

    Today may be fun. I am going over to a dear long time old friends to help her do her outdoor Christmas lights. She loves decorating for Christmas. I hate it, but love helping her and giving her joy. I am always happy when Thanksgiving and Christmas are over. Time that should be joy and family sharing seldom is. I see so much greed, family disputes, hurt feeling, and all kinds of organizations begging for donations to feed the hungry and give poor kids toys. Poor kids need love and family first, not toys made in China. The truly hungry aren't just hungry TWO days a year!!! Many of the so called hungry can afford to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day, buy liquor, and feed a large dog AND HAVE A BETTER CELL PHONE THAN I CAN AFFORD! Excuse the hell out of me but they can afford food more than I can, yet I eat several small meals a day and never go hungry. The grocery clerk asked me if I want to donate to feed the hungry at Thanksgiving. I said no! He said well there is a lot of people going hungry this holiday season. I said, "And they are NOT hungry any other time of the year?" He said more people are hungry on Thanksgiving and Christmas than any other day of the year and this is factual statistics. I just shook my head, took my receipt and felt pity for the brain damage the phony bleeding heart liberals have caused our younger generation. There is no good come back remark to stupid! My grandpa always told me, walk away from stupid. That is a job only God can fix! I always donate to the fireman fund that buys coats for kids and they start when cold weather starts and quit when warmer weather arrives. I still see kids on below freezing days, even those from the wealthy neighborhoods, going to school no coat or jacket and in shorts and flip flops. I told my retired fireman neighbor that next year I won't give to the coats for kids drive unless the firemen/paramedics can find a way to fix stupid.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
  15. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Nov. 10, 2019 0731 hours PST --- Well, the Christmas lights party never happened. A couple of young senior ladies had dropped by to visit my friend and when I arrived they were talking lunch. So off the lunch we went and the chosen place was closed. Another suggestion of a fun place and after a few miles drive, found it also closed. So a third place was suggested and upon arrival, we found it had changed and was mainly a bar that opened at 5 PM. I was asked for an idea and not willing to admit I didn't really know of a great unique place, suggested we head out to a rural area and see what we could find there. A girl road trip!

    50 miles later we saw a small community that had a cafe in an old house. The food was unreal! The place was crowded and one table had a couple playing dominoes while they ate and drank. I hadn't seen that since childhood. No seating was left, so over in a corner they setup card tables. A large senior ladies group, that I assume was local, had finished eating and ordered desert and coffee and broke out a deck of cards. We were done so we paid and left as more people, mostly older, were coming in. People were even eating on the two outside benches in front. We decided since the day was shot for any decorating party, to check out the area.

    One lady saw an old restored building that was very unique. It was a home owned winery that grew their own grapes and processed them right where they sold the wine. It was an amazing restoration with old unique doors and windows and furniture. The wines were great and time seemed to stand still while we were there. Then back on the road headed home. It was one of those spontaneous days that keeps us young and sassy according to one of the young seniors. I feel asleep in my recliner within minutes of arriving at my place, feeling neither young or sassy. It was a fun day and sure beat outside holiday decorating.
    Emma Smith, Bill Boggs and Nancy Hart like this.

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