Why do you think it was spontaneous and not planned. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=black lives matter
I guess the democrats want to destroy all there cities and people. Like they say in the art of war do not interfere with the enemy while they are destroying themselves. Minneapolis City Council members consider disbanding the police http://www.citypages.com/news/minne...bers-consider-disbanding-the-police/570993291 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, City Officials Cutting $100 Million-$150 Million From LAPD Budget, Funds To Be Reinvested In Communities Of Color https://deadline.com/2020/06/los-an...einvested-in-communities-of-color-1202950811/
Apparently not in the USA. Some sportscaster in California lost his job for saying that. Can things get any more ridiculous in this country??
We're not much better Beth and we've had some terrible scenes here Majority of protesters were good then come nightfall, out come the vermin @Beth Gallagher
Remember the students demonstrating about gun violence and school shootings? They said it was different this time. Those kids would never give up. What happened to that? School let out and is now shut down. No shootings. Relatively speaking, incidents are too few and far between for most people, who seem to have short attention spans. Every time there is an incident it will stir things up and a few more will be convinced, but it is a very slow process. With Minneapolis, everyone says this time it will be different, because the incident with George Floyd was so outrageous. I suspect it would have been the same as with the school shootings, except for one thing. Rather than try to calm people down, the president just can't help fanning the flames. I believe they said he sent out a record 197 Tweets/retweets Friday. More name-calling and insults, still hoping to keep everyone fighting with each other until the election. It will be interesting to see if the constant agitation results in unintended consequences, namely speeding things up in this case. I'm not optimistic, but we've never tried an experiment like this before. Hope he keeps it up.
Last night, watched a CNN reporter talk to General Colin Powell (Retired). He completely agrees with other retired Admirals/Generals that President Trump has "gone off the deep end" when trying to handle the radical protesters. "He showed absolutely no support for the good protesting, but instead, fired up, and made worse, the protesting in general." Have to admit that what he said, about Trump, is true. But, what I'd like to know is.........how much of what he has said, actually is his feelings or how his Presidential Advisors and/or Joint Chiefs of Staff have told him? AND, from what I've read this AM, The Twin Cities City Counsels are making plans to either totally defund their police departments or close them. How do I feel about that? Let it happen! If this is what the young Millennials and younger Gen X want. Absolutely no law enforcement would increase crime way beyond belief, but. How would anyone there feel if they called "911" and a recording stated, "sorry, this number has been disconnected."?
No one has discussed closing a police department. Minneapolis is considering disbanding theirs and starting from scratch. The thought is that their practices and corruption are so ingrained that the existing structure must be rebuilt.The Minneapolis Police have been under federal reform orders several times in the past few decades. None has helped. Defunding the police is not exactly what it sounds. It means that a portion of the police budget, (often one of the largest line items in a budget) would be redirected to Social workers, mental health workers,etc. The police were never intended or trained to take care of mental health or social problems. Every call the police go on they show up with guns and needing to be in charge. The new move is to send the type of professional needed for the job, not just an authoritarian with a gun.
I love it these generals were in the military when the deep state was running thing so their alignment is with the deep state like telling every one we have proof of weapons of mass destruction. I hope they enjoy their time in GITMO as the Uniform Code of Military Justice they should have read.
Yes, and I also heard the CNN “rendition” of an edited speech that D. Trump made regarding Floyd and I heard the whole unedited speech from a radio network. Unfortunately, a couple of other branches of the media also heard the CNN version and commented on it but later had to retract everything they put out. The reason CNN is taking a nose dive is because of such editing which sadly, some people believe just because they want to believe anything that is against the President. If ya want to believe everything you hear, try listening to an audio version of the Bible. Even the edited versions have more truth than anything CNN puts out.