What About Exercise?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Frank Sanoica, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Do you regularly exercise?
    What form does it take, varied, or always the same kind?
    Does it feel like drudgery?

    Some folks I've known got virtually none, were sedentary, then lived far longer than anyone expected.

    No justice!
    Krissttina Isobe likes this.
  2. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    You mentioned drudgery and I would say yes to that. Exercising is boring that's why the gym became popular because the workout there seems to be a bit pleasant with the audience (the others who are doing their workout). But don't get me wrong. I am now exercising because of my weight problem. If I don't lose weight, at least I am maintaining my 170 pounds for now. After the bending and stretching as the warm up, I use the hand grip to strengthen my wrist and fingers. And then I continue with the hand grip while laying face up on the bed. With arms outstretch, it applies tension on the stomach so maybe I can strengthen my abs a bit to hold in the bulge.

    I have noticed that the morning exercise gives me the energy that I need for the whole day since I do not feel drowsy in the afternoon like before.
  3. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Corie Henson Corie, your feelings are precisely what I hoped someone would convey to others! Thank you! I myself am remiss, lacking enough motivation. 50 years ago, I toiled down in our basement, lifting weights, determined to have "muscles". I was young, full of hormones and good intent, and I got them! I felt proud to be able to say to my buddies, hey, look, you may be much taller than me, but can you do this: and I would ripple my pectorals, those muscles above the "tits", back and forth. Though, eventually, those "pecs" looked as big as though I was a young woman. My arms were big and rewarding to me for the intense pain and effort I endured.

    Today, I look like a scarecrow. I weigh exactly the same as back then, and have minimal body fat. I do not understand this, completely, and long to re-engage in an exercise routine lifting weights. What hampers me is the pain in my shoulders. Arthritis, presumedly.
    Corie Henson likes this.
  4. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    To be honest, I am a lazy bone when it comes to exercise hence my beer-barrel figure, huh. But my husband is the motivating factor who never get tired of prodding me to do my exercise. He had given up on jogging for me when the bulge in my leg appeared. Once in a while, especially when my feet are abused from too much walking, the bulge would reappear. And I agree that I needed more physical activity since my job is a sedentary one. What I do now is to add some numbers to the pressing of hand grip as per the instruction of my personal trainer.
  5. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    Perhaps I owe my current sedentary lifestyle to an over abundance of exercise. A lifetime of lots and lots of walking, some running, climbing, lifting and carrying heavy objects. My spirit is still willing, but my body will no longer cooperate when it comes to much exercise of any kind.
    Recently, I went through two weeks of rehab. I should have bailed after the first week. By then, I felt I reached my peak. By the end of the second week, I was on a downward spiral. After I returned home, it took most of a week to rest up enough to want to do what chores I had to do.
    I always felt that each of us has just so much physical activity built into us. Like autos. After so many miles of driving, they start dollaring you to death. Drive 'em hard, they give out sooner.
    Some of us were drove harder than others.
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Exercise has literally saved and restored my life !
    When my heart quit working right, I went from walking 4-5 miles a day to not even being able to make it out to the mail box and back. I huffed and puffed just walking from room to room in the house because my body was simply not getting enough oxygen when my heart could no longer pump the blood around. I could barely move, and gained both fat and water weight because of the water retention and swelling.
    Over the years, I went downhill until the a-fib and congestive heart failure were so bad that my heart was only operating at 23%EF.
    Truly, at that point, I didn't see any possible recovery, and in fact wished I would just stop breathing at all, if this was how my life was going to be.

    Then, my doctor sent me for a cardioversion, which is a fairly new heart procedure, and it stopped the a-fib. I felt like I had been given a second chance at life, and vowed to do everything I could to improve my physical condition.
    I changed my diet, bit by bit, dropping the inflammatory foods, and eating more of the anti-inflammatory ones.
    When my Medicare Advantage included a membership to the fitness center, both Bobby and I started to go there.
    Working out was still pretty impossible, because I was exhausted in only a few minutes; but I could swim, and I did that.
    Gradually, as I read and learned more about water exercises, I have added that to the swimming. In the water, you only exercise muscles, so it does not put a strain on your bones and joints. Fitness trainers are starting to use water exercises for helping people recover, and even people who can't walk any more can do some of the water exercises to build up their strength.
    We go several times a week, usually every other day, unless something interupts the schedule, and both Bobby and I have felt the benefits of this committed exercising. Bobby does the strength training, and uses machines, and I work out in the water and swim.
    Over the months, I have lost around 25 lbs, while also gaining muscle (which weighs 4 times as much as fat), and I feel better, and can walk further and do everything better.
    Even my balance is improving.
    I am going on 72, and lost well over a whole decade of my life because of the heart failure; but now I feel like I have a future again, and look forward to going places and doing things once more. The exercise routine has become a much-loved part of my life, and I look forward to our trips to the fitness center every other day.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, let's see here..........the word "exercise" can be a vulgar word to some, while to others, as they are lifting weights, jogging, swimming or whatever hear the word "exercise", smile and say "darn right I do!".

