Boston Marathon Bomber gets Death Penalty

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Hannah Davis, May 16, 2015.

  1. Hannah Davis

    Hannah Davis Veteran Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Well, the ruling came down yesterday that the surviving brother who executed the bombing at the Boston Marathon two years ago has been sentence to death. This of course means he will go to death row for years while his attorney's appeal the case.

    The irony is that many in Massachusettes including some family's of victims and surviving victims didn't want this sentence. Their reasons are pretty good ones. First there is the fact that as long as he continues to appeal the case it will constantly continue to be brought up in the news media, had he been given life without chance of parole then the story would of died down eventually. Another reason is many of them felt that death was too good for him that he should be made to live with what he had done. These are some good arguments. I know some of us oppose to death penalty, my feelings on it are mixed. I know in some cases such as this one the crime is so severe and we know beyond a shadow of doubt he did the crime. I also know that individuals given this sentence arenn't put to death right away, from it, some spend the rest of their lives on death row.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.

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