Medical Ignorance

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Martin Alonzo, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Starting with cholesterol, doctors seen cholesterol building up in the arteries of patents so what did they do tell them to stop eating foods that had cholesterol they also made drugs to prevent the body from making cholesterol.

    Not asking the first question of a scientific mind why is it there and what caused it to be there.

    There is the same amount of cholesterol in your veins as in your arteries but it only collects in the arteries? Why because the body is intelligent which the doctor ignore. The body uses cholesterol as a band aid to fix damage, a damaged artery is life threatening but a damage vein is not. If the cholesterol did not attach itself to the artery wall it would have exploded and you would probably die.

    In their ignorance they have sent millions to their death by telling them to stop eating saturated fats and use oils. Oils oxidize causing free radical damage in the arteries, what the cholesterol is fixing.

    Follow the money in 1920s the American Heart Association which at that time was a very poor organization because there was little need, got 1.7 million dollars to promote Crisco as a better alternative to saturated fats. The tops selling drugs are for lowering cholesterol making them billions of dollars per year. US spend billions per year on cholesterol testing. The doctor knowing following their advice you will be coming back till you die. Good for business.

    Facts: the people who have the highest cholesterol have the least amount of heart problems, Inuit 75% saturated fat cholesterol levels of 350-500, Massai 66% saturated fat, Rendille 63% saturated fat, Tokelau 60% saturated fat.
  2. Michelle Stevens

    Michelle Stevens Veteran Member

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Cholesterol isn't something I know too much about, but as a rule I don't have too much faith in doctors. Most of the doctors I've encountered will react really badly if you dare to suggest that natural methods or something as simple as a change of diet could help a person without expensive medicines and possibly surgery. They don't seem to be interested in preventing illness because there would be no income for them if everyone was healthy.

    What troubles me is that there are so many different theories lately about what constitutes a healthy diet, and I don't really know whom to believe.
  3. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    [QUOTE="Michelle Stevens, post: 4251, member: 22"Most of the doctors I've encountered will react really badly if you dare to suggest that natural methods or something as simple as a change of diet could help a person without expensive medicines and possibly surgery. /QUOTE]
    I agree. I take a medication for my bipolar, that has a side effect of raising blood sugar. So my psychiatrist does a blood test every year to monitor it. One time, my A1C (blood sugar levels over time) was a little high, not diabetic, but pre-diabetic. He told me I should see my family doctor. We had just moved, so I went to a new doctor. She looked at the test, whipped out her prescription pad, and told me I needed to take 3 different medications.

    Now, I am a little knowledgeable when it comes to diet and nutrition and their effects on illness, and I know that diet and exercise are always a good thing to try first when it comes to diabetes. Plus, I hate taking medication. So, I nicely asked the doctor if I could try diet/exercise first - if she could recommend the proper diet and which types of exercise I should try. You would have thought I'd asked her to sacrifice her first born. She got so indignant, then looked at me and said, "Do you really think you could actually stick to a diet and exercise routine??" Yes, she actually said that! I was dumbfounded. First, that she would talk to me that way, and second that her response about diet and exercise was so strongly negative. When I told her I wanted to try diet/exercise, she got huffy, said she would send in her nurse with a recommend diet and then left. The nurse came in with a one page "diet", that was printed by a pharmaceutical company, that basically said, "eat healthy". It didn't even mention exercise.

    Needless to say, I never went back to her. I went on my own diet/exercise program and when I had my blood tested 3 months later, everything was back to normal.

    I, too, @Michelle Stevens, distrust doctors.
    Michelle Stevens likes this.
  4. Michelle Stevens

    Michelle Stevens Veteran Member

    Jan 24, 2015
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    @Mal Campbell , I'm really glad that you were able to find the right solution for yourself. So many people accept a doctor's advice without a second thought. And sometimes they don't have a clue about the potential side-effects of the medicines that doctors prescribe for them.

