Forcing People to be Vaccinated Next?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Yvonne Smith, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It truly looks like that is the next issue coming up, and another liberty lost. The whole thing looks very contrived to me.
    When I was a child; kids only were given vaccinations when their parents requested it, and it was simply done at school. They weren't vaccinating us for things like mumps and measles, most of us had already caught those and survived when we were little.
    Polio was the big thing back in the fifties; so that was the main thing that kids got, was the polio shot. We expected to get all of the usual childhood diseases, and it developed a strong immune system in our young bodies.
    Now, they act like a kid having measles is the absolute end of the world. So, if only the kids who don't have shots are catching it; why are all of the parents of the kids that did get the shots so upset ? ?
    They started out with saying that some kids at Disneyland had measles and other kids caught it from there. So, if kids who have had measles shots are now getting measles, then it means that we have a new strain of measles that the vaccine does not work on.
    We also had children (vaccinated ones) coming down with a new form of polio this last summer. They tried to claim that it was not polio, just a corona virus; however, it did cause children who were paralyzed.
    We are also getting several other illnesses that have not been seen in the United States for many, many years, and one of the main things they check people for now is tuberculosis.
    I got bitten by a copperhead snake, rushed to the hospital, and they would not even LOOK at the snake bite until they tested me to make sure that I didn't have tuberculosis ! !

    My point in all of the apparent rambling is this; we started getting all of the diseases when we started allowing so many of the illegal aliens just to come into the country in droves, like they are now doing.
    We are also having more problems with insects that we didn't have before. Bedbugs, which were all but non-existant, are now at epidemic levels.
    Was there an agenda in all of this ? Are we now seeing all of these diseases again as a prelude to mass vaccinations (forced vaccinations) here in this country ?

    In Africa, people were forced to get a vaccination for meningitis, which has similar symptoms as the ebola virus does. Many of those people then contracted meningitus and died because of a live vaccine. The people are simply added to the ebola count, since it is hard to tell for sure without specific tests and information, and most of the ones who died were just hastily buried.
    No one really knows how many actually died from either disease, but you only hear about the ebola, and not about the live meningitus vacciine.
    Faith Lodestar likes this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Today, we're supposed to believe it's the only thing we can do to save our children. Yet, they're not at all worried about whether the children and adults they are allowing to come across the border are vaccinated, or what third-world diseases they might be carrying, for that matter.
    Faith Lodestar and Sheldon Scott like this.
  3. Allie Seay

    Allie Seay Veteran Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    All of these diseases had been pretty much eradicated in the US; but no longer, thanks to our government rolling out the red carpet for illegals.

    I don't know, Yvonne, what the particular agenda is, but I'm pretty sure there is one. The government requiring that everyone be vaccinated doesn't sound far fetched to me. It just sounds par for the course.

    In one way or another, I believe that what's coming across the southern border is going to be the end of this country.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  4. Pat Baker

    Pat Baker Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    The people that are coming into the country should be checked before they are allowed to expose citizens here to what ever they maybe bringing into the country. Back in the day when people were coming here from all kinds of places did't they have to stay on Rikers Island for a period of time before they were allowed to mix the other citizens. I am not saying the people coming into the states are diseased but we do need to control the bugs and what ever.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I was just reading another article tonight that is also very disturbing, and most especially to all of us as senior citizens.
    The article was about a 95 year old WW2 war veteran, who lived in an assisted living facility. He apparently got a urinary tract infection. No fun to have; but certainly not what could be called a serious medical condition.
    They wanted to hospitalize the elderly man, and when he refused; the police were called to force him to be hospitalized against his will.
    When he resisted, they tried to tazer him, but missed. As the poor old fellow shuffled towards the police officer, he was shot "in self-defense" by the police officer, who was using what is called bean-bag rounds.
    These are not supposedly considered as deadly as regular bullets, but he only lived a few hours after being shot; so they must have been pretty severe.
    The "dangerous weapon" being wielded by the 95 year old man ? ?
    He had a shoe horn.
    They said they thought it was a machete------seriously ?
    The officer who shot this elderly gentleman was found not-guilty of any wrongdoing.
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The police are nearly always found to be not guilty of any wrongdoing. Of course, if they allowed the rest of us to investigate our own crimes, we'd probably get off easy too.

    As for vaccinations, the topic of this thread, there have been measles outbreaks in schools throughout the United States and Canada where the percentages of vaccinated children contracting the virus was greater than the percentage of unvaccinated children. Vaccinations, overall, are not without risk, and are not always effective. This should certainly set the stage for a situation where parents are able to assess the risks and make their own decisions for their children. After all, if vaccinations are effective, then vaccinated children are not at risk; and if vaccinations are not effective, they may not be worth the risk. The bottom line, however, is that I do not trust my government to do the right things. To think that a country that allows abortion on the basis that no one should be able to tell a woman what to do with her own body is contemplating mandatory vaccinations, well that is absurd.
  7. Fredrick Jones

    Fredrick Jones Veteran Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Even if the fellow had a serious life threatening medical condition, what if he wants to die in his own home, or just doesn't want to go to the hospital. When did the government decide to take away these basic rights. The more I hear about America, the more I am happy I no longer live there, things just seem to be getting worse and worse.
  8. Kevin Matthew

    Kevin Matthew Veteran Member

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Ken, I have to respectfully disagree on the vaccinations... We had measles eliminated until all kinds of health nuts decided that the vaccine might hurt their little precious jewels... Why do you think the latest outbreak started at Disneyland? Disneyland isn't filled with illegal immigrants. (Believe me, I've been dragged there several times a year every time someone visits LA...)

