Can You Text Your Doctors?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Lon Tanner, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Lets face it seniors EVERYONE you need is texting and ya need to get with it.

    During my just recent hospital stay my Cardiologist said to text him anytime if it was important. I did and it was sooooo much better than gowing through the switchboard and getting "PLEASE DON'T HANG UP YOUR CALL IS IMPORTANT TO US A OPERATOR WILL BE WITH YOU SHORTLY"
    I now have two doctors that will receive texts. Face it folks. The docs confer and communicate with one another and hospital staff via text and if you want good care texting is definitely in your best interest. Texting is a real blessing for we hearing deaf and impaired.
    Chrissy Cross and Yvonne Smith like this.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    That seems like a great idea, @Lon Tanner ! I have never asked; but I am sure that we would have something similar here, instead of the calling and leaving a message for the nurse who answers the cardiologist's phone calls.
    Another thing that I really love is that the doctors mostly have what is called a "Portal" where you can sign in, leave email messages, and check the information from things like blood tests.
    I have been able to compare all of the blood test results for the last year or more, and then I can see how my results are progressing, up or down, or staying the same, for each test result.
    As an example, my kidney function. Because of the heart medicines being damaging to the kidneys, I have been watching that one pretty closely.
    Normal kidney function should be over 60 on the chart. Mine, 2 years ago was at 37, which is moderate kidney failure; but since I needed the heart medicine, I could not stop taking that. My doctor said that once you have kidney failure, it is not reversible.
    However, 3 years ago, I was in bad heart failure, and my heart was only functioning at 23%EF; but after changing my diet to eliminate most of the inflammatory foods, and eat more raw foods, and try to take care of the heart and help it heal, it is now functioning at over 50%, and is no longer considered to be in heart failure.
    I have tried to add foods and supplements that would help my kidneys, hoping that I could at least slow the inevitable downward spiral, and I seem to have actually been getting better. In January, my kidney function was up to 39, and theis last time it was 41. This is not a huge improvement; but it encourages me to keep trying.
    Having the portal to access my lab test results and compare them over time has been a real godsend for me in my search for better health.
    Ina I. Wonder and Chrissy Cross like this.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have a patient portal that I can use, which works much like a forum, only the messages aren't public.
  4. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I have a patient portal also and had the option for years but I still haven't signed on for it...always say I will but never do.

    I should!
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    My doctor keeps nagging me about not reading the messages she leaves for me there.
  6. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    @Lon Tanner , I think the important thing is that you have personal contact with your doctor, in your case by texting. I don't do texting. I do have patient portal. I also have my doctors home phone number. I will never call him unless it's absolutely necessary but I have done that a couple of times in the past.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  7. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Now you see, that's the difference, NHS V American Medical system...texting your doctor?... home phone numbers?... Patient portals ...*sigh*.... I wish we had any of those things available on the'll never happen!!:(...however...I don't want your huge medical I'll settle for the way it is..
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  8. Steve North

    Steve North Supreme Member

    Nov 22, 2015
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    First of all, I don't have a cell phone or any of the modern gadgets, so texting is out..
    Where I live, all I do is call the local clinic where the doctor is and within a few minutes he will call me back at home if it is important, otherwise he will call me back at home after his last patient of the day around supper time.. Regardless, he will call back that day and spend as much time on the phone as necessary..
    Should it be important when he calls back within a few minutes, he will tell me to come in as soon as possible to see him..
    Should I need a new prescription, he will fax the prescription to our local drug store and I can either have it delivered to my house, or pick it up within a few minutes at the drug store.. No charge for delivery.. All prescriptions regardless of what they are costs only $2.00 each...
  9. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    I think texting your doctor is an improvement over having to go into rhe office. I wonder if they will start charging a fee eventually. My doctor has been to my house two times in the last couple of months, and we just talked about gardening. I'm still trying to get use to that. I think he was checking out my living conditions. :confused: I'm not sure if I like that yet.

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