    Years ago my Mom was given a medicine that made her feel so ill that she couldn't keep awake when we had plans to go out. The next day she tried to get hold of the specialist who had prescribed the medicine and he was unavailable so she left a message. He never even bothered to phone her back.
  5. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    My mother had a very similar experience. She suffered a very mild heart attack and spent a day or two in the hospital having tests done. There was no damage to her heart and the doctor told her she didn't need to do anything differently - it was very mild. Anyway, he did prescribe a medication for her. Well, by the next day, she was so tired and fatigued. A couple days later, she was so exhausted she could barely get out of bed. She called the doctor and, of course, couldn't get in touch with him. The next day, she just happened to talk to a friend who had a sister that was a nurse. When the sister heard what medication she was taking, she told her to immediately stop taking the medication. Severe fatigue was one of the most common side effects of that medication.

    She stopped the medication, and by the next day, she was back to normal. When she went to her next doctor's appointment, he admitted it was a common side effect, and then told her that she probably didn't need any medication.
  6. Michelle Stevens

    Michelle Stevens Veteran Member

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Well at least he was honest about it eventually. My Mom realised the medicine was the cause of her problem and never even went back to the doctor who had prescribed it. The condition was minor and she ended up buying an over-the-counter medicine that was recommended by her dentist. It did the trick really quickly.
  7. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Michelle, it's funny that her medical condition was treated by her dentist! My husband's mother worked in a doctor's office for years - she's not a nurse but she does know a lot about everyday maladies. Anytime one of us isn't feeling well, we always call "Dr. Betty" first, to see if we need to go to the doctor or not. 9 times out of 10, she gives us a treatment and a visit to the doctor is avoided. I'm convinced she knows just as much as the doctors do!
    Michelle Stevens likes this.
  8. Pat Baker

    Pat Baker Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    I had a doctor that gave me a prescription for Lipitor for high cholesterol, I am not good at taking medicine so I never filled the prescription. I am very happy that I did not take the meds now that it is known to cause diabetes in women. My family has diabetes on both sides. All I needed to do was lose weight to bring the cholesterol levels down. I am no longer her patient.
  9. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    I started this thread to point out the medical system in chronic disease is so far off track that they don't know what they are doing but they are going to make as much money as possible.
    Second is salt the AHA, CDC set a level of recommended salt use that was so low that they brought about many ailments. In the end of 2014 the finally revised it after killing many and destroying the digestive system of many more.
    Why is salt so important it is made basically sodium/chloride and good sea salts has other trace minerals too.
    Salt is used to make stomach acid hydrochloric acid [HCL] which your stomach needs to digest food and become sterile so no bacteria or yeast can grow there. Acid reflux,heart burn and all the other problem are caused by a lack of strong stomach acid. The healthy stomach has a PH of 1.5 which is about as strong as acid can be it needs to dissolve what you eat and make it in to a liquid called chime so your digestive system can use it. Once the food [chime] enters the small intestine it is utilized using carbonated soda the other half of the salt the chime now becomes a PH of 7 or more to finish the digestion. Anything passing into the small intestine which is not liquified can cause damage causing what is called leaky gut and other digestive problems.
    Doctors even learning this in the first years of medical school they recommend anti acids which destroy this system but it temporary relieves the symptoms of acid reflux. Even worse a proton pump inhibitor which blocks the calcium in the stomach so the chief cells can not function. Chief cells are the small cells that squirt acid into the stomach.

    Why would they do this,follow the money the second most prescribed drug is a proton pump inhibitor making the drug companies billions of dollar per year.
    If the doctor would tell you not to drink carbonated drinks with meals and take a table spoon of apple cider vinegar with your meal he would see you one time and if he give you anti acids and proton pump inhibitors he has a customer for life.
  10. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    This was a smart thing to do the FDA sent out a memo 2012 to all doctors to get their patents off statin because there is a 52% increase in diabetes and 100% increase in dementia [Alzheimer]

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