Early This Morning

Discussion in 'Pets & Critters' started by Thomas Stillhere, Jul 10, 2022.

  1. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    There was a large 30 mile per hour storm moving north of my location and I thought I should get up 30 minutes earlier than usual to feed the 2 front porch dwellers I feed everyday. I walked into the front room and saw a lot of lightening north east of me but 40 minutes later no sign of it hitting here, altho it was a light sprinkle out the front door. I did manage to get those two fed so they could find some shelter should the storm come further down. I had bought a tray of fried chicken livers yesterday at the local store deli and got chicken for myself but I made sure my 3 and the 2 front porch crowd got a very good helping of each. I hope we get some rain today because at 4am this morning it was still 81 outside. So now I wait to see if we have an F1 race this morning, they always air around 7pm on espn 2 or 3.
  2. Teresa Levitt

    Teresa Levitt Veteran Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    hope the nite was calm and safe...there's feral cats that we feed out by a big tree every morning....
    they can't help their situation...they're hungry

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