Ancestor Memories.... You Believe In It?

Discussion in 'Dreams & Interpretations' started by Mari North, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    This topic fascinates me and since it's happened to me a few times very strongly in dreams, I have to say that yes, I believe. I don't know how it happens, or why, but the scientific community at least recognizes and has done studies.

    Note that I'm not talking about deja vu or reincarnation... far from it... just ancestor memories... "remembering" things from before we were born that ancestors went through and we couldn't possibly know. I do not, for the record, consider it supernatural either... I don't go for that stuff. That's why I'm posting this in Dreams and not in Supernatural.

    Going by reasoning alone, I'd probably say I don't believe it... but I've had two dreams... one as a teen and one a few years ago, that pretty much proved it to me without much doubt.
  2. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Not sure I've ever experienced anything like that @Mari North . Certainly I've had things happen to me that I shouldn't have known about but did and there was no explanation , but not dreams or memories of things my ancestors did...OOOh I'd love that to happen. Can you give an example of one of yours?
    Von Jones and Mari North like this.
  3. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Sure can... I can give two. When I was a teen, I knew nothing about my dad's parents because one died when I was 2 weeks and the other when I was two years old. They were simply never talked about not for any particular reason because they were great people. (I'm thinking I may have told this story in another thread recently... sorry if I'm repeating!)

    Anyhow, one night when I was 18 or so, I had a dream that my grandparents were trying to tell me something. It was May 28. (There's a reason I remembered this.) I'd never dreamed about them before and had only seen a few pictures. It was so strong and I was very unsettled because it was so strange. I got up Sunday morning and my daddy was in the kitchen making breakfast and I asked him when his parents were born. One was April and the other September. "But my mother died on May 28th... that's today! How did you know that?!"

    I never told him how I "knew" even to this day.

    The other was a dream of me in pioneer days... the whole nine yards from the little cabin to the pioneer dress. The cabin was beside a creek. I saw three Indians coming toward the cabin beside the water (or maybe floating down the creek... that part is vague) and they came into the cabin and were going to kidnap me. One of them was stocky and completely naked (well quit laughing, @Holly Saunders ... I don't write 'em, just dream 'em!) and I told them I needed to pack socks before they took me away. (See, I'm weird even in dreams!) :rolleyes:

    I don't remember the actual kidnapping, but at some point afterward, they burned the cabin. Okay, so I woke up, thought "wow, that was a vivid dream" and thought nothing of it. I thought it was cool because I rarely dream with that kind of detail.

    So 18 months or two years passed and I was getting very much into genealogy. Just doing my research one day and started reading about my ancestors who were some of the first pioneers to an area about 15 miles from where I live now. They had to leave their cabin because of Indian attacks. It was right beside a local creek.. and the Indians used the water to sneak up on the settlers somehow. After the attacks on the settlers in that area, the cabins were burned. Yeah... I know. :eek: It didn't "hit me" until I read one of the pioneers' accounts of the attack, the creek, etc.

    But ya know, it wasn't scary or anything... I still think it was a blessing. And I feel privileged to have been able to experience it. Coincidence? No idea... pretty precise to be a coincidence, but I will never know.
  4. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    Maybe I don't have a strong mind so I'm not familiar with this thread's topic. But there is a certain priest in a reputable school here who conducts regressive hypnosis so you can have an idea (or recollection) of things that happened in your previous life. Fr. Bulatao of Ateneo University is a Catholic priest who can make you experience your previous life by undergoing hypnosis under his suggestion. We know of someone who had experienced it and although we do not vouch for the veracity, we believe what our friend was saying that he remembered who he was before he was born.
    Terry Page and Ruby Begonia like this.
  5. Ken N Louis

    Ken N Louis Veteran Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    I believe that my Great Grandfather will be satisfied..I also discovered a lot of unknown information during a genealogy research!!
  6. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Mari, your second to last paragraph gave me the shivers. Cool.
    Mari North likes this.
  7. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    It did me, too, @Lara Moss ... but not for 18 months to 2 years. :) I'm slow. hehe No, really, if I hadn't gotten interested in genealogy, I still wouldn't know what happened to those people who became my ancestors.
    Lara Moss likes this.
  8. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    This is a tricky one, @Corie Henson . I am not Catholic, nor do I believe in "past lives" which is the reincarnation that I mentioned in my disclaimer. It's not that... it's "memories" that have nothing to do with *us* being there in those times but somehow "remembering" through.... I don't know... DNA?

    Obviously it's impossible to try to describe which is probably why all the psychology and scientific reports I've read on the subject struggle with explaining it as much as I'm struggling! o_O
    Corie Henson and Bobby Cole like this.
  9. Bonnie Thomas

    Bonnie Thomas Veteran Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Enjoy reading this thread very much. The unexplained ....
    I have a story to share along that same line, but a little different.

    I had a favorite aunt, who I grew up with to some degree. not an ancestor ..
    she was everyone's favorite in the family, the family glue. She came from a very large family of 12 kids ... she was the second youngest, and about 11 yrs. older than myself.
    She lived a charmed life as far as I could tell ... love and wealth and luck in all she did, although she never married.
    She traveled the world because she could. She lived life large, and enjoyed it all in extreme. She died at age 62 ... lung cancer.
    I had always envied her. Since I married young and was raising kids, and so far from the life she lived, it seemed magical to me. I loved listening to her stories of visiting the Great Wall of China, going to Red Square in Russia, the Gold Coast of Africa, riding elephants, etc., etc. I so enjoyed her stories and adventures.
    Well, one of her last trips was to Brazil to visit with a distant cousin's family living near Rio. ... they were doing some study work(?) there at the time. .. not sure ... I didn't know them. She wanted to visit Rio.

