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Ken's Boring Life

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Ken Anderson, Apr 25, 2023.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Since I added this category, I suppose I should at least attempt to participate. I am afraid only that since I'm sure you all are assured that I live an exciting life, I'm apt to bore you.

    On Monday, April 24, I got up at about 8:00 am and soon realized that it was far too early, so I went back to bed a half hour later and slept until noon. Okay, I didn't sleep that whole time, but I did go back to bed, and I slept some, but mostly I read a Kindle book - no, not the entire thing. I won't give the book's name because you'll all laugh and think me to be a doddering old fool.

    Getting up, I did dishes, which was a lot of work because I swear my wife uses every cooking apparatus imaginable just to make toast. There should be an exaggeration warning here.

    After that, I sat around for a little while watching scammer podcasts on YouTube, then went downstairs to work on the Aviva Directory for a while. I'm in the categories for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture, hydroculture, permaculture, and probably some others that I'll add before I'm finished. Since I know a little bit about some of that stuff, or at least have books available, these aren't particularly difficult categories for me.

    Just in time, I remembered that I hadn't picked up the key to the library. I facilitate an addiction recovery group each Monday night, but I have to pick the key up before the library closes. Back home, I wrote a few notes on things that we could talk about during the recovery meeting in the event that everyone else there goes quiet, as occurs from time to time. Then, it was time to drive back to the library, which is only about a block away.

    I was able to hate on Zoom for a while before the meeting started, as there is always some problem with Zoom. Today, Zoom decided that it was time for me to change my password, so I had to hunt up my current password, which is ordinarily saved in the app. Usually, we don't get anyone on Zoom but I leave it open because we do every now and then.

    There were only a few of us there so the meeting lasted only an hour. Since then, I have been back at work on the Aviva Directory, while occasionally listening to or glancing at YouTube videos that are playing in the background. Of course, from time to time, I have been checking in on the forum but it's been pretty quiet.

    That said, it's about 12:30 am and I am going to be calling it a night soon. I think Michelle wants to go to Bangor tomorrow. She ran over a pothole today and did some damage to the car, so it's in a shop in Bangor, and she had a loaner. I'm not sure what part I am going to play in this, and maybe I won't be needed at all.

    Tomorrow, maybe I'll be fighting dragons or running from the police.
  2. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    So you think your life is boring. Maybe just uneventful most days. I use to ask for a bit of excitement in our lives, until I realized that every time I did ask ,one of the girls came to live with us. I have not asked for exciting since.;)
    Our days are pretty much the same,however since moving to Kansas the hubbies niece and nephew come to visit off and on. We have had them since Sunday now, as parents are off tending to GF who had knee surgery. They are very well behaved and we have fun with them playing dominoes and other games. The boy is ten and can somethings be annoying, but no a big deal.
    Most of the time I enjoy our mundane life. No dramas, screaming, throwing fits, loud music, nosy neighbors... and regardless to what goes on elsewhere, we are content. :)
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    When a game of toe ketch sounds better than anything else to do, then ya know what boring really is.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Today, not much. I got up at about 10:00 or so, worked on the directory for a bit, then took the compost out, burning some glossy magazines and other stuff that doesn't compost easily, then Michelle and I watched a few episodes of The Chosen, ate lunch, and played a game of Hand and Foot, which I won. I lost the three before that, but let's not dwell in the past. I am now back to working on the directory, with YouTube stuff playing in the background. Later, we'll watch another episode or two of The Chosen, after which I'll probably work on the directory until I get tired. Then, unless there is a home invasion or something, I'll go to bed.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2023
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Okay, here we go. I hope no one here has a heart condition because this is some exciting stuff.

    I woke up at about 9:00 am but stayed in bed and read for about an hour until UPS came. He made so much noise dropping a package off on our porch that I thought that maybe my tractor had finally arrived. But no, it was one package, with an 11 lb. bag of cat food and a rake, because I broke my rake the other day.

    With no point in returning to bed, I assembled my rake, fed the cats, went upstairs to do the dishes, then took another bag of compost out to the compost pile. I took both Bubba and Ella outside for about fifteen minutes each, carrying them around the backyard, although not at the same time. Then, I played with the cats for a while, which ended up with the two of them fighting, which is the usual outcome.

    I didn't get a lot of work done on the directory today, but I did add sites to the Agriculture & Aquaculture categories, and the Agriculture subcategory. We had company for supper so we spent more time with that than usual, and ate supper a whole lot earlier than we usually do. Afterward, when the company left, we played a game of Hand and Foot. I'd tell you who won but, you know, it's not all about winning and losing, after all.

