My Denture Ordeal

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Bill Boggs, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    In the year 1965 I had twelve teeth left; seven on top, five on bottom. I think I kconly had one pulled and that was because the root had grown into the bone. My teeth fell out in bits and pieces, then the last tooth on either side of my mouth with nosupport behind it would kstart leaning until it became so loose it either fell out oryou could pull oit out with your fingers. And the leaning teeth were painful to chew with. This went on until there were only twelve. I had the twelve pulled and dentures and dentures made.It wasd a good set. I never went back to the dentist.

    In 1987 I replaced my dentures with a new set and wore them until a few weeks ago when My lower broke in two pieces. I went without them for sometime, until I got sick for a couple of months and lost eighteen pounds. My clothes hung on me as did my skin. I was eating poorly.

    Norman is a town of about one hundred twenty thousand people. There is only one dental facility here that will repair dentures or make a new set. All other dentist are into cosmetic dentistry and implants.I have made two appointments with this and later cancencelled these appointments over the need for X-rays when I only want repairs or if repairs are not the best way to go we'll talk about X-rays. I havetalked to several other dentist and they don't mess with dentures.

    So, I bought a denture repair kit, read the instructions.I have made three attempts to repair my dentures using the powder and gloue that comes with the kit. Neither attempt worked. I was unable to get the two pieces to stay together. I worked for an hour getting the gulp off my teeth which had hardened. I used my pocket knife and sandpaper.

    After resting and a brief reflection, and M Denturerecalling that somebody did say glue 'em wih superglue@Shirley Martin, I bought a tube of super glue and glued the teeth together. I'm hoping I got a good strong seal and they were aligned correctly. That was shortly after lunch. The lower denture is now laying over beside my stereo system whereit will stay until it has cured out for twenty-four hours. Tomorrow afternoon I wil remove any excess glue left on the teeth, use sandpaper if necessary to smooth out any rough places, wash them and plop them in my mouth for a physical use test. I hope it works butI know I am not home free yet.

    In the likelihood I am successful and can use the teeth glued with superglue, I am going to celebrate and order in a steak or a prime rib, something good to sink those babies into. My mouth waters at the thought.

    In the likihood this repair job does not turn out successful I will no doubt have another made providing the cost is not prohibitive. We'll see what happens.
  2. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Bill Boggs I have feared the need to get dentures all my life, after seeing my Mother's problems with them as I was growing up. Went to the dentist as a kid at least once a year, loved candy, sweets, and sugary sodas, of course, got to experience many cavities drilled clean with no numbing whatsoever! Sometimes it was excruciating! But, old Dr. Ott was a good dentist. Kind (except for the no numbing philosophy), slow and methodical. He had no one else working with him. Sometimes had to let phone go unanswered (no answering machines back then).

    I guess I got several dozen fillings. Many are still good, at 75. My Mother could never use the lower denture because of pain, so used the top all the time, and chewed on gums below. She always preferred things cooked until soft; I can understand why now, but didn't then.

    Lucky to have 28 teeth left now, hoping to leave this existence with them all!
    Von Jones and Bill Boggs like this.
  3. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    @Frank Sanoica My dental problems started with fillings. I never went to a dentist until until I joined the Army and was scheduled for oversea shipment.I had a tooth ache and went to a military dentist. He put twenty eight temporary fillings in my teeth and told me to see a dentist at my next duty station and make arrangements to have permanent fillings to repace thje temporary ones. My next duty station was Korea, front line duty where all my tempory fillings came out and my teeeth started to deteriorate, break into pieces. I never went to a dentist again until I was back in civilian life and it then was too late, according to the dentist..All my back teeth rotted. They broke into pieces and fell out, piece by piece over a short period of time. For a long time I ate with only my front teeth, like a rabbit. Growing up a trip to the dentist was not possible, not affordable. I didn't take care of my teeth. I've been fortunate with dentures. Mine were made by old dentist about to retire, men who knew what they were doing. I've never had any problems to speak of and if I did I would take my pocket knife or a small, fine file or an emory board and fix it. I guess I consider you with all yuour teeth, a lucky man.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  4. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Bill Boggs It sounds like you must have endured a lot of pain with all those teeth coming apart. I've experienced the worst pain of my entire life when I had an abscess in my upper molar area. Impossible to sleep, pain so bad I almost cried.......I was 19 years old. After several days of this, Easter weekend, it broke through along the gum, and a huge amount of pus came out. The pain immediately slowed back.

    Yes, I know I am very fortunate, in many ways. My Dad's kid brother, my Uncle Jim, never once went to a dentist in his life, never had a single cavity, and died in his 80s with still perfect teeth. Most unusual.
  5. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    My daughter @ 42 years old has never needed a filling... never had a cavity. She has beautiful teeth and although she likes the odd sweet..or chocolate, she doesn't over indulge (never has ) in any sugar or fizzy drinks...and she visits the dentists at least every 6 months.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
    Don Alaska and Bill Boggs like this.
  6. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I hope the super glue works @Bill Boggs and you get to enjoy that steak you are drooling over. :)

    Do you ever cook round steak with gravy? Or have hamburger steaks made with ground sirloin, etc. There are still ways you can have steak even with dentures or not.
  7. Hal Pollner

    Hal Pollner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2018
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    My upper denture never needs adhesive, but my lower denture requires adhesive before every meal, so it stays in place when I choo.

    I was told that a denture adhesive called "Secure" holds really well, but the only place I see it advertized is on Amazon.

    i'll order a tube today!

  8. Hal Pollner

    Hal Pollner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Hey Babs:

    The only steak I can eat is Country Fried Steak, because its tenderized.

    We go to our favorite restaurant every week, where my wife has a Tri-Tip steak and I have either the Country Fried Steak or a Seafood dinner.

    The restaurant "Steer & Stein" is rated the best steak house in the High Desert, but I tried every steak on their menu, cooked Rare, Medium Rare, and Medium, but they're always too tough to chew and even too tough to CUT!

    Ahh, but last Wednesday I had their Country Fried Steak smothered in white gravy, and it was the best CFS I ever had! Easy to cut and easy to choo!

    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  9. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Hal Pollner
    Would I be too intrusive to ask what town this restaurant is in? I gather you are not near Palm Springs.......
  10. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Used them repaired rscals for the first time this morning over sausage and eggs and half a bagel with some fine coffee. No problems. I've never used a denture adhesive so I don't know what works and what doesn't. Hope you get something you like and can use @Hal Pollner.
  11. Hal Pollner

    Hal Pollner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Hey Frank,

    No, you wouldn't be intrusive to ask what town our Steer & Stein restaurant is in!

    It's in Victorville.

    Palm Springs is in the Low Desert at 487 feet...Victorville is in the High Desert at 3000 feet.

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2018
  12. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    My mother's dentures broke and she went through the same thing only she would need to pay upfront. She couldn't do that or didn't want to do it. So she used superglue and never had a problem afterward.
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  13. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Well, I'm glad to hear that. While I have a rough spot they still work for the purpose intended.
  14. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Maybe you can file the rough spot down because that may end up causing a painful mouth sore....I'm guessing.
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  15. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    My daughter was telling me a story last time I saw her that she had to make a new denture for a guy who had his dentures fall out of his pocket while he was bent over the toilet flushing it. The guy even called a plumber out to see if the denture could be retrieved but no luck.

    Poor guy!!
    Don Alaska likes this.

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