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Discussion in 'Self Employment' started by Mal Campbell, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Anyone here use swagbucks to make extra money? I've been using if for about a year now, and have had pretty good success with it. I'm not getting rich but I made about $2,000 last year, so not too bad. When I first started using it, I found it confusing and it took me a while to figure out how to make it work for me. If you're interested, let me know and I would be glad to explain further on how to get the most out of it.
    Susan Long likes this.
  2. Michelle Stevens

    Michelle Stevens Veteran Member

    Jan 24, 2015
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    I haven't used Swagbucks yet, but I've been considering giving it a try. My problem is that most sites favour people living in America and opportunities for South Africans are very limited. However after the problems I've had with non-payment from sites like Bubblews, CGP Gallery and now EliteVisitors, I'd really like to find an honest site where I can earn a little extra money without putting hours into it every day.
  3. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I joined Swagbucks and it is not going to well for me. Any tips you can give me to move this along will be greatly appreciated.
  4. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Lesson One -

    The first thing to do, is make sure you have set up to take advantage of the Daily Goal. On the home page, on the left hand side, there is a spot for the daily goal - make sure you're signed up. Then every day they give you 2 different goals to reach. When you reach one or both, you get the number of bonus points stated - like for me, today my goals are 155 and 320. If I reach 155, I'll get 16 pts, if I get 320, I'll get 33. You're goals will be different from mine and are usually made according to how many points you average - your first goal should be relatively easy to achieve, the second one harder but not impossible.

    Bonus points are accumulated for a month, then paid to your account usually around the 5th of the next month. Also, if you reach your first goal every day for a period of time, you get more points - for 1 week, you get 25 pts, 2 weeks - 100 pts, 3 weeks - 200 pts and for the entire month - 300 pts. These are called "streaks".

    There is a Daily Goal meter on the left hand side that shows how many points you have accumulated so far that day on top, then underneath is a bar that shows your first goal and once you've reached that, there will be a check mark over it, and it then shows your second goal.

    Depending on the month, I usually get anywhere from $7-20 a month just on bonuses - I usually hit my first goal everyday, and the second one about 1/3 of the time.

    Lesson Two will follow soon!
    Susan Long likes this.
  5. Rufus Holen

    Rufus Holen Veteran Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    I tried swagbucks but it doesn't seem to ever have anything available for me to try. Mind you I'm not living in the states so maybe that has something to do with it.
  6. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I'm in the States and it's difficult for me to find products too lol.
  7. Rufus Holen

    Rufus Holen Veteran Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    Haha, not just me then!
  8. Susan Long

    Susan Long Veteran Member

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Mal, consider me your student. This is very interesting to me. I was under the impression this site only rewarded with gift cards but I can see I was wrong. I can't wait for Lesson 2. Your loyal student....Susan :)
    Von Jones likes this.
  9. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Lesson Two -

    OK, now that you're set up for your daily goal, let's start making a few pennies. The first thing you'll want to do is open two different windows. It's weird at first having two windows on your screen, but you soon get used to it. I'll tell you what to do in the second screen next lesson!

    At the top of the page on the blue bar, you'll see "buttons" - click on "Watch". This will bring up the swagbucks TV feature. Just click on any of the videos to start. They are arranged in groups so you can pick something interesting, but it really doesn't matter, because you're not going to watch them anyway.

    Once you click a video, a screen will come up with four boxes at the bottom, the video in the middle and at the top right hand side you'll see a small "meter". After the video has been playing about 30 seconds, the meter will click upwards (by 10%). Once the meter advances, just click on the next video (at the bottom). You don't have to watch the entire video, just until the meter advances.

    When you get to the fourth video, hover over the right hand side of the video box, and you should see an arrow. Click the arrow to get four more videos. If there is no arrow, you need to go to another topic. Just click on "Watch" again, and start the process over.

    You can earn up to 150 point a day watching the videos. They will run in the background, in other words, you can open a new tab in this window and do other stuff while this is going on, and just come back to it every so often and click the next video.

    When you get to 100% - or 10 videos, you'll be awarded 3 sb, however, you have to enter a captcha code, so when you're on 90% try and keep an eye out for it. To know whether the meter has advanced, I keep in mind that the first and third videos are odd numbered (like 10%, 30%, 50%) and the second and fourth are even (20%, 40%, etc). You can tell which video is currently playing - there will be a small green flag at the top saying "Now Playing". So, if the 4th video is "now playing" and the meter says an odd number, it hasn't advanced, but if's even you're ready to go to the next video (does that make sense?).

    And that's how you make money watching swagbucks TV. Lesson three to follow shortly.
    Susan Long and Betty Johnstone like this.
  10. Adam Fields

    Adam Fields Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I have not tried swagbucks but I have mixed reviews about it. A lot of the apps that claim to pay are so hard to get even a couple dollars and it just isn't worth it most of the time. I have tried cashpirate and featurepoints. I enjoyed cashpirate more but really the only way to make a decent buck is if you are able to get referrals by having people use your code when they sign up. Even then most of them stop using the app and it makes it not very worth it.
  11. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    This is the first time I have heard of Swagbucks. What is it? I get that it is about videos, but what kind of videos pay you to watch them? It doesn't seem to be anything I would find interesting, although I do find myself curious as to what the attraction is. Can one of you explain please?
  12. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Swagbucks is a work-at-home site, that has a lot of different ways to earn money. You won't get rich, but I've been making about $100-300 a month. The videos are youtube-type videos, but you really don't watch them, you just click on them. There are also surveys that you can take, and other activities. They have coupons that you can print and use, and you earn a few cents when they are redeemed. They also have a search engine that pays randomly for searching. They also have games. Most of these things pay only a few cents, but they add up over time.

    I plan on posting several more posts explaining how to get the most out of it. It's not for everyone, but it's something that you can do while you're watching TV or listening to music and make a few bucks.

    You can sign up here - www.swagbucks.com/refer/galmal
    Susan Long likes this.
  13. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Thank you Mal, I couldn't for the life of me, see what the attraction was. This is a new subject to me, so reading the thread will be very informative. I'm not a very technological person, but I am begining to enjoy some of the benefits.
  14. Betty Johnstone

    Betty Johnstone Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    I just got back into swagbucks at the beginning of the year and unlike before, I seem to be doing a lot better. I do the daily poll and NOSO each day as well as the Peanut Lab surveys, watch videos and do the occasional search. I generally get Amazon gift cards and hope to have enough saved up for Christmas gifts. Great tutorials about earning on SB's @Mal Campbell :)
  15. Susan Long

    Susan Long Veteran Member

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Mal, thank you for your copious instructions for us to follow. If I had a Blue Ribbon, I would aware it to you now. So, in lieu of this, will do the next best thing. I now award Mal Campbell, the 'Award for Best Forum Friend' for your efforts to enhance the well-being of your Forum Friends. Thank you! :)
    Mal Campbell likes this.

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