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Morning Coffee

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Will Lawrence, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Will Lawrence

    Will Lawrence Veteran Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Anytime I'm not working, my best golf buddy and I usually meet at the pro shop for morning coffee. Our course makes coffee and sells it for 50 cent/cup... free refills. We can tell tall tales and stale jokes for an hour or so. Been doing this for a few years.

    This year, our pro decided to keep the shop closed when the winter weather prevents play on the course. So, this past couple of days, we've had to find a new place to have coffee. We began meeting at one of the local McDonalds. The one we go to is within walking distance of my home. We get two senior coffees... sales tax included... for 87 cents. Free refills. That's cheaper than the 50 cent/each cups at the golf course.

    We noticed large groups of seniors that seem to have their own "coffee clubs". With coffee cheaper than you can make it at home... I see why!!!

    This morning, we got our coffee and headed to the table we've been sitting at. Two chairs and what appears to be a stool. We were visiting away when another "old gent" wandered up and asked if he could join us. Not wanting to be rude, we invited him to sit.

    Sometimes you do regret snap decisions!!! The gent is a year younger than I, the same age as my golf buddy. He began telling us his life story, laced with some of the worst "sailor lingo" we'd heard in a long time. Understand, my buddy's son is a Catholic priest. I simply have never picked up the habit of violating the English language with expletives. If you aren't smart enough to get your point across with clear talk........

    At one point, this "new friend" got up to get a refill. On the way to the counter he struck up a conversation with a couple of ladies sitting at another table. All of a sudden we hear him tell the ladies, "Yep! I just met those two a**holes this morning!"... followed by loud laughter.

    Over the years, there have been numerous experiences where we say, "If I do that... say that... look like that when I'm in my golden years, put me out of my misery!" After this morning... I can add one more to the list of such experiences.:D
    Bill Boggs likes this.

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