    I think we should tell people they have the choice to have their kids vaccinated, but if they want to enroll in school they need to have their shots. You don't want to give little Ashely/Ashly her shots? Fine, home school her and keep her away from everyone else. You can bet that all those parents got their MMR shots when they were kids and it didn't give them autism... and now it suddenly matters to them?
    Lois Winters and Tina Randall like this.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Children receive some placental immunity from their parents, but research has shown that when the parents received childhood vaccinations, then the babies do not receive that boost to their immune systems.
    Many of the children who are catching the measles are children who have already received the vaccine.
    Since the measles vaccine was developed, new strains of measles have emerged, which are not controlled by the measles vaccines, and these new strains are much worse than the original disease was.
    In communitites where none of the children were vaccinated, there are very few incidences of sick children, plus they have strong immune systems to resist other infections.
    Not only that, this is not just now occurring, as they would like us to believe. Vaccinated children have been coming down with measles and other diseases which they were given the vaccinations for, and this has been happening for many years now, and was not brought into the news.
    Now that they are wanting to force people to have shots; they are blaming it on the lack of measles vaccinations.

    This is also true with our pets, and many of the pets get sick after getting the shots supposed to prevent the illness. The only dog that I have ever lost that was diagnosed as Parvo was a puppy that I got who had had the parvo vaccination. When I told the vet that he couldn't have parvo because he was vaccinated, he said that it was really ineffective, and many puppies who had the shots came down with parvo.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Using your own logic, the last measles outbreak didn't begin in a school. Many have, and several have involved a larger percentage of vaccinated than unvaccinated children. If vaccines work, then vaccinated children are not put at risk by unvaccinated children. If they don't work, then it's only reasonable to weigh the possible benefits against the risks.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  11. John Stone

    John Stone Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I'm sure if you can "follow the money" you can find out who is behind any program to increase vaccination requirements. To me, it's obviously the Big Pharma companies lobbying law makers to pass any of these requirements. Vaccines are easy to make for Big Pharma and I think they are relieved of any liability by law for the most part.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I was just reading about the side effects of one of the new vaccines that is being developed. It is going to be used mainly for respiratory illnesses because they are so common.
    The vaccine affects the part of the brain that would make you committed to something. What they are saying is that in a Fundamentalist; it would make them so that they were not stimulated when they were read a religious passage like they are normally.
    They said that it was to be used to help stop terrorists who are motivated by religion; but it obviously could be useful for many other things as well.
    It was called "fund-vac" or a name that was similar to that. Here is the short video that explains how it works.

  13. Tina Randall

    Tina Randall Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Vaccinations do not protect kids from ever getting the diseases; it does reduce the severity and danger of the diseases. Sure, plenty of people had the measles as kids and survived, but there were also many that died or ended up blind or worse. That's something you just don't hear of these days, or at least for many years.

    I think it's irresponsible for parents not to vaccinate their children. These are diseases that do not get stopped by a healthy immune system. The immune system does fight off many things but it is not very effective for viruses, which are what most of these diseases are.

    I agree that parents have a choice but that they should home-school their children if they choose not to vaccinate. I don't want unprotected kids sitting next to my grandchildren in school.

    Blaming this on illegal immigrants is just ridiculous and there are no facts to support that theory.
    Lois Winters likes this.
  14. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    So, @Tina Randall , I am having trouble making sense out of your view of this issue. You say that vaccines are necessary to keep children from getting the measles; but at the same time, you also say that if a vaccinated child (who in theory should be protected) sits next to an unvaccinated child, then the vaccinated one will also come down with measles. That sounds to me like the vaccine can not be very effective if it does not even protect the child from the virus, and if it is not an effective vaccine, then why bother using it at all ?
    It makes a lot more sense to me that we have allowed a different strain of measles to come into our country, and all of the children can be susceptable to it, vaccine or not.
  15. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Since 2004, in the United States, there have been no deaths attributed to the measles. There have, however, been 108 deaths attributed to the MMR vaccine. Getting the measles was not considered a big deal when I was a kid, and apparently our government is concerned enough to force a dangerous vaccine (which apparently doesn't work) on people who don't want it, but not so concerned as to control the influx of people across the border.

    Sorry, but I'm not buying it. Something else is going on here. If our government were concerned about our health (or about the threat of terrorism, for that matter), they'd control the border. The fact this one simple thing seems to be off the table, and not even open for discussion except at election time, to be abandoned immediately after an election, leads me to believe something else is up. I don't even believe that our president is even on our side, so I am not inclined to trust anything that comes out of this administration, particularly when they don't make any sense. If the vaccination worked, people whose kids are vaccinated should have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, why force children to take a vaccination that has killed people in order to prevent a disease that usually doesn't?

    I was a paramedic on the Texas-Mexico border for more than twenty years, and there are far worse things than measles coming across that border. It didn't start with Obama either, as Bush wasn't enthusiastic about closing the border either, nor was Clinton or the Bush before him. It has gotten significantly worse, though.

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