The " Squirrel Roadhouse Diner "

Discussion in 'Home Improvement' started by Yvonne Smith, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    We have two bird feeders on the front deck and keep them filled with birdseed for the hungry little birds to come and eat every day.
    The squirrels (who are a brazen lot) will come right down the side of the porch railings and jump onto the bird feeder, stealing some of the food, and dumping a lot more of it in the process.
    We have been taking the feeders inside, so that the birds and squirrels will clean up the mess of seeds left on the porch. This works especially well for the little mourning doves, who are also too large for the feeder.
    We have a whole little flock of doves that walk up the ramp and onto the porch every day for their breakfast and dinner.
    So, anyway, we got some food for the squirrels that has corn and some of the larger seeds that they love to eat, and I have been spreading that out on the front lawn and they have been gobbling it up like crazy.
    Today, Bobby made them their very own Roadhouse Diner and put it up on the cedar tree where they sit and look at us from.
    It probably won't take long for them to find it, and if I can get a picture of the squirrels having dinner, I will post that.
  2. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    I can just picture that!:D
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  3. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Fabulous...I love that Yvonne... great job Bobby... :D
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  4. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I am amused with squirrels maybe because of the chipmunks, the cartoon. We have no squirrels here although there was news some years ago that squirrels were spotted in Forbes Park - that is the classiest village here where the residents are all rich. Upon investigation, it was found out that the squirrels were real, there were 3, I think. And the authorities surmised that someone had brought the squirrels and let loose inside the village. Naturally the squirrels were caught and given to the zoo.
    Diane Lane likes this.
  5. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    We have lots of squirrels here , here's one of our regular visitors in the garden ..I can get up to about 10 feet near him..but that's all he'll allow me then he wants to I have to zoom in on him..


  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Yes, now we have another diner. It took 10 minutes and some scrap wood along with about a dozen screws and we are now back in business. We have to put out some applications though for employees because my wife and I are hard pressed controlling the crowds. As it is, I have to toss out our first customer at the squirrel table because he's being downright rude. He obviously doesn't like the seasoning of his meal because he sits in it while picking up the corn around him. Possibly there is an herb out there which emulates the smell and taste of squirrel butt although I have never heard of it.

    I think what I need in an employee is someone with a good reparte' when it comes to different cultures and races. The Doves are generally skittish and dine from the ground level but a couple of them get quite demanding and want time at the small bird feeder which they only make a mess of. The Cardinals are really picky and only want their kind at the table and give the Swallow family very little time in which to finish their meals.
    Everyone argues a lot and frankly I am getting a little frustrated. It seems that the only bird that is totally content is my wife's plastic Flamingo in our front yard strawberry patch.

    I do think there might be some solution to my present problems but for right now it might be prudent to simply get out the old blunderbuss squirt gun. Not unlike an old sheriff in a bad western, it seems that a good report from the squirt gun gets everyone's attention. At least, for a moment.

    Perhaps good ol' Obama will take a trip here and have a talk with the squirrels and birds before they start terrorizing my house and threatening to burn it down. One small Finch has already crashed into the front glass door of the house about 15 minutes ago because another squirrel was raiding the food from one of the bird feeders.

    Know any Cranes or Peacocks who might want a job? Doesn't pay much more than peanuts but it's a full time job in a part time job market.
  7. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Just be sure to serve Hazelnut flavored coffee, and they will come!;)

    tumblr_liafn075hR1qi6mjyo1_500.jpg il_570xN.818336950_4bw1.jpg AnimalCoffe_03.png
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I hope you realize that one of your "squirrels" is actually a hamster, @Joe Riley ?
    The Roadhouse Diner has taken the squirrel residents here by storm, or so it seems. We have had them chomping down the food, and even had a waiting line of squirrels further up the tree, hoping to be seated at the dining table next.
    The mourning doves invited all of their friends and relatives to dine out at the buffet table; and they are picking up everything that the squirrels drop off of the squirrel feeder.
    We both just love watching all of these little guys eating and enjoying themselves. So far, the only issue we have had , is the neighbor's cat; who appears to be thinking about corn-stuffed squirrel or dove for his dinner.
    Since he doesn't have reservations, Bobby usually shoos him out.
  9. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Yep, I know...squirrel, hamster & raccoon...the great outdoor coffee customers! There's probably more.:D
  10. Ruby Begonia

    Ruby Begonia Supreme Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Squirrels are cute but they will steal as much bird food as they can. I hope your adorable little "diner" keeps them out of the bird feeders Yvonne. I tried stewing huge bags of unsalted peanuts in the wooded area out back but that did not stop them.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I see my wife has mentioned that there is a cat in the mix. It's not just a stray cat who is trying to indulge himself on dove or squirrel. No, not just some ordinary stray cat. He,s a white skinny cat. He's a white skinny doggone cat. He's a white doggone skinny cat who does his potty chores in my wood shop. Hes a white skinny doggone cat who does his potty chores in my wood shop and belongs to the dad blamed neighbors!! Who,(the cat) just happens to also bug the local wildlife critters feeding at our diners and buffets and has brought two of his guests with him. A grey cat and a calico. Go figure. If ya gotta be a pest to one you might as well be a pest to somebody else and bring your gang with you.

    I think I need to check out the gal next door and make sure she isn't one of those ISIS people. Yeah, I'd better do that. Maybe she's sending her cat(s) to our house to spy on us for a possible Jehad or somethin'. The white cat could be the leader bringing his Harem with him and one of them might be a suicide bomber and there goes the entire diner up in smoke carrying with it all the squirrels and doves who patronize the buffets.

    Yup, it's a plot alright. Better make sure my trusty squirt gun is locked and loaded. Next time it' kitty kitty!

  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    My cat refers to the squirrel/bird feeders as bait stations. She has never actually engaged with a squirrel, although she has taken down a couple of birds. The squirrels are awfully fast for her, and a whole lot more adept in the trees, so I don't know what her chances there might be. She stalks the squirrels all the time but I think I've heard them laughing at her. I can usually tell where she is when she's outside because the squirrels will be scolding her. They even come down closer to her to be sure that she can hear what they're saying to her.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  13. Ruby Begonia

    Ruby Begonia Supreme Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    That was funny! I did laugh out loud.
  14. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I have a few squirrels in my yard but don't feed them because Pickles is a killer. Before I let him out back I make a lot of noise opening the sliding door to give all the squirrels and birds a head start in running or flying.
    Joe Riley likes this.
  15. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Bobby, on Sunday, you might want to have the TV on, so the squirrels can watch the game and scream with the rest of us!:eek:


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