Recent Activity

Activity stream for all registered members at SENIORSonly CLUB.

  1. Von Jones replied to the thread My Next Diy Project.

    My most recent destructive home improvement project was switching out the door handle from a standard one to one that locks. I bought a...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:18 PM
  2. John Brunner liked Yvonne Smith's post in the thread Ninja Creami.

    Tonight we had our first Ninja ice cream, and it was SO DELICIOUS and creamy, just like regular ice cream. I just made a vanilla one to...

    IMG_7050.jpeg Sep 20, 2024 at 6:04 PM
  3. John Brunner liked Yvonne Smith's post in the thread Ninja Creami.

    Yesterday, we had the peanut butter and chocolate chips (our version of Reese’s ) and it was wonderful. Today, we had the strawberry...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:03 PM
  4. John Brunner liked Von Jones's post in the thread The Raccoons.

    I hope I'm not speaking too soon when I say that I have not seen or heard any raccoons since my last post though I did see a deceased...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:03 PM
  5. John Brunner liked Gena Martin's post in the thread Funny Memes.


    Screen Shot 2024-09-20 at 10.44.57 AM.png Sep 20, 2024 at 6:02 PM
  6. Jacob Petersheim liked Don Alaska's post in the thread Trump 2024.

    I am befuddled by the Dems calling for Trump to tone down the violent rhetoric when they are the ones advocating violence. It is like...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:01 PM
  7. Jacob Petersheim liked Ken Anderson's post in the thread Trump 2024.

    That's a good point, in one way. However, it's the same thing in another. Whatever you call them, the Democratic Party's agenda for the...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:01 PM
  8. Jacob Petersheim liked Bobby Cole's post in the thread Trump 2024.

    When Trump was being interviewed on the Guttfeld show, he was simply giving the percentages of voters that actually vote. Something in...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM
  9. Von Jones replied to the thread How’s The Weather Where You Are?.

    Not that it matters but the weatherman says expect the temps to be in the 90s this week with no rain in sight. I've been telling...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 5:59 PM
  10. Von Jones liked Don Alaska's post in the thread How’s The Weather Where You Are?.

    26 F. this morning and the snow is coming down the mountains. I wonder if we will get snow next week?

    Sep 20, 2024 at 5:52 PM
  11. Von Jones replied to the thread The Raccoons.

    I hope I'm not speaking too soon when I say that I have not seen or heard any raccoons since my last post though I did see a deceased...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 5:51 PM
  12. Von Jones liked Beth Gallagher's post in the thread Miscellaneous Bantering.

    Girl, I was about to put out an official Roll Call Alert on you! The site has been kind of wonky for a week or so. I'm waiting on new...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 5:39 PM
  13. Ken Anderson replied to the thread Downtime.

    It's a huge company, so no one customer matters. Even if we were able to exert any pressure, they could reasonably deny that we were a...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 4:51 PM
  14. Tony Nathanson replied to the thread P. Diddy Mansions Raided By F B I.

    I had no opinion of Mr. Combs one way or the other - UNTIL I saw that video in that hotel. He's a criminal thug & whatever he's...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 4:43 PM
  15. Ken Anderson replied to the thread P. Diddy Mansions Raided By F B I.

    If the current political agenda being followed by the Harris-Biden Administration wins out in November, we can expect pedophilia to be...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 4:15 PM