When I was a first year seminary student I got into an argument concerning the difference between Joy and Happy. There are a lot of occurances in the Bible that happy and joy and intermixed and also catagorically different. This particular professor asserted that joy and happy were the same. I disagreed and in front of the class. As quickly as I disagreed I knew what I did wrong. Never, Never disagree with this particular professor in front of anyone. Demerit city, here I come! I was given the option of cleaning the wax off of the baseboards on the office area hallway or get two demerits. I took the wax since I only had a few demerits left until I would find myself waiting another year to go through my first year again. I was on my hands and knees (good position for a Bible college student) on the side of a hallway scraping and scrubbing the built-up wax off of the baseboards. The hallway was across from the office and also a small excercise room that was set up for the staff. The door to the excercise room opened and sure enough, the professor I had "insulted" walked out. He looked at the job I was doing and gave me a slight smile (sneer as it looked to me at the time) and said what a good job I had done on the baseboards. I looked up at him and instead of saying thankyou, I told him, "I have the Joy that the Lord has given me in my heart, but I am not happy at all with scraping all of this wax off." Through the years we became great friends but he has passed now. I am sure though, he truly knows the difference between joy and happiness because he now has both, and the same for myself for having known him.