
Discussion in 'Movies & Entertainment' started by Yvonne Smith, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I enjoy watching documentaries, and on a variety of subjects. I have found that Netflix has an abundance of documentaries, as well as Youtube, which probably has videos on just about anything a person wants to watch and learn about.
    One of the things that I enjoy about documentaries, is that you can find such a great variety of opinions on any given subject; so you can get both sides on any discussion. It seems like there is always something to be learned.
    Some of the documentaries are just simply beautiful to watch. I especially enjoyed one that followed the journey of a sea turtle from the time it was born, as it crossed the ocean, matured, and eventually returned back home to lay her own eggs near where she herself had hatched.
    Oliver Stone has a series of the history of the United States, and it goes into a lot of depth about our history that I don't remember ever being taught in school. I thought that his movie about JFK was very well done, although it went on forever. I think it must have been several hours long, if I remember right.
    He is now supposed to be working on a documentary about Martin Luther King, and I am sure that will be very interesting when it comes out as well.

  2. Juan Ortega

    Juan Ortega Veteran Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    I also enjoy watching documentaries, they can be very informative to the average person. The internet is filled with educational films, such as The Human Experience, or The Science of Cannabis. These are just two of the many able to be viewed for free. Recent documentaries are a way to stay informed with trending topics, laws, world or natural events. Not only so but some documentaries are put together by the majority, or populace average individual covering conspiracies or debunking government lies. Their credibility is up for the viewer to decide.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am an avid viewer of documentaries of the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and World War II, and have watched most everything that I have been able to find in Netflix, Hulu, Amazon,com, or elsewhere, including several in German, French, or other languages.
    Maggie Rose likes this.
  4. Richard Lee

    Richard Lee Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I too am a docu-fan. Although there are some seriously bad ones floating about the internet. I like the BBC, National Geographic and History Channel types over the sensationalised political/pseudo-science that is often popular. However, I do sometimes make a point of watching these - although I often end up shouting at the screen and turning them off in disgust :D
    Worst of the lot IMO is that Ancient Aliens drivel - originally a very poor (and almost entirely wrong historically and scientifically) docu-film that later became a series - truly terrible, and does more to discredit their hypothesise than support it!
  5. Richard Lee

    Richard Lee Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    For history buffs (like Ken) can I suggest the book "1000 Years of Annoying the French" - it's quite a tome, but quite entertaining and walks through the whole of the Anglo-French history (including America and Canada pre-revolution and the deals made there) - it is very well researched by a Brit that has lived in France for a few decades and noticed how the British history and French differed fro the same event. So, he researched them and found out often both were very wrong! A good read - trust me.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I'll look for it.

    I enjoyed "Rebels & Redcoats - How Britain Lost America, which gave an introspective British perspective of the American Revolution.
  7. Jenn Windey

    Jenn Windey Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    I like documentaries and have watched quite a few of them. In fact today I was trying to find MeerKat Manor which was one of my favorite documentaries. I am serious I was so addicted to these cute little Meerkats that I would not miss an episode. When Flower was killed and died I was totally heart broken and cried my eyes out. After that I decided that maybe I needed to be careful with the animal documentaries.

    I like the ones that give you straight up facts, like how gumballs are made. There is actually a whole bunch of videos on how different products are made- available on YouTube and I have to say I find them very interesting. I also like things about history or biography's but usually these are limited in what I might watch. I like the shows that show you what the interior of certain houses or castles are like. I also like shows about gardening and wonderful gardens, travel places and facts on things like water parks or building construction.

    This might seem weird but I like the documentaries on disasters, like the one about the suspension bridges that went wrong or airline mishaps. Don't get me wrong they scare me, this is probably why I am afraid to fly, yet I find them interesting.
  8. Teresita Campaner

    Teresita Campaner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2015
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    I find time to watch documentaries as they are dealing not of fiction but simple and real human problems, or peace between nations.

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