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Cracks On The Floor

Discussion in 'Home Improvement' started by Corie Henson, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    We live in an area where they say the ground is moving. This place is actually part of the so called West Valley Fault grid that can suffer the most when a strong earthquake occurs.

    We bought this 20-year old house in 2001 and we are the 3rd owner. When we moved here, we already noticed the fence that separates our property from the vacant lot. The concrete fence is leaning towards the vacant lot. We tore down the fence and erected a new one, also concrete.

    Now, we are noticing the ground, particularly the concrete like the driveway and the doorway entrance, are showing cracks. I tend to believe that those cracks are the result of minor quakes that are not recorded or not even felt by the sensors because they are short quakes only. But there is damage in the concrete.
  2. John Donovan

    John Donovan Veteran Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Hmm, what are you planning to do regarding that? I find it very strange that there would be so many tremors that the actual concrete would crack. I hope it won't cost you a lot to fix.

    Or, given the frequent quakes: would it even be useful to repair the concrete? Wouldn't it just get damaged again after a few quakes?
  3. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    At first, we didn't believe the neighbors when they told us that the ground in our village is moving. But when we toured the area and saw so many fences that are not straight albeit some look like they are about to fall, we realized that something is wrong here. We also found 2 houses with big cracks on the floor of their living room. The tiles have gone awry and out of position. The owner of one house said that the floor needs to be re-tiled, the old ones taken out. I'm afraid that it might happen to us. But we cannot do anything for now.
  4. Pat Baker

    Pat Baker Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    When I lived in California we had damage to the house because of earth quakes. I think it depends on the strenth of the quake how much damage or cracks you may see at one. I live in an area now that gets cold during the winter which also causes the concrete to crack, I think that is just normal repair on homes.
  5. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    This is encouraging for me to know that cracks are just normal for repair. It is scary to think that our living room will have cracks on the floor because I know it will be a big job and the cost is expensive. But this is a tropical country and this is the first time I have seen cracks on floors and walls of concrete. I just hope that the cracks will stay and not worsen as time goes by. The neighbors said that the movement of the ground is normal and regular so the cracks may be coming sooner or later.
  6. John Donovan

    John Donovan Veteran Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Damn, you have it pretty rough. I hope everything will turn out well for you, and that the tremors will either stop or avoid damaging your house.
    Corie Henson likes this.

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