When Home Sweet Home Stops Being So Sweet

Discussion in 'Home Improvement' started by Babs Hunt, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Well I haven't updated this for awhile so here's where we are at now. The first Duplex is basically finished and this is what I see when I open my front door and step out on the porch.
    This is the side views now.
    IMG_0071.JPG IMG_0069-001.JPG
    We will definitely need some kind of privacy hedging put in place and now that they have finished pouring the concrete driveway and parking area it is time to get serious about whether we will go with fencing or some kind of natural greenery to bring us some privacy.

    Here are some of the green fir trees I found that I think would work well in giving us a natural privacy screening.
    Spartan_Juniper_350_THUMB-01.jpg Italian_Cypress_450_THUMB.jpg

    The first picture is the ones I like best and which would grow really tall. So would the ones in the second picture. Nice places for the birds to nest too. And I will have to go back and check to be absolutely sure...but these grow really fast too.
    I really like this one too...in fact it was my first choice but I wondered if it would be to wide...after reading all about it again I think this might be the one I'd want to plant for privacy. It's yearly growth rate is wonderful and in just a couple of years we should have most of that privacy we want.

    There is one problem with adding privacy fencing (lumber, etc.) and that is that it will be hard to do that with my oak trees in the middle of where we would put the fence. Planting these fir trees should take care of that problem and look much more natural too.

    I will get a shade or two for the porch though for when we want to sit out there and have our privacy.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
    Don Alaska likes this.
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Babs, you could probably work your oak tree into the fence if you wish, but it might be difficult. If the Thuja trees do well in your climate and don't shade out the oak tree, they would be a much easier option. The downside might be a lack of a physical barrier; pets, etc., could get through. It sounds as though you have a good living situation and it would be a shame to give it up.
    Bobby Cole and Babs Hunt like this.
  3. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    @Don Alaska We don't have any full time pets that we would have to worry about getting through the lack of a physical barrier. And the birds and squirrels we feed daily would probably love having all that new greenery to hide and nest in...and it would be a natural border line with privacy for us too. :)

    Our cozy Acadiana Cottage has been perfect for us and still is in so many ways that are important. And there is just no way we want to make another move at this time of our lives. So with God's help we will find a solution we can all live with here and keep things as natural as can be too. Maybe we could do a combo of the natural wood fencing and some trees. :)
  4. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Actually, I was thinking of perhaps new neighbors having pets that invade your space.
  5. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Yes, my thoughts went that way too when you posted about the pets. This would not be a problem for us either way as we keep treats on hand for our neighbors pets too...in case they decide to come and "visit" with us.

    I have allergies that won't allow us to have a full time indoor pet of our own but my Honey and I love all God's creatures and they seem to love us right back. Some of our neighbors do not let the pets out unless they are with them for a walk, etc. but a few pets are let out and if we are home they head straight to our porch for their treat and some mutual affection. :)
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  6. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    lattice privacy screens.jpg
    I'm so excited that I have found exactly what I want to put up for privacy between our cottage and the new duplex that stares us in the face. This would be eight feet tall and I can just see it between us and that duplex! :)
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That looks like an excellent solution, @Babs Hunt.
    Babs Hunt likes this.
  8. Kitty Carmel

    Kitty Carmel Veteran Member

    May 9, 2016
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    I think you will need a combination of plant and some kind of fencing. I think what you pictured here is very nice. That privacy will matter.

    I found a really nice newer mobile in a park but had to pass on it for two reasons. I didn't like the park. People also lived there in fifth wheels and portable trailers (no judgement) but I also noticed a disproportion of men in the park and the mobile had no privacy. Not one spot in the yard I could even put my laundry out. Which I will if it's allowed on not. Just need a spot to hide it. I keep looking.....
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  9. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    As the time draws ever nearer to us having new neighbors in the duplex so close and facing us, we have been busy (as I research) choosing things that will make us feel that we have more privacy from our new neighbors.

    Besides the lattice work privacy fencing in the picture in one of my posts above we have also picked out a portable gazebo to shade us from the sun and protect from the insects and mosquitoes that are a staple here in Louisiana. This gazebo will also shade a nice entertainment area we are working on. The gazebo will fit perfectly into the space in the picture below. We will clear out the space and my Honey is working on putting the patio stones, etc. down in the area where our Christmas tree that died this past winter was.