    Then, we watched a couple of episodes of The Chosen, and I have been downstairs since, working on the directory some, alternating with playing with the cats, mostly Bubba, because, being the young one, he needs more playtime. Ella has been in the library, anyhow. YouTube videos have been playing while I'm at the computer but I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to them. I think I'll be going to bed early tonight, like maybe pretty soon, since it's 12:15 am.

    I hope you're all okay.
    Julia Curtis likes this.
  6. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    How in the heck do your cats let you sleep that late? My cat would be all over me in the most aggressive manner when it was time to get up and get fed.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    They are often the reason I stay in bed. Ella will literally try to hold my legs down to keep me from getting up. Our cats have kibble available to them all the time so, although they enjoy the canned food, it's more of a treat because they're never really hungry.
  8. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Having someone over for dinner sounds pretty exciting to me. I had the neighbors over for homemade pizza once 20 years ago. And had an after-dinner dessert party once. It was required at work that everyone take a turn.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This probably won't be one of my better days because we're leaving for New Hampshire in the morning, and Michelle gets all stressed out for at least a full day before we leave, which stresses me out. She was talking about packing this morning and we're not leaving until tomorrow morning. We'll be gone for a week, so I can't think of anything I'm going to need that I couldn't pack in fifteen minutes or so. Even if I did forget something, as I've done before, it's not like they don't have stores in New Hampshire. I'm doing laundry today, and there is sure to be stuff in the laundry that I'd want to take with me, so I can't pack that until after the laundry is done.

    Plus, there is the fact that I hate to leave the cats and I worry about them when we're gone for a week. Although we have someone come by daily to ensure they have fresh food and water, and the litter boxes are clean, I have to have all that stuff ready. Of course, I also want to start off with clean litter boxes, and straightening some things out downstairs because who knows how much wandering about someone might do when they're in your house alone. I'd put up cameras but then I might have trouble finding someone to care for the cats.

    If it were up to me, I'd take care of the cat stuff at my leisure, then get up about an hour before we need to leave to pack. Thursday is also the last day of my work week, so I like to catch up on stuff before I turn in my hours.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Not much to say today. I told part of my story in the Ella & Bubba thread. We are at a timeshare just across the border (from Maine) in New Hampshire. Much of the complex seems to be under construction, which we didn't anticipate, but the rooms are nice. There are things to do around here, which doesn't mean that we're actually going to do any of them.
    Jenna Parnellson and Faye Fox like this.
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Yesterday, we drove around Conway and North Conway for a while, looking to see what's here in the way of restaurants and other stuff. There seem to be a lot of open theaters, for some reason, as we came across four of them. Not all of them play movies, however; at least one of them, although it looks like it is an old cinema, does community theater and variety shows.

    We did find a Mexican restaurant, which was okay for a Northeastern US Mexican restaurant, but we didn't stop anywhere else except for a Hannaford supermarket. It is refreshing to be in a state where they still give you free shopping bags. It's like a breath of freedom to not have to drag reusable bags into the store with you or pay a nickel for a paper bag that falls apart when you try to carry it into the house. Since they started requiring a nickel for a paper bag in Maine, they switched bag companies and, while the same stores would give you an option of paper or plastic prior to the Nazification of Maine's shopping experiences, the ones they once distributed for free were good bags while the ones they sell are crap. Since there's no name on the bottom, I don't know where they find paper grocery bags that can't hold more than a few ounces of product, and I made paper bags for a living for twelve years. When they were free, Hannaford used bags made by the last company I worked for, but, for a nickel apiece, they are using some other bag, possibly made in China.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    @Yvonne Smith, thanks for reminding me about my diary thread. I had forgotten, which is what usually happens when I have tried to keep up a diary, journal, blog, or whatever.

    As posted elsewhere, I have a new 50" television, replacing the 27" (I think) that I've had for several years. The other one still works fine but I have to get up from my desk and walk closer to the screen in order to read anything on it, in my older age. I just set it up a few minutes ago, and it works well. Not wanting to learn anything new, I replaced it with a larger version of what I already had so the setup was easy. It's a TCL Roku TV.

    Other than that, my days kind of run together, except that today is Thursday, the last day of my work week, and Mondays I have my SMART Recovery meeting. Every other day is the same.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  13. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Man you got that right, it was 4am this morning one was removing my sun screen from my bedroom window, I use that to keep the cool in and the heat out plus some Styrofoam. The cat likes to lay there on the sill and often falls asleep and rolls off to the floor. I cannot go back to sleep after getting up at 4 to shutter the window again.
    Krystal Shay and John Brunner like this.
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There are times when Bubba will bite my finger in order to wake me up, but his concern is being fed on time.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  15. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Today, we were at the Gold Star Family Summit Project event on Millinocket Lake, and will be there again tomorrow afternoon. I'd leave a link but it must have been on the news because I see that their website has exceeded its bandwidth limits.

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