This Is Just Nuts.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Diane Lane, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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  2. Brittany Houser

    Brittany Houser Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    It does seem to be open season on the elderly, the infirm, cops, Christians, veterans and anyone else who is not a card-carrying wacko or degenerate! This story just made me sick! You're right in that he may or may not have mental issues. In the small town where I live, a woman was going into our Walmart, and a guy grabbed her purse, breaking her hand in the process, and ran away. It was in broad daylight.
    Diane Lane likes this.
  3. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    There have been more and more incidents such as the one you mentioned. I hear people blaming it on the economy, and that irritates me. In this economy, many have less than they have ever had before, and yet these thugs and miscreants think it's o.k. to go after them. Breaking her hand is not a simple crime of theft, and I hope the attacker is caught and duly punished. I personally think we should start stringing them up in the town square, and maybe then we'd see a decrease in the crimes. They are becoming very bold. Many here in this general area (my town and surrounding towns) are putting up security cameras, getting dogs, buying more guns and ammunition, signing up for security systems/monitoring, and more. I'm not a fan of using dogs as a deterrent, but I'm glad I hear the dogs barking when someone is prowling. Many of the incidents here happen at night, under cover of darkness, but there are also plenty happening in the daytime, as you mentioned.
    Brittany Houser likes this.
  4. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    This thread is about evils committed by the strong against the weak. Isn't it strange that we were reared on that mentality - the strong should protect the weak - and yet we see and hear of crimes committed by the strong against the weak like that 78-year old? And all of that over samples Nutella? That act can only be seen in a primitive society that is lawless but definitely not in a civilized nation like America.

    I also blame the economy although a major part of the blame falls on the offender.
  5. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Here's another. This guy was on medication, obviously for Schizophrenia, or something equally as serious, and went off the meds, because he read something on the internet about negative symptoms to the medication. He was back on his medication when he beheaded his mother, but only for a few days, and it usually takes a while for medication to take effect, which is why stopping is not recommended.

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