    We have picked this portable gazebo which is a great price, easy to take down and store during bad weather and comes with the protective insect and mosquito netting. The two photos show it open and with the netting down.
    2f5833c4-edd6-47b7-ae7b-af9009945046_1.32c61f981c942da6316faaff143d44a1.jpg c5804280-4f64-4432-b46b-fd1f255dc823_1.a7d0a4c92cea7898944bb77544e70362.jpg
    The rose garden, etc. flower bed will be directly in front of the gazebo and the lattice privacy fencing will be in front of and to the sides of the flower bed. We may decide to do the lattice panels in white or grey to blend in with our cottage and gazebo. :)

    Since we probably will not be doing much traveling anymore...we have decided to do more home entertaining...and with that in mind we are having fun making an outdoor area we can share with company and also enjoy together. I'll put more pictures as it all comes together.

    Our Landlord loved the picture of the privacy screening I showed him and we have the okay to proceed whenever we are ready. It's fun picking out the things for our house doors home improvement.
  10. Kitty Carmel

    Kitty Carmel Veteran Member

    May 9, 2016
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    That's a lot of work you are putting in @Babs Hunt I do hope the new neighbors will be quiet and not be a noise problem for you when you are outside trying to have an enjoyable time.
    Holly Saunders and Babs Hunt like this.
  11. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Well Kitty this is our home...we don't want to move (unless we win the Lottery someday :)) and we aren't going to let some new neighbors or that new duplex stop us from living our lives. It isn't going to cost us much money to do what we're doing...more labor than anything else and since my Honey loves working outside that's not a problem for him at all (and I'll help as I can).

    Our Landlord will never stand for having new tenants who cause problems or party all night long disturbing everyone else, etc. And I can say with all honesty that except for two tenants who were out within a couple of months of causing problems...we have nice neighbors who we get along just fine with. The young tenants go out and party and then come home to sleep, eat, bath, and work, etc. The older ones like us are often back here sitting out on the porch with my Honey and sometimes me. This neighborhood is nice and quiet for the most part. When I say entertaining...I just mean having someone over to eat and chat with. And since we don't have a big place it will not be more than a couple of people at a time. I can't have my whole family over because our place is not big enough...but I can have one daughter and her family at a time for a simple grill or cooked inside meal and a little special time together. No late night parties for us...we can't stay up for that anymore. :)

    I thought a lot about moving when that new duplex went up, prayed about it a lot too...but there is peace in my heart that at this time this is home and we are going to keep right on enjoying it. :)
    Kitty Carmel and Holly Saunders like this.
  12. Kitty Carmel

    Kitty Carmel Veteran Member

    May 9, 2016
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    It seems you live in a nice place @Babs Hunt I am sorry about the changes but you are finding solutions also. I'm also glad you have a responsive landlord.
    Babs Hunt likes this.
  13. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Looks like we will be having some new neighbors soon as the duplex is finally ready to be rented and I have already seen a couple of people come and look at it but I don't know yet if any of them have signed a rental agreement.

    We probably won't be putting the privacy screening up until sometime in September since that is when our former Landlord and now next door neighbor will be back to his home here. By that time we should know just how bad we will need that privacy screening, etc.

    And we will know if our Home Sweet Home is still just that.
    Chrissy Cross and Don Alaska like this.
  14. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Hope you get some real nice neighbor's. Maybe an older couple.

    Although I love kids, not too fond of them for neighbor's. Especially teens. :)

    Smaller ones can get noisy when playing outside and I've gotten lots of balls in my yard. :)

    For awhile the neighbor behind me had young kids and a trampoline...no fence high enough for privacy from a jumping child, lol.

    Plus it makes Pickles bark even more.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
  15. Kitty Carmel

    Kitty Carmel Veteran Member

    May 9, 2016
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    That's always a bit stressful @Babs Hunt It's a toss up who you will get. Some people are good and normal and some are just a mess and disrespectful.

    I have new downstairs neighbors. Younger. So far no trouble but I miss the guy who lived there for a couple of years. Always left for work about 8 and was gone for about half the weekends.
    Chrissy Cross likes this.

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