I saw this on facebook and wanted to share it here. These two cats were adopted as strays, and learned to enjoy traveling and backpacking into the mountains with their now owners.
Well I'm going to have courage, and hope my reputation as the number one tech zombie doesn't hold true in this effort. Hopefully my video of Izzy protecting his mommy, (me of course), while we were on our vacation a little over a year ago. Yes, I'm procrastinating! Well here goes.
I think that you can't upload a video here like you can upload a picture, @Ina I. Wonder . I remember other people having this discussion, and I think that you have to have a Youtube account and then put your video on Youtube to be able to upload it. I know nothing about doing this; but we have people here that can and do make Youtube videos,(@Ken Anderson , are you reading this ?) and maybe someone else can advise you, or do it for you.
Yeah, you pretty much need to use Youtube, although I think it will accept a Facebook video as well. Maybe some others. In order to recognize it as a video, it needs to be able to access the video directly, rather than a web page. It's free to establish a Youtube account though, and then it's just a matter of uploading it there, and posting a link to it here, using the Media link above.
I am pretty sure that I have posted videos from Facebook here before, but I can't remember for sure. It's worth a try, anyhow.
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1465910283451077 Well this video isn't really cute...but it sure shows that a cat can be just as protective as a dog when it comes to his or her loved ones being in danger.
Hope this works for Ina: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1304698622922719 Oops, well it didn't work, I'm not sure why not, but if you click the link, at least when I do, I can see Izzy What a cute lil doggy and yes, very protective, although I suspect he knows whoever that is playing with him. If it was a stranger, I doubt his tale would be wagging while he chews them up, LOL!!
Yes, Youtube is a good way to go, and you can make all your vids private if you want to. Facebook videos that are not off Youtube like Ina's, I can usually repost here, but I right-click with my mouse and click on "copy URL", something like that, then paste into a message/reply here. One thing for sure, you did great @Ina I. Wonder uploading a private video to Facebook. When I tried awhile back, they said it was copyrighted, or there was an issue "about" copyrighting, lol! I'm going "but, but, but..it's my video" heehee They still wouldn't let me so I just made a Youtube account.