We Have No Kids

Discussion in 'Family & Relationships' started by Corie Henson, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I had a problem with my reproductive system such that I develop ovarian cysts when I take fertility pills. That hyper active ovary had sent me to surgery room twice already so my husband decided to put a stop to that workout for me to get pregnant. It was difficult at first but I have come to terms with that fact now.

    In fairness to us, we have a peaceful life and a good relationship since my husband and I always get along pretty well on a give and take basis. And for our kids? Our nephews and nieces are always around to dote on us and we overly dote on them sometimes. In fact, we have a trip to Singapore with 2 of them in November... all expenses to our account.
  2. Jenn Windey

    Jenn Windey Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    I am glad to hear you adjusted. I waited a very long time to try for children, I had actually lost my first baby and suspect that I had miscarried early on once before. After I lost the baby the doctor put me on birth control pills because he said that you had to give the body a chance to repair and rest. Well that failed and now I have my beautiful and only son. It is funny because it was while they discovered him they also discovered that I had cysts on the ovaries, so it was a tough go.

    I know what you mean about nieces and nephews, I have my god son that I adore and now that they are grown up I hope for grand children. This past year or so I got an extra bonus, my new neighbor next door has two little children that are adorable. The little boy is 4 years old and gives me flowers, he tells me he loves me all the time. A real sweet child. It never bothers me that he wants to hover around me for hours, I am sure his dad likes the break.

    My son although an only child has a close circle of friends and I am the mom to them all. We have a regular get together at the Pizza place very often so we can all just be together like a family. We always laugh and make a ruckus. Last weekend we all went to the local renaissance festival, there were ten of us in total and I love when we do stuff like that. Even though I have only one biological son, I have in reality four sons that I love dearly.
    Corie Henson likes this.
  3. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    We had some opportunities to adopt a baby but my husband and I both agreed to forgo with that idea. We have seen adoptive parents who are regretting what they had done when their adopted child turned into a brat and later on a criminal who would be abusing them. And how would we handle an adopted youngster who would be in drugs? There are so many stories that I have heard and seen that's why we were firm in our decision. And maybe it is our good relationship as husband and wife that made us forget that we lack something in the house.

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