    Exercise takes motivation to do for some of us (forum people) at our ages. When we were all much younger, that "motivation" was sometimes called "fun" and we never had to be pushed into it.

    Neither wife nor I are much "into" exercise. When our power boat is "up and running", we definitely get exercise using it. When our weather isn't so hot/humid, we can head to the target range and that gives us exercise. We bought our Wii Game a few years ago and played that quite a bit just after buying it. Believe me, that game can get the old heart pumping and a good sweat going! Unfortunately, along with exercise, comes the words "eating right" and who really wants to do that (only kidding). We don't eat right and it sometimes shows in our glucose morning testing number. We are both Diabetic II, and are "suppose to" watch what we eat, drink and get plenty of exercise, but..........

    With wife still working a full-time job at 68, and, at that age, working a full-time job can be tough, she can come home pretty tired sometimes. But, all I can say is that we "try" to do the best we can (or want to), with losing the weight, exercise and eating.

    Bottom Line is................it's DARN HARD!
  8. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Believe it or not, my 12 year old grandson got me playing Pokemon Go and it's fun. You have to walk.

    I still have 7 km to walk to hatch an egg I got. :)

    I took my fitbit off this week because I was too hot but on average ...just around the house I get in 5,000 steps.

    I may rejoin my gym this fall....so I can use some machines....walking isn't enough. I'm not a water person at all so won't do the pool, I never did when I belonged to the gym but guess if I had bad knees I'd try it.

    I don't even go in the water on vacation at a resort....I lay by the pool or walk on the sand and look for shells. :)

    I need back strengthening exercises the most.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  9. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Since this Thread is about "exercise", I will add in a couple of other things:

    Due to previous surgeries (hip replacement, a rotator cuff surgery on each shoulder), I have to watch how much walking I do and how much weight I lift. For grocery shopping, we bought a "Granny Cart" to haul food bags into our apt. with.
    One thing for sure, previous surgeries can put a dampener on exercising.

    Other thing:
    I just got a call from my wife's doctor about the results of the Stress (Cardio) Test she took. He told me "She needs to get exercise and lose some weight. Not much weight, but some". I told her doctor, "that goes for me also". We both laughed, but, even though he's not my doctor, he's seen me when I went with her, so he knows I need the same things.....better eating habits and exercise.
    So, "Here we come, Wii Game!!"
    Ike Willis likes this.
  10. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That's good news that it's not anything that requires surgery or meds. Diet and exercise will fix many medical problems but I won't go as far as saying that's an easy fix because it takes will power and motivation.

    Have to change habits which are harder as we age.

    I need to change some things...I need to get out more.
  11. Tim Burr

    Tim Burr Veteran Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    It's a mile and a half walk to catch the bus to Downtown so on the days I work,
    get my exercise just getting to and from work.
    On my days off, used to get up early, dog waiting, and off to the park to explore.
    She passed in May, so it is still hard to walk the loop at the park alone.
    Just ride my bikes now.
    Chrissy Cross and Yvonne Smith like this.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that there is no "best way" for exercise, and different things work best for each one of us. Walking used to be my favorite exercise, not counting horseback riding, and I can remember being dragged along behind my mother when I was probably only about 4 years old when we went for a walk at night.
    We actually walked across town to visit family, and then back home, so it was a several mile walk, and a long ways for a little tyke like I was back then.
    When I met Bobby, I was only 57, and used to walking 4-5 miles in the evenings with my dog, and rode horseback several times each week. By the next year, my heart had started to really get bad, and I could no longer walk like I used to do.
    I probably will never be able to do that again, but the swimming works, and I love being in water. I think one just has to find what you can do that you will enjoy, for exercise to work.
    Bobby loves working out with the machines, and never comes near the swimming pool area. If I had to exercise on those machines, I wouldn't even go to the fitness center, I hate them so bad.
    The good thing is that there all kinds of things that we can do to exercise and find something we enjoy. There is everything from dance fitness, like zumba, to yoga, and riding a bicycle.
    Once my knees get to where I can bend them enough to pedal a bike, I hope to ride one again, even if it is just riding up and down the street close to the house because of wearing out so fast.
  13. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Back in my late 30's and in my 40's, I use to horseback ride quite a bit. At one time I owned a Red Roan QH and was a member of not only a rodeo association, but also AQHA. Heck, back then, I even worked at a Trail Guide for a Regional Park. But, most of my "saddle days" were in an arena, swinging a rope. In-between that, doing some Country-Western dancing and working for Stock Contractors at rodeo's, I was a "slim, trim cowboy". Back then, I could eat darn near anything and not put on a pound. That definitely doesn't happen today (LOL).
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The best exercise is to get your axe and cut down a few trees. An axe is much better exercise than with a chainsaw. Of course, if you have a chainsaw like mine that doesn't start, you can get a lot of exercise pulling that cord over and over again.
  15. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'm playing Pokemon Go :) well not now, now I'm sitting in my recliner sweating.

    My eyes are dry from all the fans blowing, my head hurts from the noise....I'm miserable.

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