Yvonne Is In The Hot Seat

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Terry Page, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Terry Page

    Terry Page Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Please ask Yvonne your questions here
  2. Terry Page

    Terry Page Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Hi Yvonne, where do you do most of your internet browsing?
  3. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Hi, Yvonne. I sometimes act or speak on impulse then later regret it. Do you ever have that problem?
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am not quite sure of what you are asking me here, @Terry Page .
    If it is my physical location, I have a comfortable recliner, and a small lap desk, and my iPad, which has an external keyboard/case. I barely even look at the big Dell computer in the back room, and that is mostly to sync up the ipad with iTunes each month.
    Now, if you are asking me where on the internet I browse, then the answer would be that I look at Facebook to stay in touch with my family and friends, and then I like to watch interesting videos on Youtube, and browse some of the alternative news sources .
    I also belong to several Facebook groups, so I check those each day as well.
    Joe Riley and Terry Page like this.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I certainly have spoken and then wished that I had thought about it first, @Shirley Martin. Sometimes the words sound different when I am thinking them in my head than they do after they have come out of my mouth.
    That is one of the things that I like about writing. I can read it, and if it doesn't sound like I meant it, then I can try to do it over.
    Even so, you never know how someone is going to take what you say; so there is always that concern as well.
    Normally, I do not swear; but under extreme duress, some of those words have popped out of my mouth, totally unbidden, too.
    Once night, we were driving home on an icy road, and there was another road on the side that was merging into my road. The driver of the car on the side road started fishtailing on the ice, and I remember thinking that if she fishtailed once more, she would slide right off that icy road, and down the hill and into my car, which was loaded with my family, and the car behind me was my son, Tony, and his family. I could see a 3-car pileup just about to happen !
    I eased on the brakes as she slid down the hill towards us, and my son (former Deputy) had been watching her, too, and we all just kind of coasted to a stop on the ice as the lady in the other car whizzed past just in front of my car.
    She was able to get stopped on the far side of the road, and my son went over to make sure she was oaky, too. She was fine, just scared and pretty shaken up, just like I was.

    Since everything was fine, we started on down the road, and that was when my daughter-in-law asked me "Mom...... did I hear you say "Sh!t"?
    Von Jones, Ruby Begonia and Joe Riley like this.
  6. Ruby Begonia

    Ruby Begonia Supreme Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Yvonne, how old were you when you began driving?
  7. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    @Ruby Begonia
    When I was a girl, I went to work with my dad sometimes (you could do that back then). He was a power lineman, and drove a big one-ton line-truck. When we were on the back roads ( I was in my early teens), he would let me drive the line truck. We had to have it in what he called "compound low", which meant it was in 4-wheel drive low, and in first gear.
    I remember how happy and proud I was when I mastered the art of "shifting", and could drive faster than just first gear, low range.
    I also took driver's ed in high school; but still didn't drive until after I was out of school and married. My first husband became my driving tutor, and I learned about when to shift going up or down a hill, how to change gears by the feel of the engine and not use the clutch, and basic maintainence, like checking oil and fluid levels.
    For many years, we had livestock, so I was proficient at driving the truck with two tons of hay loaded in back, and fairly good at maneuvering in tight spaces when driving out in the woods on back roads.

    When my kids were old enough, I started them learning to drive in an old pickup, so they learned just about the same way that I learned with my dad.
    Ruby Begonia likes this.
  8. Karen McKenzie

    Karen McKenzie Veteran Member

    Jan 31, 2016
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    yvonne..what were your favorite subjects in school? How would you describe yourself as a child?
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I was a very shy child, and I hated school. I actully got good grades, and could have had straight A's if I had tried hard; but it just didn't matter to me. Motivation was never my strong point when it came to grades.
    Nevertheless, anything to do with reading was my favorites, and anything to do with math, was my hardest.
    I liked literature the best, English next (especially when we learned Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes in high school).
    History was something I liked, but mostly they just wanted us to memorize names and dates of things, and I really had no interest in doing that either.
    Science was one of my favorite subjects, and I loved learning about the stars, and how the world worked.
    I had one year of Spanish, and enjoyed that, can still remember a few words; but I have never been able to converse in Spanish,beyond the few basic things we learn in that first year course.
    HomeEc....... A disaster ! Thankfully, it was only for one year, or maybe even only one semester that seemed like a whole year.
    I didn't go to any of the school activities like school dances, football games, or any of those kinds of things. I was WAY too shy for any of that, and hurried home right after school every day.
  10. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    All right then, both barrels fired at once! @Yvonne Smith Yvonne, how "cozy" are you now with our Admin, Ken? If our intent here is "freeness and openness", you should feel compelling "need" to keep the air "clear".

    My sources led me to this. A "hot-seat" seemed to be desirable, t'warn't my fault, I'm just playin' along. How much I admire your clever ways of writing, is not expressible. Will you, CAN you, "come clean" on this query?

  11. Karen McKenzie

    Karen McKenzie Veteran Member

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Yvonne.. .if you could visit one country for a whole month..all expenses paid..which one would you choose?
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    While this is an odd question, it is a simple one for me to answer, @Frank Sanoica .
    I am simply a member of this forum, just like everyone else is, nothing more.
    My question would be, why is this even being asked of me ?
    I have done nothing to harm you on the forum, and had always considered your posts to be interesting. If your "sources" are telling you anything different, then it might behoove you to check both the credibility and motivation of those sources.

    Edit to add: turns out that Frank says he was told that I am an undercover moderator. If anyone else has been told this, it is NOT true. I am nothing any different than anyone else, and I don't believe that Ken would have such a thing as a secret moderator. A moderator is not supposed to be an undercover cop, they are there to help people.
    Ken is out front on everything that I have seen him do here, and if he had a moderator, they would be someone who was there to help answer questions when he can't be there.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
  13. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There are so many different things to see in the world that it would be hard to choose just one place to see. I have never traveled except when necessary because i was moving from one place to another, and never to another country, except for short trips into Canada.
    However, if I could spend a whole month seeing one country, it would be seeing America, the land where I live. I would get one of the vacation tickets for Amtrak, where you just choose how long you want to travel, and then you take the train anywhere you want to go.
    You can stop anyplace you want to, and that way I could go to some of the most interesting places and spend a few days visiting each one, and then go on to somewhere else.

    Although I saw the Grand Canyon when I was about 8-9; I would love to go and see it again. I would stop and see the place in Texas where they have found dinosaur footprints with human footprints walking inside of them.
    In Florida, I would like to see the historical town of St. Augustine, and maybe include one of those short 3-day Caribbean cruises while I was there.
    When Robin was stationed at Ft. Eustis, she took me to see the remnants of where the first Jamestown Colony was at, and I would like to see that again, as well.
    Being an Elvis fan, I would certainly stop and visit Graceland, and take pictures, of course.
    And just because I love Seattle, I would go there again, too. I would take the Underground Seattle Tour, which is something that I have wanted to do forever.
    Oh, @Karen McKenzie , now you have me dreaming of things I wish I could actually do........
  14. Ruby Begonia

    Ruby Begonia Supreme Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Yvonne, I read before that you generally leave the cooking to your husband. The times that you do make a meal, what are the foods you like to make or make well?
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  15. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Hi @Yvonne , if you were given the ability to speaks to, and the chance to encounter an alien, what would some of the things you would like to learn from it? :rolleyes:
    Yvonne Smith likes this.

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