    Anyway, about a month or two after she died, I had a 'series' of dreams, one night after another, about being in Rio (that I had never seen in pictures or the family living there at that point) ... I had dreams in TECHICOLOR :oops: of the people there, my aunt (me being her in these dreams !?) and the events of the trip and so on...
    After about 3-4 nights of this ... I sat up in bed at 3AM and shouted STOP IT! ... it woke my husband up! .. it stopped.

    At a later date, I did see the pictures of the trip and family involved... looked amazingly like my mind's eye in the dreams. :eek::eek: .. even details of their home! ...
    I've never gotten past the reality of those dreams.
    And like I've mentioned elsewhere (dream thread) ... I don't usually have dreams, nothing that I can recall anyway, but this has stayed with me for years now. Bizarre.

    I guess that was the one trip that she never got to tell me about before she died, so she wanted to share ... ???
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  10. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    What a wonderful story, @Bonnie Thomas ! And yes, this is exactly the type of thing I mean! I think it's just called ancestor memories but doesn't need to be like direct ancestors... if it *is* a DNA thing that none of us can comprehend, that would seem to apply to aunts, too.

    The thing that got me started researching was an article my daughter read about a little boy visiting a Civil War battlefield. The family got to one spot in particular (we're talking like 3 or 4 years old! Not school age that he'd know about the war or anything) and stopped cold... announced to his parents out of the blue "This is where I died."

    Well it must have been unnerving, but they just moved on with life not believing (as I don't) in reincarnation... and then just like your story and mine, it was later that they found out one of their ancestors had died on that battlefield and yes, at that very spot.

    On one level it all creeps me out terribly... but on another level, it's comforting, ya know?
    Bonnie Thomas likes this.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think you might have nailed it @Mari North. One of my cohorts in crime has been working on DNA cellular entanglement for a number of years and allowed me to read a couple of his unpublished (and published) papers on the subject.

    It is now proven that each cell in our DNA structure has 3 to 4 gigs of memory. Some of that memory is actually about things that happened in the past within our own ancestry. Example: Lab rats were taught to feed from a series of bins in a cage. One or two bins were charged with a small electrical current that would give a slight jolt to the female rats when they tried to feed from those particular bins. The females were then allowed to mate and have litters and after the weaning process the litters were separated from their mothers. When the baby rats went to feed from the bins, the bins that had the charge from the previous groupings were avoided by the young rats out of fear of being zapped. The funny part is that the young had nothing to fear. None of the bins had been set up with a charge. Out walked direct reasoning, in walked DNA entangled memory on a cognitive level.

    Many psychologists are now being informed that what was once thought of as reincarnation is actually stored memory from our ancestry and that regressive techniques simply allow our own memory to adopt previous stored memory from the past lives of others in our family tree.
    Ina I. Wonder and Mari North like this.
  12. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Oh my, that is so interesting! Thank you for jumping in here, @Bobby Cole ! Now that you said this, I can very easily see how the two could be confused.

    Actually knowing this has made me even more fascinated with the topic. Can you imagine the possibilities if we learn how to tap into this?! Well maybe that's the writer in me coming out and it wouldn't really benefit mankind, but it sure is fun to think about.

    OH! Do you think that's what deja vu could be then, also?
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Dunno about Deja vu. Possibly a location might trigger a past memory but the biologicals would have to be virtually the same which would be a long shot to say the least.

    The "tap in" is already being researched with a lot of success. The discovery of DNA entanglement very meagerly described above is a rung which led to the discovery of a methodology in order to detect consciousness within a comatose victim, ergo: No more Marie Shivo incidents. Somewhere between the two lies my own research which is the diagraming and definition of thought. Since there are no absolute definitions because thought cannot be measured, heard, nor seen by any present instrumentation I (along with the help of a few very smart people) am mathematically producing the diagram which by itself will eventually give us a primer in which to examine that which we know absolutely nothing about nor it's capabilities.

    I could go on and on about what can be achieved but think of this: being able to look within one's self and manipulate cellular structure in such a way as to cure Parkinsons, Alzheimers, or even folded prion protein states in the brain.

    By now, I think I have gone so far off topic even Daniel Boone would find it hard to get back home. So with that, good night all. Have a good rest and God Bless..........
  14. Ruby Begonia

    Ruby Begonia Supreme Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I read of "racial memories" many years ago. Per Wikipedia:

    Genetic memory (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free ...
    ... much vaguer tendency to encode a readiness to respond in certain ways to certain stimuli. Genetic memory is invoked to explain the racial memory postulated by Carl Jung. In Jungian psychology, racial memories are posited memories,feelings, and ideas inherited from our ancestors as part of a "collective unconscious".

    Whatever it was that I read years ago explained that awful, sudden sense of falling or dropping as we begin sleep as a racial memory of falling out of a tree, the biggest fear a primate had.

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