Questions On Covid Vaccines ( Not Politically Motivated )

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Mary Stetler, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    OK, I am totally against taking the vaccines at this point; not enough info for me on their safety etc. I know there is aluminum and mercury in them as preservatives already.
    But my middle daughter has cancer, now, and in her state, one has to be vaccinated before being allowed into her hospital. Even in an emrgency.
    For her, I would do what I refused to do before.
    So I am looking for opinions; pros and cons; which vaccine you decided on etc.
  2. Hoot Crawford

    Hoot Crawford Veteran Member

    Aug 14, 2017
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    I just got my second jab of Moderna, and my SO got her first at the same visit. We are both in our mid 70s. My son got the J&J "one and done" jab several months ago. None of us had had any side effects. One of my grandsons had COVID in January of 2019, and it was still so new they didn't know that's what he had until later, but tests confirmed that he had it. He is a healthy, studly 20 something and said it was the sickest he had ever been. My 97 year old mother was fully vaccinated early on, and it saved her life, since one of the workers in her nursing home got Covid, and my mother was tested and showed positive, but because she was vaccinated, she had no symptoms, and survived without any problems

    One of my cousin passed away from Covid, as did her husband. Neither had been vaccinated

    Get the jab.
    Hedi Mitchell and Nancy Hart like this.
  3. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    There are other places that treat cancer patients and do not require any toxic vaccination.
    Is there any opportunity at all for you to take her to one of those places or licensed clinics, one that has a better success with cancer, and won't lie about the covid things nor give nor require nor advise anyone to get covid shot ?
  4. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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  5. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I like the one near St Paul. But it is far from her and does not take insurance. Twenty thousand dollars. Must sway other family members. Thanks.
    Jeff Elohim likes this.
  6. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    When we had a needed treatment that usually cost thousands of dollars, not covered by the standard health insurance which would have quickly paid for over $100,000.00 several times for the pharmakeia toxic cut burn methods,
    a way was provided
    and the treatment was successful and non-harmful and built up the health of everyone involved instead of destroying many including their finances.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  7. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    There is hope for some or many to find places that won't use nor promote the toxic shots.

    While not nearly as widespread nor advertised as much as the toxic ama (standard) health system is everywhere,

    Here is one example of many resources in many places available - a statement that the places that are curing cancer can make >>

    "Every day, people leave doctors’ offices feeling frustrated, unhappy, and even hopeless.
    Perhaps you’re the person who left your last appointment feeling…

    – Rushed as your doctor only had 15 minutes to spend with you.

    – Unsure of how you were going to be able to PAY for yet another new medication.

    – Hopeless that your health will forever continue to prevent you from living life to the fullest.

    If that’s you, we’re so glad you’re here."
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I would say the vaccine is a personal choice for every person. There are risks and advantages to all the vaccines. Do your own research and decide and advise others to do the same. I have worked with vaccines for a number of years, and have said that there are good and bad vaccines, a bad vaccine being either one for a disease that you may never be exposed to or a vaccine for which the side effects outweigh the risk of contracting the disease. I generally feel that some of the Covid vaccines are good for those at high risk of serious disease and a bad vaccine for the young and those at low risk. Each should be able to make their own decision on the matter. mRNA vaccines are new "beasts" and have previously not been used as they were deemed too risky to use on humans. The vaccine regulations were altered so that the mRNA vaccines would be covered under the blanket immunity from civil tort granted to Big Pharma during the Reagan Administration by Congress. Previously, they would have been categorized as a medical device and therefore subject to lawsuit, but the FDA under Trump changed the classification so that no one can sue the producers of the vaccine. I haven't researched the J&J vaccine, but I believe it is a true vaccine as is the Astra-Zeneca.
    Tom Galty and John Brunner like this.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Despite the problems that have come up with the J&J vaccine, mostly having to do with contamination, as I understand it, plus some horrible side effects, I would still choose that one over the others because it, at least, uses a technology that has been in use for quite some time, as opposed to altering RNA.

    However, I will be taking a pass on all of them. The biggest danger with the RNA-altering vaccines probably won't be with the immediate side effects but in how they affect our body's ability to deal with subsequent threats, such as the many other viruses that have been passing through our population forever.

    I now know several people who have tested positive for the virus, and a few who have had COVID-19, but they described the disease as being not nearly as bad as the seasonal flu or even milder than that. These have included my brother and sister-in-law, who are in their 80s. Yes, I know that people have died from it but people die of the flu every year, yet most people get over it with a couple of weeks of discomfort.

    The thing that concerns me most about COVID-19 is that it likely is not a natural virus, but a concoction developed in Dr. Fauci's Chinese laboratory. Given that our government seemingly financed the virus, I am not inclined to line up to receive a vaccination promoted by the same government. I don't trust any of it, mostly because if it was on the up-and-up, they wouldn't have lied to us so much.
  10. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    People died from "it"? WIth sars decades ago, it was 'similar' - people died, mostly of pneumonia, or of drugs given to them.
    People are not dying from a virus nor physical effects of a virus -that THEORY was dismantled* long , long ago.
    They die of other things, and might well have lived, if told the truth.

    "Dismantling the viral theory" pdf by doctors and scientists available online on several sites, at least it was a week or two ago, and it simply proves what has been known since Antoine Bechamp proved it over a hundred years ago.
  11. D'Ellyn Dottir

    D'Ellyn Dottir Very Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2021
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    I chose the J&J one and done vaccine at a pharmacy inside a grocery store I'd never been to before, mostly because it was so hard to get appointments for the others and I didn't want to go through that twice. I also didn't see the logic of going to mass vax sites and mingling with hundreds of people when we were supposed to be safest in isolation.

    I felt confident with the science, even though it was rushed. This article was helpful in my decision process:
  12. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Reuters? They also reported that an old, high up ceo type in pharmacy that worked for one of the pharmacies developing the vax came out and warned that it can cause fertility problems in women, and should not be given .
    Many other micro-biology and pharmaceutical persons , scientists, doctors, likewise warn about the soon and the later effects,
    worse, that the immediate effects of the vax are worse percent wise than the anytime effects of not doing anything.

    i.e. it is less dangerous and more healthy to do nothing than to be vaxxed.
  13. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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  14. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Just a note, @Ken Anderson , the vaccine uses mRNA to alter your DNA to make your cells produce the spike protein that your body in turn produces antibodies against. It seems the possiblities of autoimmune responses is enormous, but we won't knwo that for years. THAT is what frightens me most about the vaccine.
    Ken Anderson and Yvonne Smith like this.
  15. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    We are in our early 70's. Me/72 and wife/73. We are both Diabetic II and both of our doctors highly suggested, and were very, very happy that we got the vaccines. I got the Moderna from local VA Medical and wife got the Pfizer at a local hospital. I didn't have a rough time with either of my Moderna shots, but wife had a low-grade fever (101) and some aches/pains from her second Pfizer shot.

    It's bee a couple of months now since we got the second vaccine and we are doing fine. Still have our masks, but don't wear them as much as we use to. Last night, we went out for dinner, for my birthday, and didn't wear them into the restaurant. Not a single customer had a mask on and only a few of the wait staff did.

    When the booster one comes out, we will get that as well, along with our regular Senior Double-Dose Flu shot. We get the Double-Dose every year.

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