Poll: United States Government Involvement In 9/11/01 Attacks

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Ken Anderson, Feb 1, 2023.


Someone within the United States government was complicit in the 9/11/01 attacks.

  1. I do believe that.

  2. I believe that is probably true.

  3. I don't have an opinion.

  4. I doubt it, but it's possible.

  5. I don't believe it.

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  1. Krystal Shay

    Krystal Shay Very Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2022
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    Add me to the list of cynic's here. I don't trust anything that the government says.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Only six people have voted so far.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  3. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    This may be one of those things that some choose to avoid.
    Don Alaska and Marie Mallery like this.
  4. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I can understand that too but then I wonder if the opinion of a few seniors is really that noticeable or watched for.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  5. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Knowing the same bunch of slugs in government then, are still there and nothing is off the table. Especially with those criminal democrats such as the clintons and others. I have serious doubts and mistrust in the bush dynasty simply because they were filthy rich with holdings in oil and gas all over the mideast . The patriot act was absolutely without question illegal and unconstitutional. After it was imposed the government became another kgb wearing a different flag. Some people know already one good example is when microsoft rushed out win 10 full of back doors that were unused but able to be activated in simple normal update chains. When you see someone like bill gates give away millions there is a hidden agenda. You can bet our tax dollars were used to pay for all those free giveaways. Now they had a foot in the door to all of americas business without any objections. I tun off all the services in windows that are not needed, including gps. They wanted to use it to track terrorist and their plots against the US but they also use it to attack political targets and private citizens. There is a reason we see our country going down the tubes over the past 30 years and it is in free fall today. I wouldn't need any excuse to not distrust anyone in government that has been there for over 40 years. I hope I outlive all of them !
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The cowards...
  7. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I remember the graph of the stock market rising big time and then crashing right BEFORE 9/11. And the news report when Bush got the news. He was sitting in a classroom of very young kids. Someone came in and whispered to him. He just looked around at the kids before getting up. I thought, if I were president, I would have jumped up to take care of the country if we were being attacked.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  8. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Good thing Daddy got him a cushy air guard gig instead of fighting a war. I can just see him flying an F4 Phantom as a Wild Weasel. For those that don't know the mission, a pilot goes out day after day and begs for a Sam Site to turn on their radars so they can fire a surface to air missile at him. The Weasel radar was smart and could lock onto a location if it was just turned on for a second. It was probably second most dangerous job in the Vietnam War. The first was the Navy aircraft regenerated from the graveyard and had been used in WWII. This time they flew low level over the Ho Chi Minh Trail and DMZ dropping electronic listening devices that could detect vehicle traffic. It was a parachuted device that would impale itself into the ground with the tail sticking out so the electronics could send it's information. That was one hairy job and a lot of lives were lost in doing that mission. It had to be dropped at extremely low altitude and the aircraft was chosen for it's speed and heavy load capability. The B-52s would target any vehicle traffic resulting from the listening devices. A very unknown and small unit that lost some really great Americans.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  9. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I was no fan of Bush and after he was governor of Texas I couldn't imagine who voted for him for president. I did think he handled the situation well with those little kids; he didn't jump up and frighten them but was calm.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I voted for him in 2000 because it was him or Gore, and Algore was a seriously scary nutcase. I didn't vote for his reelection, although I didn't vote for Kerry either. I also think he handled the news about the attacks well. For one thing, as president, what he might have been able to do immediately or a minute later was irrelevant.
  11. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    That was one election I sat out. Just couldn't do it.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I voted for the Constitution Party candidate in 2004. I was the head of the Constitution Party of Maine at that time. I think there were six of us. I still have the flag.
  13. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    It really is sad that the nation is not a whole Nation as it once was. We were America without all the political targeting and nutcases trying to force their outrageous behavior on everyone today. Be a criminal like us seems to be the democrat message for today. Everything changed when the draft dodger slick willy came in. Then when he was impeached he refused to step down because lying is only bad if you get caught. The congress has always been fighting but at least it was all kept within the chambers and not out for the entire world to see it. The world does not have any respect for the US and why should they at this point. We have a slobbering old senile man elected because he can be used and blamed for any criminal activity committed by the backdoor clan pulling his vocal cords. We have a long way to go and hopefully enough Americans can see they screwed up if they really did vote for him, which I sincerely still disbelieve. I use logic to explain what my eyes and ears heard during the election phase and am still wondering where all those voters were when the half wit was out in public giving a speech. He never had enough people to attend any function so it does not add up or hold water to believe everyone loved the old thief. My mind will not change knowing that ballots were stuffed and illegal voting time was kept open until they could add to their vote loss. It's all BS to the highest degree
  14. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I thought Bill Clinton was a decent president, though he did have feet of clay. I'd like to know any other politician who does not have skeletons in the closet, though. They just didn't get caught.

    And back to the thread topic, I honestly don't believe the US govt had anything to do with the 9-11 attacks, other than sheer incompetence.
    Shirley Martin likes this.
  15. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Look up the horrors of Clinton in Somalia and see how decent he was.
    Tulsi Gabbard is on youtube this morning speaking on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, how we have been lied to with regard to 9/11 etc.
    In another segment, she explains how Biden had an opportunity to bring Ukraine and Russia to peace talks but preferred to keep the war going to hurt(?) Russia. Rand Paul has been fighting tirelessly against Faucci and the damage the handling of covid has had along with other issues.
    Democrats, like Gabbard, speaking up more and more gives me hope for the country.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.

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