Iran: Digital Food Rationing Rolls Out Using Biometric Ids

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Dwight Ward, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots
    by Ice Age Farmer | May 17, 2022 | Podcast

    Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs. Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices. This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.” Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    A very disturbing turn. The veritable "Mark of the Beast" from Revelation put into place in a Muslim nation. China already has it in place, and it was planned by the Rockefellers prior to WWII, so it has been in the works for decades or more. Allegedly, the Bush family controls most of the agricultural water in South America as part of the original plan. They have to get our guns away from us to get in place here. That is part of the push behind gun control here. It is amazing how one term of Trump has saved the nation--or at least pushed the collapse a little further down the road. The war in Ukraine is a war between the system set up after WWII and the new system being pushed by the BRICS nations, primarily China and Russia. The U.S. is on the brink of collapse resembling the fall of the USSR only much worse due to our tremendously levels of debt. As long as the U.S. can use the rest of the world to support it, our government will continue to compile debts, but the rising nations are trying to end that system, and when they do, it will be catastrophic for us.
  3. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    My memory is poor but wasn't Enron involved a few years ago in buying up water sources in South America? That was dirty business then and it's dirty business now.
    I hope I'm wrong but I can see the cities burn when people's food stamps are no longer enough to feed their families. Hopefully I'll live through that and see better days.
    Thomas Stillhere and Don Alaska like this.
  4. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I love youtube to learn stuff, but now, more than ever, I am glad for my hard copy library.
  5. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    The best scene of the movie Oklahoma Crude was with George C. Scott sitting around a cooking pot in a hoe bo camp. Everyone eating from the pot was required to throw something into the pot. I foresee a lot of cooking pots cropping up soon.

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